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Virtual Tables

About Virtual Tables

Virtual tables are used to store data in the PowerSchool database outside of the standard set of PowerSchool tables. Virtual table records can be viewed by accessing one of the following tables in DDE (Direct Database Export): VirtualTablesData, VirtualTablesData2, or VirtualTablesData3. The name of the virtual table is stored in the field related_To_Table.

The Rhode island virtual tables in PowerSchool are:

Viewing Virtual Table Records

To view virtual tables:

  1. On the Start page, click System . The System Administrator page appears.
  2. Click Direct Database Export. The Direct Database Export page appears.
  3. Choose one of the following tables from the Current Table pop-up menu:
    • VirtualTablesData
    • VirtualTablesData2
    • VirtualTablesData3
  4. Search for the following: related_To_Table = [name of the virtual table].

  5. Click Search all x records in this table.

  6. Click Table View. The List Records: VirtualTablesData page appear
  7. Select a record. The Display Record: VirtualTablesData page appears.

Importing into Virtual Tables

See Knowledgebase article 11284 on PowerSource for instructions on importing into virtual tables.

Note: It is recommended that you import a small test set of data when first importing into a virtual table.

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