Incident Rules
Use the following rules when creating incidents.
Incident Type |
State reportable incidents must be associated with the incident type State Reportable. |
Offender |
At least one student must be assigned the role of offender participant for an incident to be extracted in the Discipline Incident state report. |
At least one behavior (ODE code table OffnsTyp and PrimOffnsTyp) must be defined for each offender participant. After you create a behavior, you must drag the behavior to the participant to associate the two elements. Each behavior must be assigned a secondary subcode indicating whether it is the primary, secondary, or tertiary offense. If secondary subcodes are not defined, then the first behavior record found in the database for the incident is considered the primary offense, the second record found is the secondary offense, and the third record is the tertiary offense. Any further behavior records for the incident are ignored. |
At least one action (ODE code table DsplnActnTyp) must be assigned to an offender participant. After you create an action, you must drag the action to the behavior or to the offender participant to associate the two elements. After the action is associated with the behavior or offender, it no longer appears under the Incident Elements heading. The actual or assigned duration must be defined for the action for it to be reported. If both actual and assigned durations are entered priority is given to the value of the actual duration. |
Objects are used to report weapons in incidents (ODE code table WpnTyp). If a weapon is involved in an incident an object must be defined for the offender. After you create an object, you must drag the object to the participant to associate the two elements. The order of the objects found in the database is the order in which the objects are reported, thus define the primary object first, then the secondary object, and finally the tertiary object. |
Victim |
Victims are not required for incidents. |
Victims are not required to have any associated behaviors. |
Victims are not required to have associated actions. |
Witness |
Witnesses are not required for incidents. |
Witnesses are not required to have any associated behaviors. |
Witnesses are note required to have associated actions. |
Reporter |
Reporters are not required for incidents. |
Reporters are not required to have any associated actions or behaviors. |
Participant Attribute |
Although participant attributes are not required for the incident to be reported, the proper attribute, such as their primary disability, should be assigned to offender participants when appropriate. |