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Using Core PowerSchool Contacts for Reporting SOES Student Contact(s) Collection

The purpose of this document is to outline the use of Core PowerSchool Contacts for reporting contact information as required by the Ohio Department of Education.  Users can continue to report this information via the Contacts tab on the State/Province - OH tab or via the Core PowerSchool Contacts. Using Core PowerSchool Contacts eliminates entering contact data twice.

The (FF, FG) Student Contact Record with Core Power School Contacts report will use the first contact found in the list of contacts for a student.  It will use the first address found in the list of addresses for a contact.  Use the arrow buttons in the Order column on the Contacts page to move the desired contact to the top of the list.  Use arrow buttons in the Order column on the address section of the contact's page to move the desired address to the top of the list.

To associate an existing contact with a student:

  • On the Start Page
  • Click Contacts.
  • Enter the contact's last name and/or other information as needed to determine if the contact exists in the database.
  • Click Search.
  • Review search results for a match.
  • Select the contact that matches the student's contact information.
  • Click Add Students
  • Search for the student by entering student_number or last name.
  • Check the box next to the appropriate student.
  • Select the appropriate relationship.
  • Click submit.
  • From the Contact Details page:
    • Click the pencil icon under the Actions column to edit the contact.
      • Select a relationship from the EMIS Reportable Options that indicates the contact's relationship to the student.
      • Enter start and/or end dates if applicable.
    • Check the boxes for the following as appropriate:
    • Enter comments as desired.
    • Click submit.
    • Review the contact's address information for accuracy.

To create a new contact and associate with a student or students:

  • After first searching Contacts to be certain the contact does not exist, from the Start Page, click New Contact Entry.
  • Enter the contact's demographic information.
  • Click Add Account to create a user account for the contact.
  • Click Add Students to associate the contact with student(s).
    • Search for student(s) and check the box next to the student(s) to associate the student(s) with the contact.
    • Select the appropriate relationship.
    • Check Data Access if the contact should be able to access the student's data.
    • Click submit.
  • Click the pencil icon in the Actions column to edit the contact's information for each associated student. Click submit
  • Click Add Phone to enter a phone number(s) for the contact. Click submit.
  • Click Add Email to enter a email address(es) for the contact. Click submit.
  • Click Add Address to enter an address for the contact. Click submit.
    • Address Type lists 3 choices, blank, Home and Mailing.  Please note that Home is reported as Physical to the state.
  • Click Submit on the Create Contact page.


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