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Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary View

The purpose of the Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary View is to allow school personnel to view multiple students' attendance information in relation to Ohio House Bill 410 requirements (HB410).

Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary View

  1. On the Start Page, select a group of students.
  2. Click Functions and, under Ohio State Functions, click Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary.

    Parameters and Thresholds are provided to assist with filtering information. The Start Date default is July 1 of the current year and the End Date default is the current date; both dates can be changed if required. The thresholds are set to equal 50% of the maximum hours for each category within HB410; these thresholds can be changed if required. After editing a threshold click Save Custom Defaults. Click Apply to generate results based on the custom defaults. The Start Date and End Date are not saved as part of the Custom Defaults. The next time you access the function, the dates revert to the default July 1 and the current date. The hours set in the Custom Defaults are saved and will display the next time you access the function.

  3. In the Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary page, click the plus sign icon to open the Basic Filter. You can choose to filter by any field. A counter is provided to show how many students are listed from the original selection. When you apply or clear filters, this student list changes accordingly.
  4. Click the Expand icon (green plus sign) to expand the window and see details for the two categories, Total Absences and Unexcused Absences. (To collapse the window, click the Collapse icon (grey plus sign).
  5. Click the student's name link to display the details of the individual student's graduation pathway progress.


  • To collapse the window, click the student's name
  • To load the student into a new window while still maintaining the Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Summary page, click the arrow icon next to the student's name.
  • The bottom of the page displays the pagination information. To set the number of rows per page, enter a value in the Rows/Page field. If you want to save your selection, click Set Current Selection.

Working with columns:

  • Click the column header to sort by that column.

    Blank columns are shaded to highlight the fact that the column is blank.
  • The month column displays totals for the current calendar month.
  • The HB410 Actions (FT) column displays the code associated with the most recent event found on the Student Truancy and Excessive Absence (FT) Record.
  • A plus sign (+) in the Consecutive Unexcused Absence Hours column indicates that the unexcused absences are on-going as of the present time. The absence of a plus sign indicates that the string of consecutive unexcused absence hours has been broken.

To download and export the data, select a format - CSV, Excel, or PDF.

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