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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

A Favorite icon has been added next to the page header, allowing users to easily add the current report to their favorites with a click.


All States/Provinces: Improved Gender Inclusivity in Discipline Incident Letters Report

Discipline Incident Letters Report: Version 1.3

The Discipline Incident Letters Report now includes all headers and paragraphs for students of any gender identity. Previously, these sections were missing for non-binary or other gender identities.


(FN) Student Attributes No Date Record Update

The (FN) Student Attributes No Date Record is updated based on the most recent Ohio Department of Education and Workforce documentation:

  • Retained/Promoted Status Element added valid option P

  • Military Student Identifier verbiage for valid option A


(FS) Student Standing Update

The (FS) Student Standing Admission Reason 5 is updated based on the most recent Ohio Department of Education and Workforce documentation.


(GC) Student Graduation Core Detail Extract Update

Update to the (GC) Student Graduation Core Detail Extract to truncate Earned Credit to two decimal places. Users will no longer get blank extracts for additional decimal places entered in historical grades.


(GQ) Student Program Enhancement

The (GQ) Student Program Export will now use the most current end date for all special education related service codes (2150xx) when the code has multiple entries for the fiscal year.


Building Display Enhancement

The student state pages are enhanced to show the current building as expected when using the Transfer Info display.


Course Option Updates

Course Options are updated based on the most recent Ohio Department of Education and Workforce documentation as follows:

  • (CN) Course Master Record - Subject Area for Credit Element - Add valid options for ENE, MTE, SCE, SOE, and move SCA to obsolete.

  • (GC) Student Graduation Core Area Code - Add valid options for ENE, MTE, SCE, and SOE

  • Graduation Pathways Core Credits section is updated to add ENE, MTE, SCE, and SOE to the Electives Category.


CRDC Display Update

Update to the School 2021-2022 CRDC page to load as expected.


Mass Assign Teacher Credential Update

Update to remove 310xxx codes from the Mass Assign Teacher Credential.

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