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Ohio EMIS Data Entry Section on Enroll New Student Page

The purpose of the Ohio EMIS Data Entry Section on the Enroll New Student Page is to provide users with the opportunity to enter State/Province - Ohio fields upon enrolling the student.

To use the Ohio EMIS Data Entry Section:

  1. Set to a building.
  2. Select Enroll New Student from the left menu.
  3. Enter required fields under the Student Information Section
  4. Once required fields are entered, the Ohio EMIS Data Entry Section is active.
  5. Select a situation from the list:
    • District resident education by district
    • District resident open-enrolled out
    • Non-resident open-enrolled into district
    • Non-resident court-placed into district
    • District resident - Autism Scholarship
    • District resident - Jon Petersen Scholarship
    • Community School student
    • Other - only standard defaults will be set
    • Preschool, Evaluated Only, Found Ineligible
  6. Select/edit values as required for the enrollment situation
  7. Submit

Security Note: Access to this section is tied to the access for the State/Province - Ohio page.  If a user has access to the State/Province - Ohio page, the user has access to this Ohio EMIS Data Entry Section.

Default Value for Selected Situation


District resident education by district

District resident open-enrolled out

Non-resident open-enrolled into district

Non-resident court-placed into district

District resident - Autism Scholarship

District resident - Jon Peterson Scholarship

Community School student

Other - only standard defaults will be set

Preschool, Evaluated Only, Found Ineligible

Start Page > Enroll New Student > Ohio EMIS Data Entry > Home Tab
Building IRNDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current building
Start Page > Enroll New Student > Ohio EMIS Data Entry > GI Tab
English EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish
Home LanguageEnglishEnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish
Start Page > Enroll New Student > Ohio EMIS Data Entry > FD Tab
State Grade LevelGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information SectionGrade Level entered in Student Information Section
Local Attendance PatternUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern ListUser selects from Att Pattern List
Disadvantagement(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable
Homeless Status(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable(*) Not Applicable
Unaccompanied Youth(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False
Migrant Status(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False
Immigrant Status(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False(N) False
Start Page > Enroll New Student > Ohio EMIS Data Entry > FS Tab
District Entry DateEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information SectionEnrollment Date entered in Student Information Section
Admission ReasonUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from list
Admission from IRNUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from listUser selects from list
State Student IDBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Percent of Time100010010000100Blank0
Tuition Type(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student(N) Non-tuition student
District Relationship1311331(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank2
County of Residence(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank(Select a Value) - if no value selected, saves as blank
Attending Bldg IRNDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current buildingDefaults to current building
How Received(*) Not applicable(*) Not applicable(9) Non-resident - Open enrolled(C) Foster placed

(*) Not applicable

(*) Not applicable

(*) Not applicable(*) Not applicable(V) Pre-school...
How Received IRNBlankBlankDistrict of Residence IRN from Student InformationDistrict of Residence IRN from Student InformationBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Sent Reason 1(NA) Not sent to another district(OE) Attending another district via Open Enrollment(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(AU) Autism Scholarship(JP) Jon Peterson Scholarship(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district
Sent to IRN 1BlankBlankBlankBlankUser selects value, if no value selected saves as blankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Sent to Percent of Time 10010010010001001000
Sent Reason 2(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district(NA) Not sent to another district
Sent to IRN 2BlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Sent to Percent of Time 2000000000
Start Page > Enroll New Student > Ohio EMIS Data Entry > SSID Tab
Include in Batch FileBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Might have an SSIDfalse (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)false (N)
Mother's Maiden NameBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
Birthplace CityBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank
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