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HQT Report Cover Page

This report creates a single page, generic set of instructions to guide teachers in completing the HQT Teacher Sheet. It is to be used in conjunction with the personalized HQT Teacher Sheet report. Users can copy this single page to distribute with the personalized HQT Teacher Sheet. The verbiage on the sheet is copied from the Ohio Department of Education's HQT Toolkit for 2012-13 with a few exceptions. Since PowerSchool does not keep historical information regarding HQT Status, the verbiage is amended to indicate that the HQT Teacher Status Sheet reflects current status rather than the previous year's status.
You generate this report at the district level or building level.

Selection Criteria

There are no selection criteria for this report. It is a generic set of instructions for the personalized HQT Teacher Sheet Report.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

The report input is done in Incident Management with the codes and subcodes used in IM. 


Run Now

Select this option to execute the report in the order it is received in the report queue.

Schedule (available Version 7.1.1.)

Enter the start date and start time for the report.

  • Select Run Once and Submit to run the report at the specified date and time.
  • Select Repeat to set future dates (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) and Submit.
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