Staff Setup
The following data elements are required for staff setup. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member].
On the Start Page, click Staff.
Select a staff member or New Staff Entry.
Select Edit Information for existing staff members.
Note: For more information on code values see the Appendix.
Navigation: Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member] > State/Province NJ > General
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Name (Last, First MI) | Enter the name. Note: Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Users]LastFirst [Users]Last_Name [Users]First_Name [Users]Middle_Name | 40 20 20 15 | N/A |
ID | Enter the teacher’s ID. | [Users]TeacherNumber | 20 | N/A |
Staff Member ID (SMID) | Enter the staff member’s state SMID number. If fewer than 8 digits are entered, the number will be padded with preceding zeroes during data entry. If an alpha-numeric ID is entered, a popup message will appear reminding the customer to enter an 8 digit number. | [S_NJ_USR_X]StaffMemberID | 8 | N/A |
Exclude from NJ Staff Submissions | Exclude the staff from NJ Staff Submissions | [S_NJ_USR_X]Excl_Frm_Smart_Stf_Submissn | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
Exclude from Course Roster Reports | Select Yes (1) to exclude this staff member from the Course Roster reports. | [S_NJ_SSF_X]Exclude_Course_Submission_TF | 1 | Staff Course Roster |
NJ SMART Local Teacher ID (LSID) | Enter the Local Teacher ID that matches the Local Teacher ID submitted on the SMID Submission. Leave this field blank to cause the teacher ID to extract on the report. | [S_NJ_USR_X]Local_Teacher_ID If blank, [Users]TeacherNumber | 20 | Staff Course Roster |
NJ SMART Teacher Last Name | Enter the teacher’s last name as needed. If the teacher's last name submitted in SMID Submission differs from the teacher's last name in PowerSchool, enter the last name into this field. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_Last_Name If blank, [Users]Last_Name | 50 | Staff Course Roster |
NJ SMART Teacher First Name | Enter the teacher’s first name as needed. If the teacher's first name submitted in SMID Submission differs from the teacher's first name in PowerSchool, enter the first name into this field. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_First_Name If blank, [Users]First_Name | 30 | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
Date of Birth | The year, month, and day on which an individual was born. | [S_NJ_USR_X]DateofBirth | 1 | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
SSN | Social Security Number | [S_NJ_USR_X]SSN | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract | |
Gender | The staff member’s gender. | [S_NJ_USR_X]Gender | 1 | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
Ethnicity | The ethnic category most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual identifies.
| [S_NJ_USR_X]Ethnicity | 1 | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
Race | The race of the staff.
| [S_NJ_USR_X]RaceAmericanIndian [S_NJ_USR_X]RaceAsian [S_NJ_USR_X]RaceBlack [S_NJ_USR_X]RacePacific [S_NJ_USR_X]White | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract | |
Active | Select if the teacher is active in the NJ State/Province | [S_NJ_USR_X]Active | 1 | Staff Course Roster NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract |
Navigation: Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member] > State/Province NJ > NJS SMID
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Used in the Reports |
Name Prefix | An appellation, if any, is used to denote the rank, placement, or status of the staff (e.g., Mr, Ms, Reverend, Sister, Dr, Colonel). | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_NamePrefix | 11 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
First Name | The first name of the staff | [S_NJ_USR_X]FirstName | 11 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Middle Name | The middle name of the staff | [S_NJ_USR_X]MiddleName | 11 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Last Name | The last name of the staff | [S_NJ_USR_X]Last Name | 11 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Generation Code Suffix | An appendage, if any, used to denote a staff's generation in his family (e.g., Jr, Sr, III). | [S_NJ_USR_X]GenerationCodeSuffix | 3 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Former Name | The previously recognized or legally accepted name of the individual. | [S_NJ_USR_X]FormerName | 50 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Certification Status | Y = Yes, fully certified, or licensed. N = No, not fully certified or licensed. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_CertificationStatus | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Status | A = Active I = Inactive | [S_NJ_USR_X]Status | Date | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
District Employment Begin Date | Enter the employment begin date.
| [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_DistrictBeginDate | Date | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
District Entry Code | Enter the District Entry Code. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_DistrictEntryCode | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
District Employment Exit Date | The date on which the staff member has ended employment with the reporting LEA.
| [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_DistrictExitDate | Date | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
DistrictEmploymentExitReason | An indication of the reason the staff member has left the district. Note; If DistrictEmploymentExitDate has a value, then DistrictEmploymentExitReason must also have a value. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_DistrictExitReason | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Staff Compensation Total Salary | The current salary of the staff. | SMART_Salary | NA | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Staff Compensation Base Salary | The base salary of the staff. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_StafCompnsatnBasSal | NA | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Staff Compensation Annual Supplement | The annual supplement that is part of the staff compensation. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_StafCompenAnualSup | NA | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Language Spoken by Teacher | The language used by the staff. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_LanguageSpoken | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Title 1 Program Staff Category | The Title 1 Program Category of the staff. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_TitleIProgramCat | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Highest level of Education Completed | The staff's highest level of education. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_HighestLevelEd | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
SEP Program Contracted Services Category | The category of SEP Program Contract. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_SEProgramContrCat | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
ML Instructor Credential Type RECENTLY UPDATED
| The ML Instructor Credit Type. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_ELLInstructorCredType | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Years of Prior Experience | The total number of years experience. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_YearsOfExp | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Years in NJ | The number of years served in NJ. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_YearsInNJ | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Years in LEA | The number of years served in LEA. | [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_YearsInLEA | 2 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Employment Status | Select the relevant value from the drop-down list. Valid values:
| [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_EmploymentStatus | 5 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Employment Separation Type | Select the relevant value from the drop-down list. Valid values:
| [S_NJ_USR_X]SMART_EmploymentSepaTyp | 3 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
NJS Staff Submission
Navigation: Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member] > State/Province NJ > NJS Staff Submission Obsolete
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Used in the Reports |
Migrant Education Program Category | The Migrant Education Program Category of the staff | SMART_MigrantEdProgramCat | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
MEP Session Type | The Migrant Education Program (MEP) session type. | SMART_MEPSessionType | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
National Board Award | If the staff has received the National Board Award. | SMART_NationalBoardAward | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Traditional Route Program | If the staff has attended the Traditional Route Program Y/N. | SMART_TraditionalRouteProg | 3 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Alternate Route Program | If the staff has attended the Alternate Route Program Y/N. | SMART_AlternateRouteProg | 3 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Gifted And Talented | Identifies the student as gifted and talented.
| SMART_GiftedAndTalented | 1 | NJ SMART SMID Submission Staff Extract Staff Course Roster |
Staff Assignments
The Staff Assignment table display is moved to the bottom of the NJS SMID tab