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Shared-Time Student Setup


When reporting data for shared-time students, it is imperative that you create records with correct values and in a specific manner to ensure that the data reported for these students is accurate.  There are several state reports that include data for shared-time students that depend on this setup, such as the NJ ADA/ADM by Student, NJ SMART Career and Technical Data Extract, and the School Report Card. 

To ensure that the data reported for shared-time students is accurate, complete the items listed below once the student has been enrolled in your school:

Shared Time School Setup

  1. Create an FTE for shared-time students.
  2. Update your existing attendance conversion for shared-time students, using the FTE from step 1 to award the appropriate attendance day value.  If you do not have an Attendance Conversion in place, click New to create a new one using the FTE from step 1.
  3. Verify that the appropriate bell schedule is associated with the attendance conversion.  This is displayed at the bottom of the Attendance Conversion definition page.

Shared Time Student Setup

  1. From the Start Page, locate and open the record for a student who qualifies as shared-time.
  2. Under Enrollment, click Transfer Info. The Transfer Info page appears.
  3. Under Current Enrollment, click the date link. The Current Enrollment page appears.
  4. In the FTE field, choose Shared-Time FTE from the pop-up menu.
  5. In the Membership Share field, enter .5.
  6. In the Shared Time field, select AM or PM to indicate which part of the day you are responsible for reporting.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Attendance Functions > Refresh Premier Attendance
  9. Refresh the attendance views for the student.

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