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Incident Type, Codes, & Subcodes Setup


Incident types, codes, and subcodes are set up at the district level. The values can be loaded automatically using a one-time New Jersey configuration file. This configuration file can be accessed via Start Page > District Setup > District Information.

Incident types, codes, and subcodes can also be set up and edited manually via Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management.

Use the following table to either automatically or manually set up and/or edit incident management types, codes, and subcodes.

Data Element

Additional Information


Entering District Info

Start Page > District Setup > District Info

Use this page to access the New Jersey incident management configuration file.

Load Codes and Subcodes

Click the link to access the New Jersey incident management configuration file, which is used to automatically set up incident types, codes and subcodes.

Note: This link is only available if the New Jersey incident management configuration file has not been loaded.


Load is complete

This message appears if the New Jersey incident management configuration file has already been loaded.

Note: This field is view-only.


Loading Codes and Subcodes

Start Page > District Setup > District Info > Load Codes/Subcodes > Codes and Subcodes Load Information

Load Codes/Subcodes

Select the checkbox to automatically load values for incident management. Verify that you want to proceed before clicking Submit, because the process cannot be reversed.

The values are loaded on the hour or when PowerSchool is re-launched. The PowerSchool log window displays either a Complete or Failure message when the values are loaded. Only the PowerSchool task master application is updated. If more than one PowerSchool application exists in a server array, refer to Knowledgebase article 56478 on PowerSource.


Defining Incident Management

Setting up Incident Types

Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management > Incident Types

Use this page to manually create or edit the New Jersey incident management type.





Configuring Code & Subcode Setup

Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup

Use this page to manually set up or edit incident management codes and subcodes. See the PowerSchool Online Help or the Incident Management User Guide on PowerSource for detailed steps to create incident codes and subcodes.

  1. Click the appropriate code type.
  2. Click the Plus (+) button to add a code or click the Pencil icon to edit a code. Note that fewer options appear if the code has already been created.
  3. Refer to the Appendix for data entry details, including category, display order, and state report code values.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Repeat a similar process for creating subcodes, selecting the appropriate code in step 1 instead of the code type.

Action Codes

Action codes are required for New Jersey. Action codes are used to assign disciplinary action to a behavior:

  • State Sanction Valid Values
  • State Remedial Program Values
  • Law Enforcement Contact
    See the Appendix for valid values.



Attribute Codes

Attribute codes are required for New Jersey when the incident requires the designation of "Against Property Indicator. All other Attribute Codes are optional

See the Appendix for valid values.



Behavior Codes

Behavior codes are required for New Jersey. Behavior codes are used to associate a behavior (alcohol, fights, vandalism, etc.) to an offender in an incident.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Behavior Subcodes

Behavior subcodes are required for New Jersey.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Participant Attribute Codes

Participant Attribute Subcodes

Location Codes

Location codes are required for New Jersey. Location codes are used to identify the location of an incident

See the Appendix for valid values.



Location Subcodes

Location subcodes are required for New Jersey.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Object Codes

Object Codes are required for New Jersey

See the Appendix for valid Values

Object Subcodes

Object Subcodes are required for New Jersey

See the Appendix for valid Values

Participant Role Codes

The following participant role codes are set up by default and should not be edited:

  • Offender
  • Victim
  • Witness
  • Reporter


Participant Role Subcodes

Time Codes

Time codes are required for New Jersey. Time codes are used to assign a time of day (during school hours, outside school hours, etc.) to an incident.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Time Subcodes

Duration Codes

Duration codes are required for New Jersey. Duration (hours, days, weeks, etc.) is assigned to a disciplinary action as the result of a violent behavior in an incident.

See the Appendix for valid values.



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