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Student-Level Field Upate



This report provides an after End-of-Year process to update student-level fields to default values. It is recommended that districts back-up their data prior to running this report in Update mode as this is a one time irreversible action.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For this report, only active students with an Enrollment Status = 0 are selected for the preview and update process.

Report Set-Up/Rules

This report can only be run at the district level and after the PowerSchool End-of-Year process (Start Page > District > System) has been completed.  The report can be run for one data set at a time, either 'State' or 'CRDC'.

For 'State' Data set: 

  • This report is run after districts have completed the PowerSchool End-of-Year process for the next school year.
  • This report can only be run at the district-level.
  • Preview Mode must be run prior to Update Mode.
  • Preview Mode - Districts can run this report in Preview Mode to see the current data that will be updated as noted in the field list. A .CSV file is produced when this report is run in Preview Mode and can be run multiple times without database impact. If needed, the preview file can also be used to restore updated values.
  • Update Mode - This will permanently update data in PowerSchool. Update Mode can only be run once, as it will fail for any other additional attempts.
  • Districts must select the fields to be included when the report is run in either the Preview or Update modes.
  • Only students with an Enroll Status = 0 will be included.
  • Process can only be run once a year.
  • End-of-year process must have been run.
  • Schools cannot be in session unless marked excluded from state reporting.

Error Messaging - State Data set:

The following messages will be produced if Update mode is run outside the identified time frame.

  • The report has already been run this calendar year. Error Message: This process has already been run this year.
  • The End-of-Year process has not been run - The field, lastpromotiondate, is not a current year date. Error Message: End-of-year has not been run.
  • Today’s date is within a date range in the terms table. Error Message: School is still in session.

For 'CRDC' Data set: 

  • This report can only be run at the district-jevel.
  • Preview Mode must be run prior to Update Mode.
  • Preview Mode - Districts can run this report in Preview Mode to see the current data that will be updated as noted in the field list. A .CSV file is produced when this report is run in Preview Mode and can be run multiple times without database impact. If needed, the preview file can also be used to restore updated values.
  • Update Mode - This will permanently update data in PowerSchool.
  • Districts must select the fields to be included when the report is run in either the Preview or Update modes.
  • Districts must select either 'All Students' or 'The Selected n Students Only'. If 'All Students' is selected, only students with Enroll Status = 0 are included.

Error Messaging - CRDC Data set:

  • CRDC Data Set was selected but non-CRDC fields were selected to update.
  • State Data Set was selected but non-State fields were selected to update.
  • Preview Mode must be run prior to Update Mode.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Parameters

Select Set All; this will store your selections for this report, which is helpful when you need to submit a new file, and you are unsure of how you created your last file.

Data Set*Choose the Data Set: State or CRDC
Select Students (Only available for CRDC)*

Click to run for the Selected Students or All Students


Choose the mode: Preview or Update. Note: Preview mode must be run prior to Update mode.

Fields to Update*

Choose the fields to be previewed or updated.

Scheduling – Run Now

Leave Run Now selected to run the report now.

Scheduling – Please Select When to run

Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run nightly. Check the weekdays only box.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item # or Position

Data Element



Field Type



This field contains foreign key used to link the record to the Students table.





This field contains the students id.





This field contains the student identification number assigned by the school. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.





The student's last name. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.



EStudents.First_NameThe student's first name. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.Students.First_NameAlphanumeric
F - ?Selected Student Field ValuesColumn F and beyond is dependent on the fields the user has selected on the report parameter page. The field name and outcome of clearing are provided. Example: S_NH_STU_CATE_X.CATE_Include_Flag=BlankMultipleDependent

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