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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

A Favorite icon is available next to the page header, allowing users to easily add the current system report to their favorites with a click. This applies to reports using the State Reporting Platform (SRP) (indicated by the existence of an icon to the left of the report name).


All States/Provinces: Improved Gender Inclusivity in Discipline Incident Letters Report

Discipline Incident Letters Report: Version 1.3

The Discipline Incident Letters Report now includes all headers and paragraphs for students of any gender identity. Previously, these sections were missing for non-binary or other gender identities.


Diploma Type Update

The Diploma Type select list is updated to the following values:

1 - Graduated with Standard High School Diploma (Includes with Distinction and International Baccalaureate).
3 - Graduated with Certificate of Completion.
4 - Received High School Equivalency (i.e., GED, HiSet).
7 - Graduated from an Adult Education Program.

The following Diploma Types are moved to ‘Obsolete’ in the select list:

2 - Graduated from general education with standard diploma with distinction (eg. international baccalaureate)

5 - Other program completer, not meeting graduation requirements but have finished their high school program.

6 - Graduated from general education with state minimum diploma.


Incident Management Implementation

School Safety Survey for Incident Management: Version 1.0

The following information is for the Implementation of Incident Management for the School Safety Survey and CRDC Reporting:

  • A script is created for the Incident Management codes and sub-codes required for School Safety Survey and CRDC Reporting.

    • To download the codes and sub-codes navigate to District > District Info and click the Load Codes/Subcodes link. The new Incident Management codes will be added to the database after:

      • The hourly process runs

      • PowerSchool is restarted

  • The School Safety Survey for Incident Management report is created and has the Audit CSV file available for review. The School Safety Survey will be available in a near future release.

View the State Reporting Incident Management Documentation to learn more about the implementation and setup of Incident Management.


iNHDEX Course Assignments - Remove Educator Type

iNHDEX Course Assignments: Version 1.0.1

The following updates are made:

  • The educatorType is removed from the report. Districts will begin using iNHDEX Submissions January 1, 2025.

  • The Educator Type is removed from the Staff Information page.


iNHDEX Home School Academic Submission - New

iNHDEX Home School Academic Submission: Version 1.0

A new report is created per iNHDEX requirements and can be found under the heading iNHDEX Submissions. Districts will begin using iNHDEX Submissions January 1, 2025.


iNHDEX Student Absence Submission - New

iNHDEX Student Absence Submission: Version 1.0

The following updates are made:

  • A new report is created per iNHDEX requirements and can be found under the heading iNHDEX Submissions. Districts will begin using iNHDEX Submissions January 1, 2025.

  • Absence Codes have a new Attendance Type field (from a school - School Management - Attendance - Attendance Codes - Select Code - New Hampshire State Information - Attendance Type) to determine the types of absences on the iNHDEX Student Absence report.

    • N/A

    • 1 - Unexcused Absence

    • 2 - Excused Absence

    • 3 - In School Suspension (ISS)

    • 4 - Out of School Suspension (OSS)

Please see iNHDEX Student Absence Report Documentation for detailed setup instructions.


Subject Code Updates

Per NHED, the following Subject Codes (District Management - Courses and Programs - Courses - Select Course - Subject Codes) should no longer be used and are removed from the select list:

11900 - District Administrator
10300 - Assistant Superintendent
10400 - Assistant Principal (note: used to be called Associate Principal)
10700 - Business Administrator (note: not required for credentialing)
10800 - Career & Technical Education Principal (note: used to be called Career & Technical Director)
11600 - Curriculum Administrator
15400 - Principal
13700 - School Counseling Director
17000 - School Nurse
16300 - Special Education Administrator
16600 - Superintendent/Head of School

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