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NH Incident Management Checklists

I. Setup

  1. Download the Codes/Subcodes.

District Management > District Setup > District Info > New Hampshire State Report Information > New Hampshire – Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status > Load Codes/Subcodes

Check the box on the right and Submit (This can only be done once; the load option will be replaced with “Load is complete” on the District Info page.)

NOTE: When the hourly PS job runs it will put the new Incident Management codes in place. You will not see any codes until the next hour.

Verify your state codes are visible under:

District Management > Behavior > Incident Codes and Subcodes

  1. Change the ‘Incident Action Association’ to ‘Behavior’.

District Management > Behavior > Incident Action Association

  1. Update the Security Groups with the appropriate Incident Types.

(Must be done after the codes load and just do your group until you have completed setup.)

For the School Safety Survey and CRDC report the following groups are needed:

(NH/CRDC) Discipline^

Teacher Referral

  1. Create additional Incident Types as needed by your district.

The Student Discipline for the School Safety Survey is defined in the Action Attributes, but Behavior Codes are required for Offenders, the district should create the appropriate codes for the district.

If there will be Restraints or Seclusions created that do not have a behavior identified for the Restraint or Seclusion, create a new Behavior Code called ‘NB’. All Incidents must have a behavior, when one isn’t necessary for reporting the Restraint or Seclusion, use the ‘NB’ Behavior Code.

  1. If using Templates, create the Templates.

How to Create Quick Incident Templates

  1. If using Attendance, setup the attendance code for Incident Management.

How to Set Up Attendance Entry within Incident Management

  1. If teachers are creating Teacher Referrals from PowerTeacher or PowerTeacher Pro, enable the option “Enable Incident Creation by Teachers” under District Management > District Setup > Additional System Preferences.

Enable Incident Management Teacher Referrals in the PowerTeacher Portal or in PowerTeacher Pro

II. Codes and Subcodes Required for School Safety Survey or CRDC Incidents:

When selecting a code that has a subcode, the subcodes must be selected.

Reminder: For an Incident to be included in the School Safety Survey or CRDC Reports the incident must be created using the (NH/CRDC) Discipline^ Incident Type and:

• There is a state-defined Action Code or
• There is a state-defined Behavior Code or
• Both Action and Behavior Codes are state-defined:

o State-defined is when the Incident Code (i.e. Behavior Code, Action Code, Object Code) begins with (NH) or (NH/CRDC) and ends with a caret (^).

If a code has subcodes that subcode is also a state-defined code.

o An Incident will be collected for the CRDC federal reporting when the Incident Type (i.e. Behavior Code, Action Code, Object Code) contains a caret (^)

in the code and the code begins with (NH/CRDC) or (CRDC).

Restraint or Seclusion (Section 1): The following codes and subcodes must be selected but are not limited to:

Action Code: (NH/CRDC) Restraint/Seclusion^

Action Attributes:

(NH) R/S Investigation Status^ and subcode must be selected.
• At least one of the following Action Attributes must be selected:

o (NH/CRDC) R/S Mechanical Restraint^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Physical Restraint^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Restraint result in bodily injury^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Restraint serious injury or death^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Restraint outside school location^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Subjected to seclusion^
o (NH/CRDC) R/S Seclusion outside school location^

Behavior Code: Any Behavior Code can be selected, but one must be selected.

Harassment (Section 2): The following codes and subcodes must be selected but are not limited to:

For the Offender:

Action Code: Not required to select an Action Code but recommended.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Harassment^ and subcode must be selected.

For the Victim:

Action Code: Not required to select an Action Code but recommended.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Harassment for^ and subcode must be selected.

Bullying or Cyberbullying (Section 3): The following codes and subcodes must be selected but are not limited to:

For the Offender:

Action Code: (NH) Investigated/Actual Bullying/Cyberbullying^ and subcode must be selected.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Bullying^ OR (NH/CRDC) Cyberbullying^ and subcode must be selected.

For the Victim:

Behavior Code: (CRDC) Victim Bullied for^ and subcode must be selected.

Student Discipline (Section 4): The following codes and subcodes must be selected but are not limited to:

Action Code: One of the following codes and subcodes must be selected:

(NH/CRDC) In-School Suspension^
(NH/CRDC) Out-of-School Suspension^
(NH/CRDC) Expulsion^ and subcode must be selected.

Action Attributes: (NH) School Safety Category/Student Discipline^ must be selected.

Behavior Code: Any Behavior Code can be selected, but one must be selected.

IF a school safety student discipline (Section 5) the following codes and subcodes are needed:

Participant Attribute Codes: One of the following codes and subcodes must be selected:

(NH/CRDC) GFSA 1994 Disabled^
(NH/CRDC) GFSA 1994 Not Disabled^

Gun Free Schools Act of 1994:

Object Code: (NH) Weapons^ and subcode must be selected.

Persistently Dangerous School:

Attribute Code: (NH) Persistently Dangerous School^ and subcode must be selected.

CRDC: The following codes and subcodes must be selected but are not limited to:

For Harassments:

For the Offender:

Action Code: An Action Code must be selected so that the appropriate Action Attribute can be selected if applicable.
Action Attribute Code: If applicable (CRDC) Offense Category^ and subcode must be selected.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Harassment^ and subcode must be selected.

For the Victim:

Action Code: Not required to select an Action Code but recommended.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Harassment for^ and subcode must be selected.

If Applicable one of the following Participant Attribute Codes:

(CRDC) Offender Referred to Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Offender Arrested by Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Expelled Zero-Tolerance?^
(CRDC) Corporal Punishment?^
(CRDC) Transferred to Alternative School?^

For Bullying/Cyberbullying:

For Offenders:

Action Code: (NH) Investigated/Actual Bullying/Cyberbullying^ and subcode must be selected.
Action Attribute Code: If applicable (CRDC) Offense Category^ and subcode must be selected.
Behavior Code: (NH/CRDC) Bullying^ OR (NH/CRDC) Cyberbullying^ and subcode must be selected.

For Victims:

Behavior Code: (CRDC) Victim Bullied for^ and subcode must be selected.

If Applicable one of the following Participant Attribute Codes:

(CRDC) Offender Referred to Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Offender Arrested by Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Expelled Zero-Tolerance?^
(CRDC) Corporal Punishment?^
(CRDC) Transferred to Alternative School?^

For all other disciplines that have a reportable CRDC Discipline:

Action Code: An Action Code must be selected so that the appropriate Action Attribute can be selected if applicable.
Action Attribute Code: If applicable (CRDC) Offense Category^ and subcode must be selected.
Behavior Code: Any Behavior Code can be selected, but one must be selected.
Participant Attribute Code: If Applicable one of the following:

(CRDC) Offender Referred to Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Offender Arrested by Law Enforcement?^
(CRDC) Expelled Zero-Tolerance?^
(CRDC) Corporal Punishment?^
(CRDC) Transferred to Alternative School?^

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