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iNHDEX Program Participation Submission


The Program Participation submission should include any students participating in the following school programs: Adult Education, 504 Plans, NH Career Academy.


Selection Criteria

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • School is not excluded from state reporting.

  • Student is not excluded from state reporting.

  • Student has a enrollment record during the specified time frame.

  • Student is currently enrolled in one of the following student programs, Adult ED, 504 Plan, or NH Career Academy.

Student Programs Setup Detail:

The Program Type is determined from the student’s Student Programs. The Program Exit Date and Program Exit Codes will report the code values from the Student Programs when the fields are not blank. When fields are blank in Student Programs there are multiple possibilities. The following describes how Student Programs work with the Program Participation Report:

  • A record is created if the Student Program has an entry date before or within the report date range and also has the following:

    • The Student Program - Entry Date is before or within the date range given in the report parameters and there is no Student Program - Exit Date.

      • If the Student Program - Entry Date is before the first day of school, the Program Entry Date will populate from the student’s Enrollment History - Entry Date of the enrollment that falls within the report date parameters.

    • The Student Program - Entry Date is before or within the date range given in the report parameters and the Student Program - Exit Date is within the date range in the report parameters.

      • If the Student Program - Entry Date is before the first day of school, the Program Entry Date will populate from the student’s Enrollment History - Entry Date of the enrollment that falls within the report date parameters.

    • The Student Program - Entry Date is before or within the date range given in the report parameters and the Student Program - Exit Date is after the date range in the report parameters.

      • If the Student Program - Entry Date is before the first day of school, the Program Entry Date will populate from the student’s Enrollment History - Entry Date of the enrollment that falls within the report date parameters.

      • Neither the Program Exit Date nor Program Exit Code will NOT populate in the report.

  • Program Participation Submission report will populate the Program Exit Date and Program Exit Code as follows:

    • For the BOY and MOY reporting cycle:
      Will only report a Program Exit Date and Program Exit Code if there is a Student Program - Exit Date.

      • Updates the Program Exit Date and Program Exit Code elements as follows:

        • The Student Program - Exit Date minus 1 school day will populate as the Program Exit Date and the Program Exit Code reports as follows:

          • If there is a Student Program - NH State Program Exit, that reports as the Program Exit Code without exception.

          • If the Student Program - NH State Program Exit Code is blank, it will be populated in the report as follows:

            • If the student’s Enrollment History – Exit Code is ’11’, the Program Exit Code populates as a ‘2’ (Graduated), else the Program Exit Code populates as a ‘1’ (Exited).

            • The Program Exit Code will populate in the report but will NOT be updated on the Student Program page.

    • For the EOY reporting cycle:
      Reports a Program Exit Date and Program Exit Code if:
      There is a Student Program – Exit Date
      The student’s Enrollment History – Exit Date is on or greater than the last day of school AND the student’s Enrollment History – Exit Code or the School Info - iNHDEX Default (Grade Level) Exit Code is ‘11’.

      • Updates the Program Exit Date and Program Exit Code elements as follows:

        • If there is a Student Program - Exit Date, that reports as the Program Exit Date minus 1 school day without exception.

        • If there is a Student Program - NH State Program Exit Code that reports as the Program Exit Code without exception, if blank then:

          • If the student’s Enrollment History - Exit Code or School Info - iNHDEX Default (Grade Level) Exit Code is ‘11’ and the student’s Enrollment History - Exit Date is on or after the last day of school, the School Info – Date of Graduation reports as the Program Exit Date and the Program Exit Code will be ‘2’ (Graduated).

          • If the student’s Enrollment History - Exit Code or School Info - iNHDEX Default (Grade Level) Exit Code is ‘11’ and the Enrollment History - Exit Date is before the last day of school, the Program Exit Code will be ‘2’ (Graduated) and the Program Exit Date is the Student Program – Exit Date (if populated) minus 1 school day or Enrollment History – Exit Date minus 1 school day (if there is no Student Program - Exit Date).

          • If the student’s Enrollment History - Exit Code or School Info - iNHDEX Default (Grade Level) Exit Code is not ‘11’ and the Student Program - Exit Date is before the last day of school, the Program Exit Date reports as the Student Program – Exit Date minus 1 school day and the Program Exit Code will be ‘1’ (Exited).

To successfully report students who transfer between buildings during the school year: If a student transfers school buildings within the date range parameters of the report, both school enrollments will be reported in the submission report. To report properly the student will need to be exited from the Student Program in the previous school (which can be done during the transfer out process) and re-enrolled into the Student Program in the new (current) school. The report will calculate the Program Exit Code based on the rules above.

To successfully report students who transfer out of the district during the school year: If a student transfers out of district, the transfer-out process must include exiting the student from the Student Program. The report will calculate the Program Exit Code based on the rules above.

Report Input



Select School to Export

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Start Date

Enter the first date in the date range for this report.

End Date

Enter the last date in the date range for this report.

Reporting Period


BOY for the Beginning of Year Submission

MOY for Middle of the Year Submission

EOY for End of Year Submission

Include Column Headings

Choose the option to include or not include column headings in the report.


Include Student Names

Choose the option to include or not include a column of student names in the report. The state file should not include the student names, the 'Yes' option is for verification purposes only. The default is set to ‘No’.

Report Output

Data Element



Field Type

SAU Number

This field contains the school administrative unit number assigned to the school submitting the report. This field is extracted from the Start Page > District Management > District Setup > District Information.



District Number

This field contains the number of the district submitting the report. This field is extracted from the Start Page > District Management > District Setup > District Information.



School Number

The state-assigned code for the school.




This field contains SASID assigned to this student by the New Hampshire Department of Education. This field is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > Compliance > New Hampshire State Information > i.4.see Data Elements.



Date of Birth

This field contains the student’s date of birth. Start Page > Student Search > Student Profile > Student Details > Demographics.



Program Type

The type of program the student was involved with (e.g. Adult Education). Start Page > Select Student > Courses and Programs > Student Programs.

[Gen]name where [Gen]Cat = 'specprog' AND IN ('504 Plan','Adult ED','NH Career Academy').


Program Entry Date

The first day the student was involved with this program during the current school year. Start Page > Select Student > Courses and Programs > Student Programs.

 [SPEnrollments]Enter_Date if the program starts during the user selected date range

If the program starts prior to the students current enrollment based on the the user selected date range then the students current entrydate ([Students] or [ReEnrollment]EntryDate).


Program Exit Date

The last day the student was involved with this program during the current school year (leave null if the student is involved through the end of the school year). Start Page > Select Student > Courses and Programs > Student Programs.

If not specified, null  (only submitted when the student program has a ProgramExitCode).


Program Exit Code

The program exit code. Start Page > Select Student > Courses and Programs > Student Programs.



Program Indicator

An indicator showing the type of involvement. Reports as 1 or Yes.



Program Value

Null, optional not submitting.



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