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iNHDEX Home School Academic


This report produces the Home School Academic submission for the iNHDEX submissions.

Selection Criteria

  • Student is not excluded from state reporting.

  • Student is enrolled during the specified time frame.

Report Input



Select Schools to Export

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Start Date

Enter the first date in the date range for this report. A student must have an active enrollment record equal to or later than this date to be included on the report.

End Date

Enter the last date in the date range for this report. A student must have an active enrollment record prior to or equal to this date to be included on the report.

Include Column Headings

Choose the option to include or not include column headings in the report.

Include Student Name

Choose the option to include or not include a column of student names in the report. The state file should not include the student names, the 'Yes' option is for verification purposes only. The default is set to ‘No’.

Report Output

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length

SAU Number

This field contains the school administrative unit number assigned to the school submitting the report. This field is extracted from the Start Page > District Management > District Setup > District Information.




District Number

This field contains the number of the district submitting the report. This field is extracted from the Start Page > District Management > District Setup > District Information.




School Number

The state-assigned code for the school.




Student Name

If 'Yes' is selected in the 'Include Student Names' parameter, this column will appear with the student name in Last First Middle order. This a not a State Data Element for the report but is an option for the purpose of verification.





This field contains SASID assigned to this student by the New Hampshire Department of Education. This field is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > Compliance > New Hampshire State Information > i.4.see Data Elements.





This field contains the student’s date of birth. Start Page > Student Search > Student Profile > Student Details > Demographics.





This field contains the student’s grade level. This field is extracted from the Grade Level field under the New Hampshire State Reporting section on the Enrollment History page, Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[S_NH_STU_X]State_GradeLevel OR [S_NH_REN_X]State_GradeLevel
[Students]grade or [Reenrollments]grade



Enrollment Status

This field contains the student’s current enrollment status. This field is extracted from Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[S_NH_STU_XenrollmentStatus OR [S_NH_REN_X]enrollment_Status



Class Start Date

This field contains the date the student enrolled in the school. This field is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollments page: Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollments]EntryDate



Class End Date

This field contains the date the student exited the school, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollments page: Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollments]EntryDate



District Responsible

This field contains the code identifying the school district financially responsible for the student’s education. This field is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[S_NH_STU_XDistrict_Responsible OR [S_NH_REN_X]District_Responsible


Town Responsible

This field contains the code identifying the town financially responsible for the student’s education. This field is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Search > School Enrollment> History > Enrollment History.

[S_NH_STU_XtownResponsible OR [S_NH_REN_X]townResponsible


SCED Common Course Code

This field contains the SCED Course Code AND SCED Course Level assigned to this course. This field is extracted from the Edit Course Information page: Start Page > District Management > Courses and Programs > Courses > Select Course > New Hampshire State Information > Subject Codes. 

[S_NH_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Code [S_NH_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Leve



Local Class Code

The class code used by the school to identify a class. This code, along with term id, section id should be unique for a conduct of the course.

[S_NH_SEC_X]LocalClassCode OR [Sections]course_number



Local Class Name

This field contains a description of the local class code. This field value is extracted from the Course Section page: Start Page > School Management > Courses and Programs > Course Sections > Select Section.




Credits Attempted

This field contains the number of credits hours a student earns when successfully completing this course. This field is extracted from the Edit Course page: Start Page > District Setup > Edit Course.




Percent Complete

This field contains the percent of the course the student completed.  This field is extracted from the Course Registrations page: Start Page > Select a Student > Courses and Programs > Registration section > Course Registrations > Edit.




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