District Setup
The following data elements are required for district setup.
Start Page > District Setup.
On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.
Click District. The District Setup page appears.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in These Reports |
Defining District CoursesCourses > Edit Course District Information Courses > View Master Course List > New | ||||
Course Number | Enter the number used to identify this course. | [Courses]Course_Number | 10 | Course Submission |
CIP Code | Enter the CIP code for this course | [Courses]Code | 10 | CATE Course Extract CATE Student Course Extract |
Credit Hours | Enter the credit hours for the course. | [Courses]Credit_Hours | N/A | Course Submission CATE Course Extract |
Exclude Course from i.4.see submissions | Use this flag to exclude a course from the i.4.see submission. Note: Only for i4see Course Submission and i4see Student Class Submission | [S_NH_CRS_X]Exclude_from_i4see | N/A | Course Submission Student Class Submission |
Exclude Course from CATE extracts | Use this flag to exclude a course from the CATE extracts. | [S_NH_CRS_X]Exclude_from_CATE | N/A | CATE Course Extract CATE Student Course Extract |
Subject Code | Enter the state subject code. Note: Click the View Codes link to view the valid state codes. | [S_NH_CRS_X]Subject_Code | 10 | Course Submission CATE Course Extract |
Term ID | This is the term ID for the course and each section that goes with the course. | [S_NH_CRS_X]TermID | 2 | Course Submission Student Class Submission CATE Course Extract CATE Student Course Extract |
Primary Grade ID | This is the primary grade level of the course and sections that go with the course. | [S_NH_CRS_X]PrimaryGradeId | 2 | Course Submission |
Local Class Name | Displays course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | N/A | Course Submission CATE Course Extract |
1800 SCED Course Code Also used for ELO Primary Subject Area | Select the appropriate SCED Common Course Code. This is only required for courses with students in grades 9 -12. Note: Click View Codes to view the valid state codes. | [S_NH_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Code | 5 | Course Submission i4see ELO Submission |
1800 SCED Course Level | Select the appropriate SCED Common Course Level. This is only required for courses with students in grades 9 -12. From the drop down choose one of the following: B = Basic or Remedial G = General or Regular E = Enriched or Advanced H = Honors C = College Level | [S_NH_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Level | 1 | Course Submission |
ELO Description | Select the appropriate ELO Description code. | [S_NH_CRS_X]ELO_Description | 4 | i4see ELO Submission |
ELO Community Partner | Enter the ELO Community Partner/Mentor name | [S_NH_CRS_X]ELO_Community_Partner | 100 | i4see ELO Submission |
ELO Credit Bearing Status | Choose one of the following ELO Credit Bearing Satuses:
| [S_NH_CRS_X]ELO_Credit_Bearing | 1 | i4see ELO Submission |
ELO Number of Days Per Week out of School Building | Enter the ELO Number of Days Per Week out of School Building. | [S_NH_CRS_X]ELO_Num_DaysPerWk | 5 | i4see ELO Submission |
Entering District InfoDistrict Information | ||||
District Number | Enter the district number. Note: This is a 1 to 3 digit state DOE assigned code. | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value | 3 | SASID Request Submission NECAP Label Request Submission Free and Reduced Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Academic Performance Submission Course Submission Security Submission Student Class Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
School Administrative Unit Number | Enter the school administrative unit number. Note: This is a 1 to 3 digit state DOE assigned code. | [Prefs]Name=NH_SAUNBR [Prefs]Value | 3 | SASID Request Submission NECAP Label Request Submission Free and Reduced Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Academic Performance Submission Course Submission Security Submission Student Class Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
Entering Districts of ResidenceDistricts of Residence > [New/Edit] District of Residence | ||||
District ID | Enter the district ID. | [Gen]Cat=districts [Gen]Value | N/A | General Statistics of Public and Non Public Schools Dropouts Form A 13S |
District Name | Enter the district name. | [Gen]Cat=districts [Gen]Name | 40 | General Statistics of Public and Non Public Schools Dropouts Form A 13S |
Entering State/Reporting Ethnicity CodesScheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit]Ethnicity Code | ||||
Code | Enter the ethnicity code. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Value | 1 | NH-12A Dropouts SASID Request Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission |
Description | Enter the ethnicity description. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Name | N/A | N/A |
Setting Up Log Entry FieldsLog Entry Setup > Edit Log Entry Field | ||||
Data for Popup or Radio Buttons | Enter the data for popup or radio buttons. | [Gen]Cat=logentrycodes [Gen]Valuet2 | N/A | End of Year Enrollment Submission |
Editing Log TypesLog Types > Edit Log Type | ||||
Log Type | Enter a log type of Discipline. Enter a log type of CRDC. Note: You must create a Discipline Log Type record to add a discipline incident to a student’s record using the Student Log Entry option. The Discipline Log Type is used to retrieve the discipline fields required by the State of New Hampshire. The Log Type of CRDC is used victims of harassment or bullying or other situations required to be reported on CRDC where a Discipline incident should not be logged. While the Discipline log type will have sub-types associated to it, the CRDC Log Type does not require sub-types. | [Gen]Cat=logtype [Gen]Name | N/A | End of Year Enrollment Submission |
Defining Student Program InformationStudent Programs > Student Program Information | ||||
Program Name | Enter the student program name. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]Name | N/A | NH-12A |
Qualifies as a special education program | Select the checkbox to indicate a special education program. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]spedindicator | N/A | NH-12A |
Entering School InformationSchools/School Info > Edit School | ||||
School Number | Enter the school number. Note: This is a 5-digit state assigned number. If the school number has already been set and it is not the 5-digit state assigned number then specify alternate school number. | [Schools]School_Number | 5 | SASID Request Submission NECAP Label Request Submission Free and Reduced Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Academic Performance Submission Course Submission Security Submission Student Class Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
Alternate School Number | Enter the alternate school number. Note: If the school number is not the 5-digit state assigned number then specify it here. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 5 | SASID Request Submission NECAP Label Request Submission Free and Reduced Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Academic Performance Submission Course Submission Security Submission Student Class Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
Grades | Enter the school grades (lowest - highest). | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | 2 2 | NH-12A General Statistics of Public and Non Public Schools Dropouts Form A 13S NECAP Label Request Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
District of Enrollment | Enter the user-defined district of enrollment for this school. | [Schools]District_Number | 6 | SASID Request Submission NECAP Label Request Submission Free and Reduced Submission Beginning of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Enrollment Submission End of Year Academic Performance Submission Course Submission Security Submission Student Class Submission CATE Student Enrollment Extract CATE Student Course Extract CATE Course Extract |
Creating Entry Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | |
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 |
Creating Exit Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | |
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 |