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CRDC District Setup


The following data elements are required for CRDC district setup and reporting.

Data Element

Additional Information



District Setup > Courses: Courses > CRDC Course Setup

School Questions

Classes in Mathematics and Science Courses

Choose Yes or No for the following questions:

  • Does this qualify as an Algebra I course? (COUR-1a/b to COUR-4a/b, COUR-6a/b, COUR-7a/b, COUR-8, COUR-9)
  • Does this qualify as a Geometry course? (COUR-5a/b, COUR-8, COUR-9)
  • Does this qualify as an Algebra II course? (COUR-8, COUR-9, COUR-9a)
  • Does this qualify as an Advanced Math course (trigonometry, elementary analysis, analytic geometry, statistics, precalculus, etc)? (COUR-8, COUR-9, COUR-9b)

  • Does this qualify as a Calculus course? (COUR-8, COUR-9, COUR-9c)
  • Does this qualify as a Biology course? (COUR-10, COUR-11a)
  • Does this qualify as a Chemistry course? (COUR-10, COUR-11b)
  • Does this qualify as a Physics course? (COUR-10, COUR-11c)
  • Does this qualify as a Computer Science course? (COUR-15, COUR-16, COUR-17)

Note: If your school includes both Middle School and High School grade levels, the Section Grade Level is used to determine the Grade Level Algebra 1 and Geometry. Enter the Grade Level most representative of the students taking the course.










COUR-12, COUR-13 Single-sex Classes

Which subject category does this fall under?

Choose the applicable subject category if this is a single-sex class.

  • (AG) Algebra or Geometry
  • (MT) Other Math
  • (SC) Science
  • (EN) English/Reading/Language Arts
  • (OT) Other Academic Subjects


COUR-12, COUR-13 Single-sex Classes

Which subject category does this fall under?

Choose the applicable subject area if this is an Advanced Placement (AP) course.

  • (APC1) AP Capstone - Research
  • (APC2) P Capstone - Seminar
  • (APA1) AP Arts - Art History
  • (APA2) AP Arts - Music Theory
  • (APA3) AP Arts - Studio Art: 2-D Design
  • (APA4) AP Arts - Studio Art: 3-D Design
  • (APA5) AP Arts - Studio Art: Drawing
  • (APE1)AP English - English Language and Composition
  • (APE2) AP English - English Literature and Composition
  • (APH1) AP History & Social Science - Comparative Government  & Politics
  • (APH2) AP History & Social Science - European History
  • (APH3) AP History & Social Science - Human Geography
  • (APH4) AP History & Social Science - Macroeconomics
  • (APH5) AP History & Social Science - Microeconomics
  • (APH6) AP History & Social Science - Psychology
  • (APH7) AP History & Social Science - United States Government and Politics
  • (APH8) AP History & Social Science - United States History
  • (APH9) AP History & Social Science - World History
  • (APMC1) AP Math & Computer Science - AP Calculus AB
  • (APMC2) AP Math & Computer Science - AP Calculus BC
  • (APMC3) AP Math & Computer Science - Computer Science A
  • (APMC4) AP Math & Computer Science - Statistics
  • (APSC1) AP Sciences - Biology
  • (APSC2) AP Sciences - Chemistry
  • (APSC3)AP Sciences - Environmental Science
  • (APSC4) AP Sciences - Physics B
  • (APSC5) AP Sciences - Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  • (APSC6) AP Sciences - Physics C: Mechanics
  • (APSC7) AP Sciences - Physics 1
  • (APSC8) AP Sciences - Physics 2


APIB-3 to APIB-12. Does this fall under a specific Advanced Placement (AP) subject area?

Choose the applicable subject area if this is an Advanced Placement (AP) course.

  • (MT) - AP Math
  • (SC) - AP Science
  • (CS) - AP Computer Science


District Info

District Setup > District Information: District Info > District CRDC Setup


Enter the LEA ID provided to your district's CRDC Principal Contact Person (PCP). In most cases, it is the 7-digit unique identification number assigned to each LEA by ED’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


LEA Questions

SSPR-4. Does the LEA provide early childhood services to children birth through age 2?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides childhood services to children birth through age two.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAge0to2_TF
SSPR-5. Does the LEA provide early childhood services to non-IDEA children birth through age 2?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides childhood services to non-IDEA children birth through age two.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA0to2_TF
SSPR-6. Does the LEA provide preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides childhood services to children ages three through five.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAge3to5_TF

SSPR-7. Full-day Preschool

Does this LEA provide full-day preschool?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides full-day preschool.[Prefs]CRDC_ProvidesPreKGFullDay_TF
Is there a cost associated with full-day preschool?

If the LEA provides full-day preschool, choose the fee type:

  • (FREE) Free/No Charge
  • (COST) Full or Partial Charge
  • (BOTH) Both Free and Full/Partial charge

SSPR-7. Part-day preschool

Does this LEA provide part-day preschool?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides part-day preschoo[Prefs]CRDC_ProvidesPreKGPartDay_TF
Is there a cost associated with part-day preschool?

If the LEA provides part-day preschool, choose the fee type:

  • (FREE) Free/No Charge
  • (COST) Full or Partial Charge
  • (BOTH) Both Free and Full/Partial charge

SSPR-8. Preschool for Non-IDEA

Does the LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 3?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to 3-year-old non-IDEA student[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA3_TF
Does this LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 4?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to 4-year-old non-IDEA students.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA4_TF
Does this LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 5?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to 5-year-old non-IDEA students.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA5_TF
SSPR-10. Does the LEA offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA offers preschool services or programs to all children.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGEligAll_TF
SSPR-11. Does the LEA provide preschool to students with disabilities (IDEA)?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to students with disabilities (IDEA).[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGEligIDEA_TF
SSPR-11. Does the LEA provide preschool to students in Title I schools?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to students in Title I schools.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGEligTitle1_TF
SSPR-11. Does the LEA provide preschool to students from low income families?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides preschool to students from low income families.[Prefs]CRDC_PreKGEligLowIncome_TF
SSPR-12. Does the LEA provide one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students.[Prefs]CRDC_ProvidesKGAny_TF
SSPR-13. Does this LEA provide full-day kindergarten?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides full-day kindergarten.[Prefs]CRDC_ProvidesKGFullDay_TF
Is there a cost associated with full-day kindergarten?

If the LEA provides full-day kindergarten, choose the fee type:

  • (FREE) Free/No Charge
  • (COST) Full or Partial Charge
  • (BOTH) Both Free and Full/Partial charge
SSPR-13. Does this LEA provide part-day kindergarten?Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA provides part-day kindergarten.[Prefs]CRDC_ProvidesKGPartDay_TF
Is there a cost associated with part-day kindergarten?

If the LEA provides part-day kindergarten, choose the fee type:

  • (FREE) Free/No Charge
  • (COST) Full or Partial Charge
  • (BOTH) Both Free and Full/Partial charge

CRCO-1, CRCO-2. Civil Rights Coordinator

Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of sex/gender (Title IX)

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA has a Civil Rights Coordinator for Title IX. If yes, complete the coordinator information below.

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email






Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of race/color/national origin (Title VI)?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA has a Civil Rights Coordinator for Title IV. If yes, complete the coordinator information below.

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email






Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA has a Civil Rights Coordinator for Section 504 and/or Title II. If yes, complete the coordinator information below.

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email






CRCO-3. Is this LEA covered by a desegregation order or plan?

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA is covered by a desegregation order or plan.


HIBD-1. Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability

Select the checkbox to indicate if the LEA has written harassment and bullying policies.


HIBD-2. Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students?

If the answer to the previous question is yes, choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if the LEA has a web link to its written harassment and bullying policies.


HIBD-3. Enter the web link to the LEA's written policy:

If the answer to the previous question is yes, enter the web link URL to the policy.


HSEE-1. Did this LEA operate a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program for students aged 16-19?Choose Yes or No to indicate if the LEA operated a high school equivalency exam preparation program for students ages 16-19.[Prefs]CRDC_GEDPrepProgram_TF

Schools/School Info

District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Selection] > CRDC School Information 

CRDC School ID

Enter the SCH ID

Note: Required for all schools submitting CRDC data. Enter the last 5 digits of the 12-digit CRDC School ID provided in your CRDC school list, which can be accessed from the CRDC web site. If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, enter the same ID for each school that is reported together.


If multiple schools have the same CRDC SCH ID, is this the primary?

Select the checkbox to indicate this school is the primary of multiple schools.

Note: If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, indicate one school as the primary. Results from all the schools with the same SCH ID will be aggregated under the primary school.


LEA Questions

SSPR-2. Is this school a Non-LEA facility?

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if this school is a non-LEA facility.


School Questions

DIND-1. Directional Indicator – Instruction Type

Choose the COVID-related instruction type.

DIND-2. Directional Indicator – Virtual InstructionChoose the COVID-related virtual instruction type.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]VirtualInstructionType

SCHR-1. Grades Offered (Lowest to Highest)

Enter the school grades offered (Lowest - Highest).



SCHR-2. Does this school have ungraded students?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this school has ungraded students.


Indicate whether the ungraded school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students.

If the school has ungraded students, choose one of the following:

  • (A) Mainly elementary school
  • (B) Mainly middle school
  • (C) Mainly high school


SCHR-3. School Characteristics

Is this a special education school?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this is a special education school.


Is this school either a magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this is a magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school.


SCHR-4. Does the entire school population participate in the magnet school program?

If the previous answer is yes, choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if the entire school population participates in the magnet school program.


Is this school a charter school?

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if this is a charter school.


Is this school an alternative school?

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if this is an alternative school.


SCHR-5. This alternative school is designed to meet the needs of the following. (Check all that apply)

If the school is an alternative school, then select the applicable options.

  • Students with Academic Difficulties
  • Students with Discipline Problems



PSCH-1. Preschool

Does the school provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 3?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age three


Does the school provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 4?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age four


Does the school provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 5?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age five


PENR-3. Does this school have any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program.


PENR-5. Does this school have any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school.


COUR-4a/b. Students Who Passed Algebra 1

Specify which store codes for the school term should be considered as the final grade for a class. See Final Grade Store Codes below.

Final Grade Store Codes

APIB-5. Is enrollment via self-selection by students permitted for all AP courses offered by the school?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school permits students to enroll through self-selection for all AP courses offered by the school.ool.


STAF-1.   Teachers – FTE Count and Certification

Enter the following information as decimal numbers to the hundredths place.

  • Total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers
  • Number of FTE teachers who are certified
  • Number of FTE teachers who are not certified




STAF-2.   School Counselors Number FTE

Enter the following information as decimal numbers to the hundredths place.

  • Number of FTE school counselors
STAF-3.   Support Services Staff Number FTE

Enter the following information as decimal numbers to the hundredths place.

  • Number of FTE nurses
  • Number of FTE psychologists
  • Number of FTE social workers




SECR-1.   Security Staff Number FTE

Enter the following information as decimal numbers to the hundredths place.

  • Number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers
  • Number of FTE security guards



ATHL-1. Does this school have any students who participate in single-sex interscholastic athletics?

If you chose Yes above, enter the counts for the following:

  • What is the count of male only sports?   
  • What is the count of female only sports?     
  • What is the count of male only teams? 
  • What is the count of female only teams?     
  • What is the count of male only participants on teams?     
  • What is the count of female only participants on teams?


  • Count only sports, teams, and participants on teams in which only male or only female students participate.
  • The count of sports includes only distinct sports such as football, basketball, and soccer.
  • The count of teams includes each competitive-level team in each sport, such as freshman team, junior varsity team, and varsity team in each sport.








OFFN-2. Has there been at least one incident at your school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)?

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if there has been at least one shooting incident at the school (regardless of whether anyone was hurt).


OFFN-3. Have any of your school's students, faculty, or staff died as a result of a homicide committed at your school?

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No if any of the school’s students, faculty, or staff have died as a result of a homicide committed at the school.


OFFN-5.   Number of Incidents Committed by School Staff

Enter the number of documented incidents of offenses committed by a school staff member that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



OFFN-6.   Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement)

Enter the number of documented incidents of offenses committed by a school staff member that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



OFFN-7.   Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible)

Enter the number of documented incidents of offenses committed by a school staff member that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



OFFN-8.   Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible)

Enter the number of documented incidents of offenses committed by a school staff member that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



OFFN-9.   Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending)

Enter the number of documented incidents of offenses committed by a school staff member that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



OFFN-10. Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment)

Enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school.

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual assault (other than rape)



JUST-1. If this school is a justice facility, indicate the type that best describes the facility.

Choose the description that best describes the justice facility.

Valid values:

  • Does Not Apply
  • (PRE) Pre-adjudication/Pre-conviction facility
  • (POST) Post-adjudication/Post-conviction facility
  • (BOTH) Pre- and post-adjudication/conviction facility


JUST-2. Enter the number of days that make up the justice facility’s regular school year

When Does Not Apply is selected for Justice Facility type, enter the number of days that make up the justice facility’s regular school year.


JUST-3. Indicate the hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year

When Does Not Apply is selected for Justice Facility type, indicate the hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year.


INET-1. Internet Access and Devices

Is this school connected to the internet through a fiber-optic connection?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school is connected to the internet through a fiber-optic connection.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetFiber_YN
Does this school have Wi-Fi access in every classroom?Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school has Wi-Fi access in every classroom.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetWiFi_YN
Does this school allow students to take home school-issued devices that can be used to access the internet for student learning? Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school allows students to take school-issued devices off campus to access the internet for student learning.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetSchDev_YN
Does this school allow students to bring to school student-owned devices that can be used to access the internet for classroom or student learning?Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school allows students to bring in personal devices to access the internet for classroom or student learning.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetStuDev_YN

INET-2. Wi-Fi Enabled Devices

Enter the number of Wi-Fi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use. 

Enter the number of Wi-Fi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use. [S_SCH_CRDC_X]WiFiEnabledDevices

Final Grade Store Codes

District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)> Final Grade Store Codes


The term that represents the section length to which this mapping applies.

Refer to District Setup for more information.

Store Code List (separated by a comma and without spaces)

Specify which store codes for the school term should be considered as the final grade for a class for the defined term length.


Grade Scales > Edit Scale > Select Grade

Earns Graduation Credit

An indicator of whether or not this grade earns graduation credit.


Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > Edit/New Federal Race Category


Enter the federal race category code.




Enter the federal race category description.



District Setup > Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > New/Edit Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.




Enter the ethnicity description.



Exit Codes

District Setup > Exit Codes > New/Edit Exit Code


The exit code.




The exit code meaning.

Refer to District Setup for more information.

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