Student Programs
This category presents information about student program participation and includes the following data views and resources:
Student Programs
This view captures details about each program in which a student participates or receives services from as published in the studentProgramAssociation resource within the Student Program category. The published layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, State Student Number, Grade Level, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, End Date, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
This resource represents the program(s) in which a student participates or is served. Students in 504, Gifted/Talented, and Rule 18 Interim programs are included. Special Education, Title I, Early Learning, Career Education, and Homeless program participation records are not included as these are published in separate program association resources.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
[ S_NE_SEN_X ]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The school associated with the student's program must not be excluded from state reporting.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
Programs selection criteria:
Rule 18 Interim-Program School: the student has a special programs record where the value of [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode is 'INTERIM', and where the BeginDate for the program association falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
504: the student has a value of '1' for [S_NE_STU_X]Section_504, and is or was enrolled in school during the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each of the program associations that meets the selection criteria.
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services; reported as the SchoolID. | Integer | Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [SpEnrollments]SchoolID | R |
programReference/programIdentity (1-many) The program(s) associated with the student. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization associated with the program; reported as the LEAID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State | R |
/type | The type of program. | String | ‘Neglected and Delinquent Program’ ‘Section 504 Placement’ | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | 'Rule 18 Interim-Program School' ‘504 Designation’ | R |
studentReference A reference to the students resource. | ||||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [SPEnrollments]Enter_Date or [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [SPEnrollments]Exit_Date The last in-session day prior to the [SPEnrollments]Exit_Date or [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate Summer withdrawals:
| O |
Student Special Ed Programs
This view captures student Special Education Program participation as published in the studentSpecialEducationProgram Association resource within the Student Program category. The published layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, State Student Number, Grade Level, Program Name, Entry Date, End Date, Reason Exited , Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
This association represents the Special Education program(s) in which a student participates or is served. The association is an extension of the studentProgramAssociation particular for Special Education programs.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student was previously published in the Student category.
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The student's special education record must not be excluded from Ed-Fi (State/Province – Nebraska > Special Ed Information).
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded or published in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
The student has a Special Education record where the beginDate for the program association falls within the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
The student's Special Education record endDate falls after the start of the publishing year, or the Special Education endDate is empty and Verified_Disability equals one or Primary_Disability is not empty or '00'.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each Special Education program that meets the selection criteria.
The studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A references to the educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services; reported as the DistrictID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State | R |
programReference The special education Program associated with the student. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization associated with the program; reported as the LEAID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State | R |
/type | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | ‘Special Education’ | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | ‘Special Education’ | R |
studentReference A reference to the students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]SpEd_Entry_Date | O |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]SpEd_Exit_Date Summer withdrawals:
| O |
Child has a Verified Disability | Indicate if the student has a verified disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Verified_Disability | R |
Initial Entry Date (Original Verification) | Initial entry date for the special education program. | Date | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]IntialEntry | R |
IEP Begin Date | IEP Begin Date | Date | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_XIEPBeginDate | R |
Primary Disability | Student's primary disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Primary_Disability | R |
Additional Disability 2 | Student's additional second disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Additional_Disability_2 | O |
Additional Disability 3 | Student's additional third disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Additional_Disability_3 | O |
Additional Disability 4 | Student's additional fourth disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Additional_Disability_4 | O |
Additional Disability 5 | Student's additional fifth disability. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Additional_Disability _5 | O |
Related Services | Services for the special education program. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Related_Services | R |
Alternate Assessment | Indicates Alternate assessment. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]AlternateAssessment | R |
Primary Placement Type | Student’s primary placement type. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Primary_Placement_Type | R |
Program Participation | Student’s Program Participation. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Program_Participation | R |
Primary Setting Code | The primary setting code. | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]SpEd_Inst_Setting | R |
Transition Delay Reason | The Transition Delay Reason | String | [S_NE_SEN_SPED_X]Transition_Delay_Reason | R |
specialEducationSettingDescriptor (1-many) | The major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student’s special education program). | String | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Sped_Inst_Setting | R |
levelOfProgramParticipationDescriptor | Defines additional information for student program participation. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]School_Aged
| R |
placementTypeDescriptor | Defines the student placement type. | String | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Primary_Placement_Type | R |
specialEducationPercent | The percentage of the student’s time spent participating in special education. | Integer | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Prog_Sped_Percent | R |
toTakeAlternateAssessment | Indication as to whether the student will take an alternate assessment. | Boolean | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Alternate_Assessment 1: ‘True’; else, ‘False | R |
studentProgramAssociationService (0-many) The student’s Program Service Information. | O | |||
/serviceDescriptor | Indicates the service being provided to the student by the program. | String | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Related_Services
| R |
disabilities This type represents an impairment of body structure or function, a limitation in activities, or a restriction in participation, as ordered by the severity of impairment. | O | |||
/disabilityDescriptor | A disability category that describes a child's impairment. | String | [S_NE_STU_SPED_X]Primary_Disability, if greater than 00. | R |
/orderOfDisability | The order of the severity of student's disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc. | Integer | '1' | O |
Student Title I Part A Programs
This view captures information about student Title I program participation as published in the studentTitleIPartAProgram Association resource within the Student Program category. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Program Name, Entry Date, Exit Date, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This association represents the Title I Part A program(s) in which a student participates or is served. The association is an extension of the studentProgramAssociation for Title I Part A programs.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student was published in the Student category.
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
The student has a record indicating "Yes" for at least one Title I Service.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A single record is published for each student for each enrollment period in a Title I program that meets the selection criteria.
Multiple programs for a student in the same time period are indicated by multiple services.
The studentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A references to the educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services; reported as the SchoolID. | Integer | SchoolID - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [Students]SchoolID [ReEnrollments]SchoolID | R |
programReference The Title I program associated with the student. | /studentUniqueID | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program; reported as the LEAID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State | R |
/type | The type of program. | String | ‘Title I Part A’ Derived from: [Students] where the value for at least one NE Title I Service is ‘Y’ | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | ‘Title I Part A’ NE_T1PartCode_CG: 'TITLE I CIVICS GOVT' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_CG NE_T1EarlyChildoodEd: 'TITLE I EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION' NE_T1_PartCode_GCSW: 'TITLE I GUIDANCE COUNSELING' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_GCSW NE_T1PartCode_HD: 'TITLE I HEALTH' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_HD NE_T1PartCode_Math: 'TITLE I MATH' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_Math NE_T1PartCode_RELA: 'TITLE I READING ELA'[S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X]T1_Part_Code_RELA NE_T1PartCode_Sci: 'TITLE I SCIENCE' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_Sci NE_T1_PartCode_SW: 'TITLE I SOCIAL WORK' NE_T1SupportOther: 'TITLE I SUPPORT OTHER' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X]T1_Support_Other NE_T1VocCareer: 'TITLE I VOCATIONAL CAREER' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Voc_Career | R |
studentReference A reference to the students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [SPEnrollments]StudentID | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate Summer withdrawals:
| O |
titleIPartAParticipantType | An indication of the type of Title I program, if any, in which the student is participating and is served: Public Targeted Assistance Program, Public Schoolwide Program, Private school student participating, Local Neglected Program. | String | Derived from: [Students]NE_NonPubTargetAssist [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X]Non_Pub_Target_Assist 1: ‘Private school students participating’; else, ‘Public Targeted Assistance Program’ | R |
services (1-many) The student’s Title I Program Service Information. | R | |||
/serviceDescriptor | Indicates the services being provided to the student by the program. | String | If the source field value is ‘Y’, the corresponding TitleIPartAParticpantType is published as indicated. NE_T1PartCode_CG: '4' S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_CG:4 NE_T1EarlyChildoodEd: '5' NE_T1_PartCode_GCSW: '6' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_GCSW:6 NE_T1PartCode_HD: '7' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_HD:7NE_T1PartCode_Math:, '8' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_Math:8 NE_T1PartCode_RELA:, '9' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X]T1_Part_Code_RELA:9 NE_T1PartCode_Sci: '10' [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X] T1_Part_Code_Sci:10 NE_T1_PartCode_SW: '11' NE_T1SupportOther: '12’ [S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X]T1_Support_POtherort NE_T1VocCareer: '13' | R |
Student Early Learning Programs
This view captures information about Early Learning Programs for students age birth through five served by center-based early childhood education programs approved under Rule 11. Early Learning Programs include Public Preschool and Early Head Start. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the programName, Begin Date, End Date, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This association represents the Early Learning program(s) in which a student participates or is served. The association is an extension of the studentProgramAssociation for Early Learning Programs.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student was previously published in the Student category.
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded or published in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
The student has a program record for Public Preschool or Early Head Start where the beginDate for the program association falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each Early Learning program that meets the selection criteria.
The studentEarlyLearningProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A references to the educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services; reported as the SchoolID. | Integer | SchoolID - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [SpEnrollments]SchoolID | R |
programReference The Early Learning program associated with the student. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program; reported as the LEAID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [SpEnrollments]SchoolId | R |
/type | The type of program. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode ERLYCHLD: ‘Public Preschool’ Otherwise: ‘Early Head Start’ | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode ERLYCHLD: ‘NDE Approved Early Childhood Ed Program, not Head Start’ Otherwise: 'NDE Approved Early Childhood Ed Program, Head Start’ | R |
studentReference A reference to the students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [SPEnrollments]StudentID | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [SpEnrollments]EnterDate | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [SpEnrollments]ExitDate Summer withdrawals:
| O |
earlyLearningSettingDescriptor | Indicates the classroom setting of the student's program participation. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode | R |
Student Career Education Programs
This view captures information about student Career Education Programs. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Program Name, Entry Date, Exit Date, Level of Program Participation, Career Pathway, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This association represents the Career Education program(s) in which a student participates or is served. The association is an extension of the studentProgramAssociation for Career Education Programs.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student was previously published in the Student category.
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded or published in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
The student has a program record for Career Education where the beginDate for the program association falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each Career Education program that meets the selection criteria.
The studentCareerEducationProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A references to the educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services; reported as the SchoolID. | Integer | SchoolID - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [SpEnrollments]SchoolID | R |
programReference The Career Education program associated with the student. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program; reported as the LEAID. | Integer | LEAID - Data element downloaded from State | R |
/type | The type of program. | String | ‘Career and Technical Education’ Prior to the 2016/2017 school year: ‘Career and Technical Education’ Derived from: [SPEnrollments]ProgramID From GEN table where cat=‘specprog’ and name includes ‘career’ | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | ‘Career and Technical Education’ Prior to the 2016/2017 school year: Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode
| R |
studentReference A reference to the students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [SPEnrollments]StudentID | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [SpEnrollments]EnterDate | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [SpEnrollments]ExitDate Summer withdrawals:
| O |
studentCEProgramAssociationCEProgram (1-many) The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator. | R | |||
/careerClusterPathwayDescriptor | A sequence of courses within an area of interest that is a student's educational road map to a chosen career. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode
| R |
/levelofProgramParticipationDescriptor | Defines additional information for student program participation. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode
| R |
/technicalSkillAttainmentDescriptor | Defines technical skills attained based on highest rated method. *Required when LevelofProgramParticipation value is either ‘03’ or ‘04’. | String | Derived from: [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactTechSkillAttain
Met Technical Skill Attainment through Industry Certification:
| O* |
Student Homeless Programs
This view captures information about student homeless program associations. The published layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, State Student Number, Grade Level, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, End Date, Primary Night Time Residence, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
This association represents the homeless program(s) that a student participates in or is served by.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded or published in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
The student has a program record for a homeless program where the beginDate for the program association falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each Homeless program that meets the selection criteria.
The studentHomelessProgramAssociation is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the associated educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The school associated with the student. | Integer | Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [SpEnrollments]SchoolID | R |
programReference/programIdentity The homeless program associated with the student. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The LEA associated with the program. | Integer | Data element downloaded from State | R |
/type | The type of program. | String | 'Other' | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | 'Homeless' | R |
studentReference A reference to the associated student resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [SPEnrollments]Enter_Date | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [SPEnrollments]Exit_Date Summer withdrawals:
| O |
primaryNightTimeResidenceDescriptor | The primary nighttime residence for a homeless student. | String | [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactInfoCode where value = ‘HOMELESS’ | R |
unaccompaniedYouth | An indication that homeless youths were unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians. | Boolean | '1' | R |