Student Programs
This view captures details about each program in which a student participates or receives services from as published in the studentProgramAssociation resource within the Student Program category. The published layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, State Student Number, Grade Level, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, End Date, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Tables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_X (xt)
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an active school enrollment.
The school associated with the student's program must not be excluded from state reporting.
The programReference must refer to a program record that was previously downloaded in the program resource in the Education Organization category.
Programs selection criteria:
Rule 18 Interim-Program School: the student has a special programs record where the value of [S_NE_SEN_X]PgmFactProgramCode is 'INTERIM', and where the BeginDate for the program association falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
504: the student has a value of '1' for [S_NE_STU_X]Section_504, and is or was enrolled in school during the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Summer Withdrawals: the student has a summer withdrawal where the following conditions are met:
The enrollment Entry Date equals the day before the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
The enrollment Exit Date equals the first in-session day in the school calendar for the current school year.
Resource Output
A record is published for each student and for each enrollment period in each of the program associations that meets the selection criteria.
Student programs publishing is available for sub-districts.
Note: Each Learning Modality program will be published for every valid sub-district to match the educationOrganizationId in the student programs.
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Resource | Data Element | Description | Stored in [Table]Field | Required? |
studentProgramAssociationsTables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | derived from sp.studentid State-assigned number for student (s.state_studentnumber) | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | sp.enter_date | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | sp.exit_date Only if not null; requested if student has exited program - use last insession date prior to sp.exit_date; if none then exit_date - 1 | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | s_ne_sen_x.pgmfactdistschoolcode State-assigned number for school | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Rule 18 Interim-Program School' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Neglected and Delinquent Program' | Y | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationsTables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_SPED_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | derived from sp.studentid | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | sp.enter_date | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | sp.exit_date | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | State-assigned number for district | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Special Education' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Special Education' | Y | ||
reasonExitedDescriptor | derived from sp.exitcode | NE | ||
disabilities | [Array] | NE | ||
disabilityDescriptor | xt.primary_disability | Y | ||
specialEducationProgramServices | [Array] | NE | ||
specialEducationProgramServiceDescriptor | xt.related_services | Y | ||
'1' - Occupational Therapy | xt.related_services in ('1','4','6','7') | |||
'2' - Physical Therapy | xt.related_services in ('2','4','5','7') | |||
'3' - Speech-Language Therapy | xt.related_services in ('3','5','6','7') | |||
specialEducationSettingDescriptor | The setting in which special education services are provided to the student. It includes various types of environments, such as regular classrooms, resource rooms, or separate schools, indicating where the student receives their special education services | xt.sped_inst_setting | ||
schoolHoursPerWeek | The total number of hours per week that the student spends in school. It includes all instructional and non-instructional time during the school week. | xt.school_hoursperweek | ||
specialEducationHoursPerWeek | The number of hours per week that the student receives special education services. It specifically accounts for the time dedicated to special education instruction and support. | xt.sped_hoursperweek | ||
NE extensions | NE | |||
placementTypeDescriptor | xt.primary_placement_type | NE | ||
specialEducationProgramDescriptor | derived from xt.sped_inst_setting | NE | ||
initialSpecialEducationEntryDate | xt.intialentry | NE | ||
toTakeAlternateAssessment | xt.alternateassessment | NE | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationsTables: STUDENTS (s), S_NE_STU_TITLEI_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | s.state_studentnumber | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | s.entrydate, reenrollments.entrydate | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | s.exitdate, reenrollments.exitdate | O | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | State-assigned number for district | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Title I Part A' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Title I Part A' | Y | ||
services | [Array] | NE | ||
'4' TITLE I CIVICS GOVT | xt.T1_Part_Code_CG = 'Y' | |||
'5' TITLE I EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION | ps_customfields.getcf('students' | |||
'6' TITLE I GUIDANCE COUNSELING | xt.T1_Part_Code_GCSW = 'Y' | |||
'7' TITLE I HEALTH | xt.T1_Part_Code_HD = 'Y' | |||
'8' TITLE I MATH | xt.T1_Part_Code_Math = 'Y' | |||
'9' TITLE I READING ELA | xt.T1_Part_Code_RELA = 'Y' | |||
'10' TITLE I SCIENCE | xt.T1_Part_Code_Sci = 'Y' | |||
'11' TITLE I SOCIAL WORK | ps_customfields.getcf('students',,'NE_T1_PartCode_SW') = 'Y' | |||
'12' TITLE I SUPPORT OTHER | xt.T1_Support_Other = 'Y' | |||
'13' TITLE I VOCATIONAL CAREER | xt.T1_Voc_Career = 'Y' | |||
titleIPartAParticipantDescriptor | A descriptor that categorizes the types of participation in Title I, Part A programs. Title I, Part A is a federal program that provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families. This descriptor helps to identify and standardize the different ways students can participate in these programs, such as:
| derived from xt.Non_pub_Target_Assist | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentEarlyLearningProgramAssociationsTables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | derived from sp.studentid | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | sp.enter_date | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | sp.exit_date | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | sp.schoolid | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Early Childhood Ed Program, not Head Start Student' for program code 'ERLYCHLD' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Public Preschool' for program code 'ERLYCHLD' | Y | ||
earlyLearningSettingDescriptor | A descriptor that categorizes the types of settings where early learning programs are provided. | derived from xt.pgmfactinfocode | N | |
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentCTEProgramAssociationsTables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | derived from sp.studentid | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | sp.enter_date | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | sp.exit_date | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | sp.schoolid | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Career and Technical Education' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Career and Technical Education' | Y | ||
ctePrograms | [Array] | NE | ||
careerPathwayDescriptor | xt.pgmfactprogramcode | Y | ||
technicalSkillsAssessmentDescriptor | A descriptor that categorizes the types of technical skills assessments a student has taken. These assessments evaluate a student’s proficiency in specific technical skills or competencies, often related to career and technical education (CTE) programs. | derived from xt.pgmfacttechskillattain | NE | |
NE extensions | NE | |||
careerEducationProgramDescriptor | derived from xt.pgmfactinfocode | NE | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentHomelessProgramAssociationsTables: SPENROLLMENTS (sp), GEN, S_NE_SEN_X (xt) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | derived from sp.studentid | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | sp.enter_date | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | sp.exit_date | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | State-assigned number for district | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'Homeless' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Other' | Y | ||
homelessPrimaryNighttimeResidenceDescriptor | The type of nighttime residence where a homeless student primarily stays | derived from xt.PgmFactInfoCode,5,2 | NE | |
homelessUnaccompaniedYouth | Indicates whether a homeless student is unaccompanied, meaning they are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. | S_NE_STU_X.Unaccomp_Homeless_Youth | NE | |
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociationsTables: S_NE_STU_LEP_X (xt), STUDENTS (s), REENROLLMENTS ® | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | s.state_studentnumber | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | r.entydate or s.entrydate | Y | |
educationOrganizationId | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | State-assigned number for district | Y | |
programReference | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | |||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'English Learners' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'English as a Second Language (ESL)' | Y | ||
englishLearnerParticipation | Indicates if a student identified as an English Learner (EL) is actively participating in an English language development instructional program. This field is typically a binary indicator:
| derived from xt.english_prof and xt.instructional_services | NE | |
languageInstructionProgramServices | [Array] | NE | ||
languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor | xt.instructional_services | Y | ||
NE extensions | NE | |||
dismissedViaIEPReview | "(15) DISMISSED VIA IEP REVIEW" | NE | ||
redesignatedEnglishFluent | NE | |||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level | ||||
xt.english_prof | ||||
studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociationsTables: S_STU_LUNCH_C (slc), STUDENTS (s) | ||||
studentUniqueId | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state education agency. | s.state_studentnumber | Y | |
beginDate | The start date of the student’s enrollment or participation in a specific program. It indicates when the student officially began the program. | slc.start_date or STUDENTS/REENROLLMENTS.entrydate | Y | |
endDate | The end date of the student’s enrollment or participation in the program. It marks the date when the student completed or exited the program. | slc.end_date or start_date - 1 from next slc record (if exists) | NE | |
educationOrganizationId | Identifier for the educational organization associated with the program. | State-assigned number for district | Y | |
programReference | ||||
educatonOrganizationId | State-assigned number for district | Y | ||
programName | 'School Food Service' | Y | ||
programTypeDescriptor | 'Compensatory Services for Disadvantaged Students' | Y | ||
schoolFoodServiceProgramServices | The services provided to students as part of a school’s food service program. | [Array] | NE | |
schoolFoodServiceProgramServiceDescriptor | slc.reportedvalue or slc.lunchstatus | Y | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
sch.school_name | ||||
s.student_number | ||||
s.lastfirst | ||||
s/r.grade_level |