Student Course Grades
This category includes the grades earned by students and includes the following data views and resources:
Note: While grading periods are created from terms, [StoredGrades] records are mapped to grading periods using the StoreCode. For a grade to be published, the StoreCode must be either 'Y1' for a year grade, or must match a term record for the school where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Abbreviation.
Student Grades
This view captures the grade records published for students in grade levels 9 and higher. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, and Term ID, along with Letter Grade, Numeric Grade, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This educational resource represents an overall score or assessment tied to a course over a period of time, for example, the grading period. Student grades are usually a compilation of marks and other scores.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [StoredGrades]
- [Terms]
- [Sections]
- [ReportingStoreCodes] / [VirtualTablesData]
- [StaffAssignment] / [VirtualTablesData3]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student was published in the student resource.
- The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student must have an active school enrollment.
- The school where the grade was earned must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The course must have a valid state course code.
- The course must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
- The section must not be excluded from state reporting ("Exclude_State_Rpt_YN").
- The course must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_CRS_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
- The section must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_SEC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
- Within the studentSectionAssociationReference complex type, location, classPeriod, and courseOffering must refer to a valid section record in the Organization Schedules category.
- A [TermBins] record exists for the storecode with the corresponding school and section termid.
- Either letter grade or numeric grade must be populated for at least one grading period.
Resource Output
- A grade record is published for each student, course section, and stored grades record that meets the selection criteria within the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
- Published grades include exam, semester, and grading period grades.
- Where available, both letter grade and numeric grade are published.
- The grade resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student, section, studentSectionAssociation, and gradingPeriod.
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
letterGradeEarned | A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor. *If NumericGradeEarned is not provided, then LetterGradeEarned is required. | Varchar(20) | [StoredGrades]Grade | O* |
numericGradeEarned | A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor. *If LetterGradeEarned is not provided, then NumericGradeEarned is required. | Integer | [StoredGrades]Percent | O* |
numericGradeEarnedDecimal | A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor. | Decimal(9,2) | [StoredGrades]Grade (if value is numeric) Else: [StoredGrades]Percent | O* |
dualCredit | DualCreditDescriptor - Indicates if the student earned both high school and postsecondary credit for the course. | Descriptor | [StoredGrades]NE_DualCredit Code [S_NE_SGR_X]Dual_Credit_Code If blank: [Sections]NE_DualCreditCode [S_NE_SGR_X]Dual_Credit_Code Not Applicable: '0' Yes: '1' No: '2' Default = '0' | R |
diagnosticStatement | A statement provided by the teacher that provides information in addition to the grade or assessment score. | Varchar(1024) | [StoredGrades]Comment_Value | O |
gradeType | GradeType - The type of grade, for example, Exam, Final, Grading Period, Progress Report. Note: GradeTypeDescriptorId is derived from the TermID, Store Code, and Final Grade Mapping | Enumerated List | Derived from: [StoredGrades]TermID and StoreCode Y1 or YR: 'Final' If [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Abbreviation: 'Final' [ReportingStoreCodes]user_defined_integer and user_defined_text [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_integer and user_defined_text ReportingStoreCodes values are examined for matches to StoredGrades values. If match is found: 'Final' [Terms]Portion If value is 2: 'Semester' Else: 'Grading Period' | R |
studentSectionAssociationReference/studentSectionAssociationIdentity Relates the student and section associated with the grade. | R | |||
/studentReference/studentIdentity | StudentUniqueId – The student enrolled in the section. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [StoredGrades]StudentID | R |
/sectionReference/sectionIdentity The section in which the student is enrolled. | R | |||
//locationReference/locationIdentity The location, typically a classroom, where the section meets. | R | |||
///classroomIdentificationCode | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity. | Varchar(20) | [Sections]Room If blank, default = 'OPEN' | R |
///schoolReference/schoolIdentity | SchoolId - The school for the section's classroom. | Integer | SchoolId downloaded from State Derived from: [Sections]SchoolID | R |
//classPeriodReference/classPeriodIdentity The class period during which the section meets. | R | |||
///classPeriodName | An indication of the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject, for example, morning, sixth period, block period, or AB schedules. | Varchar(20) | [Period]Abbreviation If blank: [Period]Period_Number | R |
///schoolReference/schoolIdentity | SchoolId - The school for the section's class period. | Integer | SchoolId downloaded from State Derived from: [Sections]SchoolID | R |
//courseOfferingReference/courseOfferingIdentity The course offering taught in the section. | R | |||
///localCourseCode | The local code assigned by the LEA or Campus that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. This must match LocalCourseCode in corresponding CourseOffering. | Varchar(60) | [Sections]Course_Number + '-' + [Sections]DCID | R |
///term | TermType - The name of the term in which the section is offered, for example, First semester, Second semester, Year long, Summer school. This must match Term in corresponding CourseOffering. | Enumerated List | [Sections]TermID [Terms]Portion [Terms]Abbreviation | R |
///schoolYear | SchoolYearType - The identifier for the school year, for example, 2010-2011. This must match SchoolYear in corresponding CourseOffering. | Enumerated List | [Terms]YearID | R |
///schoolReference/schoolIdentity | SchoolId – The school offering the course. This must match SchoolId in corresponding CourseOffering. | Integer | SchoolId downloaded from State Derived from: [Sections]SchoolID | R |
/beginDate | Month, day, and year of the student's entry or assignment to the section. | Date | [CC]DateEnrolled | R |
gradingPeriodReference/gradingPeriodIdentity Identifies the grading period associated with the grade(s). | R | |||
/gradingPeriod | GradingPeriodDescriptor - The name of the period for which grades are reported. | Descriptor | Derived from: [StoredGrades]StoreCode Records are mapped to grading periods using StoreCode. | R |
/beginDate | Month, day, and year of the first day of the grading period. | Date | Derived from: [StoredGrades]StoreCode Map to Terms: [Terms]FirstDay | R |
/educationOrganizationReference/educationOrganizationIdentity | EducationOrganizationId – The school for which the grading period is defined. | Integer | SchoolId downloaded from State Derived from: [Terms]SchoolID, link to [Schools] | R |
evaluator1StaffId | The StaffID corresponding to the teacher for the course. | String | [S_NE_SEC_X]NDE_Staff_Override, if populated. Else: [S_NE_SGR_X]NDE_Staff_Override, if populated. If both fields are not populated, the evaluator1StaffId is not published. | O |