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Staff Assignment Audit



The Staff Assignment Audit report is used to validate Staff Assignment data before running the extract. The extract is generated in a comma-delimited format.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Staff Assignment Audit Report Selection

The Staff Assignment Audit report includes staff assignment records from the [S_NE_USR_StaffAssignment_C] table that meet the following criteria:

  • Records with the Position Assignment Code chosen at report runtime.
  • Records with the Assignment Job Code chosen at report runtime.
  • Records with the Special Programs Code chosen at report runtime.
  • Records with the Assigned Subject Code chosen at report runtime.
  • Records with the Percent Time Assigned entered at report runtime.
  • Records with the Assignment Grade Level chosen at report runtime.
  • Records with the Assignment Date entered at report runtime.
  • Records with the Completion Date entered at report runtime.
  • Records with the Staff Last Name entered at report runtime.

Report Input

For help with navigation and report generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Data to be Filled

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Position Assignment Code

Choose an option from the pop-up menu to run the report for staff assignments with a specific position assignment code.

Assignment Job Code

Choose an option from the pop-up menu to run the report for staff assignments with a specific assignment job code.

Special Programs Code

Choose an option from the pop-up menu to run the report for staff assignments with a specific special programs code.

Assigned Subject Code

Choose an option from the pop-up menu to run the report for staff assignments with a specific assigned subject code.

Percent Time Assigned

Enter a value to run the report for staff assignments with a specific percent time assigned.

Assignment Grade Level

Choose an option from the pop-up menu to run the report for staff assignments with a specific assignment grade level.

Assignment Date

Enter a value to run the report for staff assignments with a specific assignment date.

Completion Date

Enter a value to run the report for staff assignments with a specific completion date.

Staff Last Name

Enter a value to run the report for staff assignments for a specific staff member.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Element #

Data Element




Teacher Number

The internal ID of the teacher.

[S_NE_USR_StaffAssignment_C]foreignKey = [SchoolStaff]ID


Teacher Name

The name of the teacher.


[S_NE_USR_StaffAssignment_C]foreignKey = [Teachers]ID


School Number

The number assigned to the school associated with the teacher assignment.



Program Code

The value is derived from the first character of the Position Assignment Code.



Assignment Grade

The student grade level associated with the assignment.



Assignment Date

The date that the assignment began.



Completion Date

The date that the assignment ended.  This may be the actual last day of contract, or the logical end-of-year value of YYYY-06-30, if the staff had only one assignment during the school year.



Assignment Job Code

The value is derived from the last four characters of the Position Assignment Code.



Percent Time

The percentage of the school day allocated for the assignment.



Position Assignment Code

The code corresponding to the teacher’s position.



Subject Code

The code corresponding to the subject taught.


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