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Report Logic for School Categories

Normally, a school clearly falls into either the Elementary/Middle or Secondary school category based on the school's High Grade. In some cases, where a "combined" school follows a PK/K-12 model, special handling is applied within the reports in order to apportion student and staff counts according to the layouts provided by the NCEA. For combined PK/K-12 schools, students are grouped into reporting categories according to the chart below, and all faculty are grouped under the Secondary school counts.

School Category

Grade Level Criteria

Student Counts

Staff Counts

Elementary/Middle School

[Schools]High_Grade < or = 9

All students appear in the Elementary/Middle category counts.

All staff appear in the Elementary/Middle category counts.

Secondary School

[Schools]High_Grade > 9
[Schools]Low_Grade > 4

All students appear in the Secondary category counts.

All staff appear in the Secondary category counts.

Combined PK/K-12 School

[Schools]High_Grade > 9
[Schools]Low_Grade < or = 4

Students in grades 9-12 appear in the Secondary category counts.
Students in grades PK-8 appear in the Elementary/Middle category counts.

All staff appear in the Secondary category counts.

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