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NCEA Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for NCEA provides a wide variety of NCEA-specific reports. The table below lists these reports and includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – The name of the report as displayed in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.

Report Name


NCEA Diocese Summary (.zip)

This report includes the Diocese-level information as found on the Diocese spreadsheet submitted to the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). When the report is generated, a compressed .zip file containing both the .pdf and .csv reports is output. Unzip the file to access the individual reports described below.

NCEA Diocese Summary (.pdf)

This report duplicates the Diocese Workbook (Summary tab) distributed to Arch/Dioceses by NCEA, and allows the user to view the contents of the Diocese submission data file. The report is returned in .pdf format.

NCEA Diocese Summary (.csv)

This report duplicates the Diocese Workbook (NCEA tab) distributed to Arch/Dioceses by NCEA, and can be used for submission to the NCEA by Dioceses that are standardized on PowerSchool. The report is returned in .csv format.

NCEA School Summary (.zip)

This report includes the school-level information as found on the School spreadsheet provided by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). When the report is generated, a compressed .zip file containing both the .pdf and .csv reports is output. Unzip the file to access the individual reports described below.

NCEA School Summary (.pdf)

This report duplicates the School Workbook (NCEA School tab) distributed to Arch/Dioceses by NCEA, and allows the user to view the contents of the School submission data file. The report is returned in .pdf format.

NCEA School Summary (.csv)

This report duplicates the School Workbook (DataOnly tab) distributed to Arch/Dioceses by NCEA, and can be used by schools for submission to the Diocese office. The report is returned in .csv format.

NCEA Student Detail Validation Report (.csv)

This report provides the details for each key student-level data element included in NCEA reporting. The purpose is to allow users at a school or diocese to view and verify the source data that contribute to the summary totals as reported in the NCEA Diocese Summary and School Summary reports. The report is returned in .csv format

NCEA Faculty Detail Validation Report (.csv)

This report provides the details for each key staff-level data element included in NCEA reporting. The purpose is to allow users at a school or diocese to view and verify the source data that contribute to the summary totals as reported in the NCEA Diocese Summary and School Summary reports

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