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LEA Setup



The following data elements are required for LEA setup

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.
  2. Choose LEA Office from the pop-up menu. The LEA start page appears.
  3. Click LEA Setup. The LEA Setup page appears.

Note: For information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Data Collections

Working with Courses

LEA Setup > Courses > Edit Course LEA Information

LEA Setup > Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Required Setup

Credit Hours

Enter the number of potential credit hours available for the course.




Course High Grade Level Range

Enter the high grade level range.

 [Courses] Course_Grade_Level_Range_High




Course Low Grade Range Level

Enter the low grade level range.




Credit Course Flag

Note: If the credit is set to zero (on the course) then no credit is awarded.




Credits Per Semester Towards Graduation

Note: If the credit is set to zero (on the course) then no credit is awarded.




State Course Code Academic Level

The 5th digit of the Course Code = Academic Level




State Course Code Subject Area

The first 4 digits of the Course Code = Subject Area.




State Grade Level

The 6th digit describes the intended school level of the course – elementary, middle, high, community college/university, 





The schedule expression for the section, which is a representation of the period(s) and day(s) it is offered.

[Cycle_Day_ID]Day_Number or Day_Name



Timetable Day Number

The schedule expression for the section, which is a representation of the period(s) and day(s) it is offered. It may be multiple if offered over several days, such as 2(A-B) = 2nd period A and B days.

[Cycle_Day_ID]Day_Number or Day_Name



Number of Semesters

The number of semesters required to get full credit for the class




Mapping Entry Codes to DPI Codes

LEA Setup > Entry Codes > [New/Edit] Entry Codes

Map Code to DPI Code

Select Map Code to DPI Code from pop-up menu:

  • Initial Entry – No Previous Public School Enrollment (E1)
  • Initial Entry – Previous Public School Enrollment (E2)
  • Re-entry – Previous W1 (R1)
  • Transfer entry – Previous NC Public School Enrollment in Same LEA (R2)
  • Transfer entry – Previous NC Public School Enrollment in Another LEA (R3)
  • Re-entry – Previous External W1 (R5)
  • Re-entry – Previous W2 (R6)




Mapping Exit Codes to DPI Codes

LEA Setup > Exit Codes > [New/Edit] Exit Codes

Map Code to DPI Code

Select the Map Code to DPI Code from pop-up menu.

  • Transfer Withdrawal (W1)
  • Non-Public Program Withdrawal (W1P)
  • Early Leaver Withdrawal – No Plan to Return Current School Year (W2)
  • Death Withdrawal (W3)
  • Early Completer Withdrawal (W4)
  • High School Graduate (W6)
  • ·        Summer Transfer Withdrawal (W7)  




Entering School Information

LEA Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the name of the school.



Required Setup

School ID

The school ID number.



Required Setup

School Address

Enter the street address for the school.



Required Setup


Enter the city in which the school is located.



Required Setup


Enter the state or province in which the school is located.



Required Setup


Enter the postal or zip code for the school.



Required Setup

School Phone Number

Enter the school phone number.



Required Setup


Enter the name of the county.



Required Setup

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Required for any school that is not to be included in State Reporting

Grades (School)

Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




Required Setup

Adding Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Information

LEA Setup > School/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Grades Offered (Lowest to Highest)

Select either Yes or No if this school has ungraded students.




School Characteristics

Select either Yes or No for the following questions:

  • Does this school focus primarily on serving the needs of students with disabilities?
  • Is this school either a magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school?
  • Is this school a charter school?
  • Is this school an alternative school?
  • Are any students in this school ability grouped for classroom instruction in mathematics or English/reading/language arts?










Does the entire school population participate in the magnet school program?

Select either Yes or No if the entire school population participates in the magnet school program.




This alternative school is designed to meet the needs of the following (check all that apply)

Check one or more that applies for this school:

  • Students with Academic Difficulties
  • Students with Discipline Problems
  • Other (Provide a comment in the Comment section to describe)







Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses and Selection

Click Yes or No if students are allowed to self-select to participate in AP courses.





School Form Level Comments (Part 1)

Enter additional school form level comments for Part 1, if applicable.




Does this school have any high school aged students in its ungraded classes?

Click Yes or No if the school has high school age students in upgraded classes.




Interscholastic Athletics - Sports, Teams, and Participants


Enter the counts for the following:

  • Male only sports
  • female only sports
  • male only teams
  • female only teams
  • male only participants on teams
  • female only participants on teams




School Form Level Comments (Part 2)

Enter school form level comments for Part 2, if applicable.




Entering Final Grade Store Codes

LEA Setup > School/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Final Grade Store Codes


Select term.




Store Code List (separated by a comma and without spaces

Specify which store codes for the school term should be considered as the final grade for a class.

Note: Separate each code using a comma, with no spaces.

Refer to the CRDC Specific Virtual Tables in the Appendix for the Store Code List.




Defining Years and Terms

LEA Setup > Years and Terms

Note: At the LEA, at a minimum, the school year must be defined. For state data collection to process, the school year start and end dates must be populated at the LEA. It is not necessary to enter semesters, quarter, trimesters, etc.

Name of School Year

Enter the school year name.





Enter the abbreviation of the school year. For the year term, use numbers. For example, enter 09-10 for the 2009-2010 school year.




First Day of School

Enter the start date of the school year using the format mm/dd/yyyy. This should be the earliest start date for any of the schools in the LEA.




Last Day of School

Enter the end date of the school year using the format mm/dd/yyyy. This should be the latest start date for any of the schools in the LEA.




Entering CRDC Information

LEA Setup > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Note: The following CRDC setup elements are stored in PowerSchool and are available to assist the state when entering data into the CRDC website.

LEA-002. Is this LEA covered by a desegregation order or plan?

Select either Yes or No if the LEA is covered by a desegregation order or plan.




LEA-003. Kindergarten Daily Length

Select either Yes or No for the following questions:

  • Does this LEA provide full-day prekindergarten? Y/N
  • Does this LEA provide part-day prekindergarten? Y/N





LEA-004. Prekindergarten Eligibility


Select either Yes or No for the following questions

  • Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to all students?
  • Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to students with disabilities (IDEA)?
  • Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to students in Title I schools?
  • Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to students from low income families?
  • Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to other distinct student classifications (Provide a comment to describe)?








LEA.005. Prekindergarten Age for Non-IDEA Students

Select either Yes or No for the following questions:

Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to non-IDEA students age 0-2?

Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to non-IDEA students age 3?

Does this LEA provide pre-kindergarten to non-IDEA students age 4?







LEA-007. Harassment and Bullying Policy

Select either Yes or No for the following questions:

  • Does this LEA prohibit harassment or bullying on the basis of sex?
  • Does this LEA prohibit harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin?
  • Does this LEA prohibit harassment or bullying on the basis of disability?

[S_NC_CRDC_LEA] Harass_Policy_By_Disability

[S_NC_CRDC_LEA] Harass_Policy_By_Race

[S_NC_CRDC_LEA] Harass_Policy_By_Gender




LEA-008. LEA Form Level Comments (Part 1)

Enter additional LEA Form level comments for Part 1, if applicable.




LEA-009. Did this LEA operate a General Educational Development (GED) preparation program for students aged 16-19?

Select either Yes or No if the LEA operates a General Education Development (GED) preparation program for students aged 16-19.




LEA0013. LEA Form Level Comments (Part 2)

Enter additional LEA Form level comments for Part 2, If applicable.




Adding Course District Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information> Civil Rights Data Collection

Classes in Mathematics and Science Courses

Select Yes or No for the following questions regarding mathematics and science courses:

  • Does this qualify as an Algebra I course?
  • Does this qualify as a Geometry course?
  • Does this qualify as an Algebra II course?
  • Does this qualify as an Advanced Math course (trigonometry, elementary analysis, analytic geometry, statistics, precalculus, etc.)?
  • Does this qualify as a Calculus course?
  • Does this qualify as a Biology course?
  • Does this qualify as a Chemistry course?
  • Does this qualify as a Physics course?




Does this fall under a specific Advanced Placement (AP) subject area?

Select the subject categories that AP classes fall under:

  • "MT" - AP Math
  • "SC" - AP Science
  • "FL" - AP Foreign Language
  • "OT" - AP Other




Single-Sex Classes

Select the subject categories that single-sex classes fall under.

  • AG" - Algebra or Geometry
  • "MT" - Other Math
  • "SC" - Science
  • "EN" - English, Reading, Language Arts
  • "OT" - Other Academic Subjects




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