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ECS and OCS Exclusions

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This report lists students that have a designation of O - Future-Ready Occupational Course of Study: Leading to an NC Diploma or E - Extended Content Standards: Leading to Graduation Certificate as their EC Designated Course of Study and excluded from the concentrator calculation.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

School Selection

The report selects which school records that are not excluded from state reporting.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student is not enrolled in a school that is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The student was actively enrolled at the school at some time during the selected reporting period.
  • Students must have enrolled in a CTE course, Cluster Pathway, and excluded from Concentraor Calculation.
  • Students must have an OCS_ECS_Flag value of O or E.

Report Input

Run Report Collection

This report collection is run at the LEA and School levels.

Use the following steps to generate the CTE Concentrator Calculation report.

  1. On the Start Page, click State Reports. then State Reporting Dashboard. The list of collections for the school appears.
  2. Next to the CTE Concentrator Calculation, click Run. The system validates the data against the business rules set up for the collection and completes the process.

Review Data Collection

  1. Next to the In-Field Out-Of Field Data Collection, click Review.
  2. Select one of the following In-Field Out-Of Field Data Collection views from the Data View drop-down menu. The Results section displays the data collection results specific to the selected data view.

Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Collection ViewDescription
Choose category

Select CTE Views

Choose data view

ECS and OCS Exclusions

Review Exceptions

Use the following steps to review exceptions for data collection.

  1. From the Dashboard, click Review. The Review page appears.
  2. Select Exceptions from the Reviews drop-down menu. Exceptions associated with a data collection display.
  3. Select the exception type from the Choose exception drop-down menu. The Business Rule and Steps to Correct for the selected exception type appear on the page.
    The Results section displays detailed information associated with the selected exception.
  4. To narrow your search, select one or more filters, if available.
  5. Click Refresh. The Results section displays the filtered exception results specific to the selected data view.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
Student NumberThe state assigned student number for the student.[Students]State_StudentNumber
First NameStudent's first name.[Students]First_Name
Last NameStudent's first name.[Students]Last_Name

The student’s current grade level.


Career PathwayThe career pathway of the student is calculated based on the Concentrator field.[S_NC_GP_PATH.S_NC_GP_PATH_REQDESCRIPTION] and "+" if the student is currently enrolled in the course and the final grade has yet to be stored. Display the respective Career Pathway only [S_NC_GP_PATH_REQDESCRIPTION] if the course has been completed and there is a stored grade.

The Cocentrator status Y (yes) or N (no).


This field displays Yes if there is an O or E for the student's designation in the EC Designated Course of Study field.


OverrideThe override status. A CTE Override could either be Y (Yes) or N (No). If Y; student will meet the Concentrator for the Cluster/Pathway the override was imported as Yes for. If N; the student will have Concentrator or Yes reverted to No for the Cluster/Pathway the override was imported as No for.



School YearSchool Year that the student became a CTE Concentrator.[s_nc_rpt_cte_students]TERMID

The student's sex.

Valid values:

  • M - Male
  • F - Female
Race/EthnicityThe student's ethnicity.[Students]Ethnicity
Career ClusterDisplays the different careers that match the skills.

Display the calculated result of the Concentrator field

School NumberThe school number.[Schools]School_Number
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