Adding PowerSchool CRDC Preview Reports to School
By default, the PowerSchool CRDC Preview Part 1 & 2 reports are visible at most schools within the PowerSchool instance; however, there may be times when a school is missing the reports.
The PowerSchool CRDC Preview reports (Part 1 & 2) are accessible in the State Reporting Dashboard at the LEA Office and School level. Generating the LEA Office level PowerSchool CRDC Preview reports allow the state to capture and upload LEA, school and student data to the Federal CRDC Submission portal. School specific PowerSchool CRDC Preview reports allow school level users to review the data that will be submitted and provide detailed student information to facilitate verification.
Use the following instructions to add the CRDC Preview Collection to a school:
- Set the School drop-down to LEA Office.
- From Reports on the left side of the screen, click State Reports. CRDC Preview Report Part 1 & 2 are located under Current LEA –Level Collections.
Click the Details drop-down; click Show/Hide Collection From Schools. The Dashboard Display Settings: PowerSchool CRDC Report- Part 1 screen opens. This screen displays every school created within the PowerSchool instance. Examples of schools that require review: CECAS, Migrant, Homeless.
Make the appropriate Yes/No selection from the Display in Dashboard drop down.
Click Submit.