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Student Setup


The following data elements are required for state reporting.

To perform student-specific tasks:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Entering General Demographics


Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName, no special characters, maximum length is 20.





Daily Absentee

Gains and Losses

Daily Discipline

Daily Sped

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade

Mailing Address

Enter the student’s address.





Daily Absentee

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Home Phone

Enter the student’s home phone number.


Daily Absentee

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data


Enter the student’s date of birth.


Daily Absentee

Daily Discipline

Daily Sped

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the student’s ethnicity from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data


Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • F – Female

  • M – Male


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Daily Absentee


Enter the student’s social security number.


Daily Discipline

Daily Sped

Gains and Losses

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.


Daily Absentee

Gains and Losses

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Data

Residence County Code

Enter the student’s residence county code.


Monthly Student Data

Include Alias Name Section on State Report

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether to include the student’s alias name on the Monthly Student Data report.


Monthly Student Data

Alias First Name

Enter the student’s alias first name, if applicable.

Note: If "Include Alias Name Section on State Report" is Yes, the Alias FirstName is required.


Monthly Student Data

Alias Middle Name

Enter the student’s alias middle name, if applicable.


Monthly Student Data

Alias Last Name

Enter the student’s alias last name, if applicable.


Monthly Student Data

Entering Emergency Contacts


Contact #1 Name

Enter the first and last name of the student’s first emergency contact.



Monthly Student Data

Contact #1 Relationship

Choose the relationship of the first emergency contact to the student from the pop-up menu.


Monthly Student Data

Contact #1 Phone

Enter the phone number of the student’s first emergency contact.

Note: To avoid errors in reports, ensure this field is not blank.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 Street Address

Enter the street address of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 City

Enter the city of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 State

Enter the state of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 Zip

Enter the zip code of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 Employer

Enter the employer of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 Work Phone

Enter the work phone number of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Emergency Contact 1 Work Phone Extension

Enter the work phone extension of the student’s first emergency contact.


Monthly Student Data

Modifying Student Information

Modify Information

School Entry Date

Enter the student’s entry date when they first enrolled in the school.

Note: The entry date must be within the school's years and terms first and last days.


Monthly Student Historical

School Entry Grade Level

Enter the student’s grade level when they first enrolled in the school.

Note: A warning appears if the grade level is greater than 12.


Monthly Student Historical

Entering Parent/Guardian Information


Mother’s Name

Enter the mother’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName


Monthly Student Historical

Father’s Name

Enter the father’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName


Monthly Student Historical

Guardian’s Name

Enter the guardian’s name.




Daily Absentee

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Guardian’s Daytime Phone

Enter the guardian’s daytime phone number


Monthly Student Data

Parent/Guardian Military Indicator

Select Yes if the guardian is in the military.

Note: If Parent/Guardian Military Indicator = Y, you must indicate the Type of Military Service.


Monthly Student Data

Type of Military Service

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate what type of military service the student participates in.

Note: If Parent/Guardian Military Indicator = Y, you must indicate the type of Military Service.

Valid Values:

AD – Active Duty

NG – National Guard


Monthly Student Data

Entering Mississippi State Information

State/Province – MS > General

MSIS Student ID

Enter the student’s state assigned identifier.


Daily Discipline

Daily Sped

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Exclude from State Reporting

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is excluded from state reports.


Monthly Student Data

LEP Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s LEP status.



Monthly Student Data

IEP Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s IEP status.


Monthly Student Data

Migrant Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s migrant status.


Monthly Student Data

Immigrant Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s immigrant status.


Monthly Student Data

Foreign Exchange Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s foreign exchange status.

- If blank, N will be reported.


Monthly Student Data

504 Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s 504 status.

Note: If the Special Education Indicator is Yes, the 504 Student indicator must be No.



Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is Hispanic.


Monthly Student Data

Transportation Information

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s transportation status.

Valid Values:

  • A1 - Transported Living in District

  • A2 - LIving out of district - transported by this district

  • A3 - LIving out of district - transported by another district

  • A4 - Not transported

Note: To avoid report errors, ensure this field is not blank.


Monthly Student Data

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade

Main cause of Absence during the school year

Enter the main reason the student was absent from school during the school year.


Monthly Student Historical

Pathway Indicator

Enter the student’s graduation pathway. Required for grades 9-12.

Valid Values:

  • C - Career Pathway

  • D - District Pathway

  • T - Traditional Pathway

  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement

  • AE - Academic Endorement

  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement


Monthly Student Data

Permission to Disclose Personally Identifiable ‘Directory’ Information

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Monthly Student Data

Birth Certificate Number

Enter the student’s birth certificate file number.


Monthly Student Historical

Verifier Initials

Enter the initials of the individual who verified the student’s birth certificate.


Monthly Student Historical

Birth City

Enter the city in which the student was born.


Monthly Student Historical

Birth County

Enter the county in which the student was born.


Monthly Student Historical

Birth State

Enter the state in which the student was born.

Note: Must be a valid 2-character abbreviation.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Gifted Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s gifted status.

Note: If Yes is chosen, the Gifted Type field must be completed


Monthly Student Data

Gifted Type

If Gifted Student is Yes, choose the description of the student’s gifted talent from the pop-up menu.


Monthly Student Data

Immune Certification Date

Enter the date of the student’s Immunization Certificate of Compliance.


Monthly Student Historical

Verifier Initials

Enter the initials of the individual who verified the student’s Immunization Certificate of Compliance.


Monthly Student Historical

Special Education Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s special education status.

Note: If the Special Education Indicator is Yes, the 504 Student indicator and the CEIS Indicator must be No.


Daily Discipline

Daily Sped

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

CEIS Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is receiving Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS).

A value of No is reported if the field is blank.

Note: If the CEIS Indicator is Yes, then the Special Education Student must be set to No.


Monthly Student Data

Peer Grade Level

(For students in grades 56 or 58)

For students in grades 56 or 58, enter the grade level at which the student is functioning based on assessment standards.

For all other students, the Peer Grade Level is reported as the Mississippi grade level (GLV_GRADE_LEVEL).


Monthly Student Data

Edit Current Enrollment Data Fields

Click the link to access the Edit Current Enrollment page, which contains the student’s most current school enrollment information, and can be accessed via Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.



Entering State Medical Information

Note: The medical information page was accessible through a link. It is now available under the Medical tab.

State/Province – MS > Medical

Date the condition was diagnosed

Enter the date the student was diagnosed with the condition.


Monthly Student Historical

Condition Type

Choose the student’s condition type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Anemia

  • Diabetes

  • Epilepsy

  • Rheumatic Fever

  • Vision

  • Asthma

  • Allergy

  • Hearing

  • Tuberculosis

  • Other


Monthly Student Historical

Entering Title I Information

Note: The Title I information page was accessible through a link. It is now available under the Title I tab.

State/Province – MS > Title I

Note: For Title I schools, the school level value will be used. The student level indicator may be used to override the default school level value for this student if desired. For non-Title I schools, each Title I Eligible student must be individually flagged.

Is the student eligible for Title I

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is eligible for Title I.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Reading indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s Title I Reading status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Language indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Language status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Math indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Math status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Homeless indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Homeless status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Neglected or Delinquent indicator

Select the relevant value to indicate student’s Title I Neglected or Delinquent status.

Valid values:

  • <blank>

  • Neg=Neglected

  • Del=Delinquent


Monthly Student Data

Title I Science indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Science status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Social Studies indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Social Studies status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Title I Support indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate student’s Title I Support status.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Entering Vocational/Technical Education Information

Note: The vocational/technical information page was accessible through a link. It is now available under the Vocational/Technical tab.

State/Province – MS > Vocational/Technical

Note: Additional Vocational/Technical fields are populated at the course enrollments level, via Start Page > Student > All Enrollments > Edit.

Vocational Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is enrolled in a vocational program.

This field is no longer used in the Monthly Student Data report. A student is reported as vocational if the student is enrolled in a vocational course reported in the file. The field is kept on the screen for use in local reporting and searching purposes.


Monthly Student Data

Enrolled in a Technical Preparation program

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is enrolled in a technical preparation program.


Monthly Student Data

Passing Courses

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is passing their courses.


Monthly Student Data

Demonstrated academic attainment on the pre-test, post-test series.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student demonstrated academic attainment on the pre-test, post-test series.


Monthly Student Data

Completed two-year Occupational program and entered job in that field

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student completed a two-year occupation program and entered a job in that field.


Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is disabled.


Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is disadvantaged.


Monthly Student Data

Non-Traditional Gender

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is a non-traditional gender.


Monthly Student Data

Single Parent

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is a single parent.


Monthly Student Data

Displaced Homemaker

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is a displaced homemaker.


Monthly Student Data

Receiving services from Special Population Personnel

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is receiving services from Special Population Personnel.


Monthly Student Data

Graduation Eligibility

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is eligible for graduation.


Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is enrolled as ungraded.


Monthly Student Data

Passed IEP

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed IEP.


Monthly Student Data

Entering Civil Rights Data Collection Information

Note: The CRDC information page was accessible through a link. It is now available under the CRDC tab.

State/Province – MS > CRDC

For details about completing student CRDC fields, refer to CRDC Student Setup (2020-2021).

Editing Enrollment Information

Note: The enrollment information page was accessible through a link. It is now available under the All Enrollments tab.

State/Province – MS > All Enrollments

Enroll Date

Enter the enroll date.


Monthly Student Historical

Summer School

Exit Date

Enter the exit date.


Summer School

Exclude Class Enrollment from State Reporting

Select this checkbox to indicate the student's class enrollment is excluded from state reports.


Vocational Course Indicator (Course is checked as Vocational)

Indicates the Course associated with this section enrollment record is a Vocational Course.

Displays as:

  • Yes

  • No



Monthly Student Data

Vocational Status Indicator

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the vocational course.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Competency Profile Passed

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the competency profile.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Comprehensive Exam Passed or Failed

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the comprehensive exam.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in Vocational Programs

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is going to continue in vocational programs.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in Academic Programs

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is going to continue in academic programs.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in a Post-Secondary Vocation Program

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is a secondary vocational student and a graduating senior.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Follow-up on the Follow-Up Enrollment Report

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if there was a follow-up on the follow-up enrollment report.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Student is Employed in Field for which They Trained

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field in which they were trained.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Employed in Field Related to Training

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Not Employed in Field Related to Training

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field not related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Enlisted in the Military

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student enlisted in the military.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Not Employed

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is not employed.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student chose another employment option.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Enter Attendance Minutes for this student

Enter the number of minutes that the student attends this class if the student attended for an amount of time other than the default for this class.

Minutes are used to determine how much time a student spends in class. Students with disabilities (SWD) often leave general education classes before the end of the period to receive special education services. This value cannot be greater than the teacher’s minutes in the same period.

Note: Value must be between 0 and 499 Minutes.


Monthly Student Data

Verifying Student Attendance



Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Verifying Attendance Time Totals

Attendance > Daily > Daily Attendance Totals (List of all dates less than 100% present)

Note: Rows listed in red are Attendance reporting discrepancies. The student's attendance percentage does not match his Daily Attendance Code absence/presence status.

For example, the student is present less than 63% of his day and has a Daily Present Code (or no code), or the student is present 63% or more of his day but has a Daily Absent Code.

The Student Header on the Daily Attendance Total Page displays the correct Grade Level alongside the Student Number.

Attendance Date

Date of attendance where the student is less than 100% present.


Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Daily Attendance Code

The Daily Code for the date.



Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Meeting Absence Codes

Comma separated list of unique meeting attendance codes for the day.



Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Attendance Minutes

The number of minutes the student attended and the minutes possible for the day displayed as: minutes attended/minutes possible

Ex: 215/300


Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Attendance Percent

The percentage of time the student is in attendance on the Attendance Date listed.

Percent Attended is calculated by dividing Minutes Attended by Potential Minutes.


Monthly Student Data

All MS Attendance Reports

Viewing Historical Grades

Historical Grades


The school associated with the historical grade.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

School year (Term)

The school term associated with the historical grade.


Monthly Student Historical

Store Code

The store code used to identify a group of grades.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Hist. grade level

Enter the student grade level associated with the historical grade.


Monthly Student Historical

Associated section

The section associated with the historical grade.


Required Setup

Course number

Enter the course number associated with the historical grade.


Monthly Student Historical

Summer School

Course name

Enter the course name associated with the historical grade.


Required Setup


Enter the alpha grade awarded to the student for completing the course.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Earned credit hours

Enter the number of credit hours awarded to the student for completing the course.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Carnegie Code



Not Required

Entering Test Scores

Test Scores

Note: For example, choose ACT from the Test pop-up menu to enter score values for the ACT test.


The page displays the name of the test.

[Test]Name = ACT

Monthly Student Historical


Enter the date the test was taken.


Monthly Student Historical

Grade Level

Enter the grade level the student was enrolled in when the test was taken.


Monthly Student Historical


Enter the number score for the test score.


Monthly Student Historical


Enter the percent score for each test score.


Monthly Student Historical


Enter the alpha score for each test score.


Monthly Student Historical

Creating Student Discipline Logs

Log Entries

Date & Time

Enter the log entry date & time.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY



Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Historical

Log Type

Choose the log entry type from the pop-up menu.


Daily Discipline


Enter a title for the discipline incident.


Recommended Setup

Log Entry Text

Enter a description of the incident.


Monthly Student Historical


Choose the type of disposition (disciplinary action) taken for the student from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values.

Valid values:

  • SUS – Suspended

  • EXP – Expelled


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Incident Date

Enter the date that the incident occurred.


Monthly Student Data

Action Date

Enter the date that the disposition (disciplinary action) began.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Action End Date

Enter the date that the disposition (disciplinary action) ended.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data


Enter the duration of the disposition (disciplinary action).


Monthly Student Data

Action Taken Detail

Choose the action taken detail from the pop-up menu.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Incident Type Category

Choose the incident type category from the pop-up menu.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Incident Location

Choose the location of the incident from the pop-up menu.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Is the student placed in an Alternate School as part of the disciplinary action

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student was placed in an alternate school as part of their disposition (disciplinary action).


Monthly Student Data

Alternate District Number

If the student was placed in an alternate school, enter the alternate district number.


Monthly Student Data

Alternate School Number

If the student was placed in an alternate school, enter the alternate school number.


Monthly Student Data

Reporter First Name

Enter the first name of the individual who reported the incident.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Reporter Last Name

Enter the last name of the individual who reported the incident.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

State Weapon Type Code

Choose the weapon type involved in the incident from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

G - Handgun

K - Knife

O - Other Weapon

R – Rifle or Shotgun

F – Firearm (Discontinued 15-16 +)


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Incident Description

Choose the discipline incident description from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values.

Note: Alternative Education codes are used to track reasons for remanding students to Alternative School and do not count in aggregate numbers of incidents for the school/district.

Persistently Dangerous School codes must be reported within 72 hours of occurrence.

State Law codes are incident codes reported to track dispositions.


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

State Discipline Reporter

Choose the type of individual who reported the incident.

Valid values:

  • School Personnel

  • Non-school Personnel

  • Student

  • Non-student (Other)


Daily Discipline

Monthly Student Data

Verifying Information for All Enrollments

All Enrollments


Information about the class of enrollment.





Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Enroll Date

Enter the enroll date.


Monthly Student Historical

Summer School

Exit Date

Enter the exit date.


Summer School

Vocational Course Indicator (Course is checked Vocational)

Indicates the Course associated with this section enrollment record is a Vocational Course.

Displays as:

  • Yes

  • No



Monthly Student Data

Vocational Course Status Indicator

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the vocational course.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Competency Profile Passed

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the competency profile.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Comprehensive Exam Passed or Failed

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student passed the comprehensive exam.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass

  • F – Fail

  • W – Withdrawal


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in Vocational Programs

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is going to continue in vocational programs.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in Academic Programs

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is going to continue in academic programs.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Continue Education in a Post-Secondary Vocation Program

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is a secondary vocational student and a graduating senior.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Follow-up on the Follow-Up Enrollment Report

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if there was a follow-up on the follow-up enrollment report.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Student is Employed in Field for which They Trained

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field in which they were trained.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Employed in Field Related to Training

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Not Employed in Field Related to Training

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is employed in a field not related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Enlisted in the Military

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student enlisted in the military.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Not Employed

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is not employed.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student chose another employment option.

Defaults to No if blank.


Monthly Student Data

Enter Attendance Minutes for this student

Enter the number of minutes that the student attends this class. This value must be between 0 and 499 minutes. Only enter a value if it is different than the total number of minutes the section is taught (entered on the Edit Section page).

Minutes are used to determine how much time a student spends in class. Students with disabilities (SWD) often leave general education classes before the end of the period to receive special education services. This value cannot be greater than the teacher’s minutes in the same period.


Monthly Student Data

Enrolling Student in Special Programs

Special Programs > Edit/New Special Program Enrollment

Entry Date

Enter the exit date for the special program.

Note: The date is the first day of special program enrollment.


Reported in Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade, but not required

Exit Date

Enter the entry date for the special program.

Note: The date is the day after the last day of special program enrollment.


Reported in Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade, but not required


Choose the program type for the special program from the pop-up menu.


Reported in Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade, but not required

Editing Current/Previous Enrollments

Transfer Information

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: This is the first day of school enrollment.



Gains and Losses

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments.



Gains and Losses

Monthly Student Data

Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment.

Note: This is the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.



Gains and Losses

Initial Student Load

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.



Gains and Losses

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: This is a required field.



Monthly Student Data

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.



Daily Absentee

Gains and Losses

Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade


Choose a track for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu, if tracks are used in attendance for the school.



Not Required

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.



Monthly Student Data

Special/Secondary Grade Code

Choose the student’s special/secondary grade code from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Pre-Kindergarten Special Education (52)

  • Kindergarten Special Education (54)

  • Elementary Self-Contained Special Education (56)

  • Secondary Self-Contained Special Education (58)

  • Secondary GED (78)


Daily Absentee

Gains and Losses

Monthly Student Data

Monthly Days Taught

Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade

Peer Grade Level

(For students in grades 56 or 58)

For students in grades 56 or 58, enter the grade level at which the student is functioning based on assessment standards.

For all other students, the Peer Grade Level is reported as the Mississippi grade level (GLV_GRADE_LEVEL).



Monthly Student Data

Calculated Test Grade Level

Displays the student’s Calculated Test Grade Level for students in grade levels 52, 54, or 58.

The value can be calculated for a single student by clicking the Calculate button on the page, or for all students by selecting the ‘Recalculate Calculated Test Grade Levels’ option on the Monthly Student Data report submission screen.

The Calculated Test Grade Level is determined by a student’s age on 9/1 of the current term year set at the top of the page. (See appendix for more information)


Monthly Student Data

Gifted Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s gifted status.

Note: This field is tracked per enrollment, allowing the values to be different for the students’ different enrollments. The value on the students’ MS State Information page is the same as the students’ current enrollment.



Monthly Student Data

Gifted Type

Choose the description of the student’s gifted talent from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

Note: This field is tracked per enrollment, allowing the values to be different for the students’ different enrollments. The value on the students’ MS State Information page is the same as the students’ current enrollment.



Monthly Student Data

Vocational Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is enrolled in a vocational program.

This field is no longer used in the Monthly Student Data report. A student is reported as vocational if the student is enrolled in a vocational course reported in the file. The field is kept on the screen for use in local reporting and searching purposes.

Note: This field is tracked per enrollment, allowing the values to be different for the students’ different enrollments. The value on the students’ Vocational/Technical Information page is the same as the students’ current enrollment.



Monthly Student Data

IEP Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s IEP status.

Note: This field is tracked per enrollment, allowing the values to be different for the students’ different enrollments. The value on the students’ MS State Information page is the same as the students’ current enrollment.



Monthly Student Data

Special Education Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s special education status.

Note: This field is tracked per enrollment, allowing the values to be different for the students’ different enrollments. The value on the students’ MS State Information page is the same as the students’ current enrollment.



Monthly Student Data

CEIS Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is receiving Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS).

A value of No is reported if the field is blank.

Note: If the CEIS Indicator is Yes, then the Special Education Student must be set to No.



Monthly Student Data

Elementary Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is in elementary school.


Not Required

Primary cause of absence (Elementary students only)

Enter the main reason the student was absent from school during the school year.


Monthly Student Historical

Teacher first name (Elementary students only)

Enter the first name of the elementary student’s teacher.


Monthly Student Historical

Teacher last name (Elementary students only)

Enter the last name of the elementary student’s teacher.


Monthly Student Historical

Pathway Indicator

Enter the student’s graduation pathway. Required for grades 9-12.

Valid Values:

  • C - Career Pathway

  • D - District Pathway

  • T - Traditional Pathway

  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement

  • AE - Academic Endorement

  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement


Monthly Student Data

Is the student being promoted

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is going to be promoted.


Monthly Student Historical

Monthly Student Data

Promotion date

Enter the date that the student is promoted.


Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Graduation type

Choose the student’s graduation type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Not Graduating

  • Traditional

  • GED

  • Occupational Diploma

  • AD - Alternate Diploma

  • Other Completers


Monthly Student Data

Summer School

Diploma Endorsement 1

Choose the student's diploma endorsement.

Valid values:

  • Blank (default)

  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement

  • AE - Academic Endorsement

  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement



Monthly Student Data

Summer School Student Data

Diploma Endorsement 2

Choose the student's diploma endorsement.

Valid values:

  • Blank (default)

  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement

  • AE - Academic Endorsement

  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement

  • If Diploma Endorsement 1 = CE, then Diploma Endorsement 2 can have values Blank, AE, or DE

  • If Diploma Endorsement 1 = Blank, AE or DE, then Diploma Endorsement 2 must be Blank



Monthly Student Data

Summer School Student Data

Date the record was sent

Enter the date the student’s enrollment information was sent to another school.


Not Required

Name of the recipient

Enter the name of the individual who received the student’s enrollment information at another school.


Not Required

Address of the recipient

Enter the address of the individual who received the student’s enrollment information at another school.


Not Required

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