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Dashboard Messages

The following messages can appear at the top of the DEX Dashboard.



Definitions for detecting data changes are out-of-date. Please restart PowerSchool when convenient to update definitions.

This message means that the way changes are tracked in the PowerSchool system was altered, and PowerSchool must be restarted for the changes to be accepted.

Restart the PowerSchool service to update the definitions.

DEX functionality is currently DISABLED. Only review capabilities are available until DEX is re-enabled on the DEX Setup page.

The DEX System is disabled.

To enable DEX:

  1. Under Data Exchange, go to District Office, System, and General Setup.

  2. Ensure that the System Enabled is On.

  3. Go to District Office, System, System Settings, and Plugin Management Configuration.

  4. Ensure that the PowerSchool Data Exchange plugin is enabled.

Refer to the PowerSchool Data Exchange documentation for more information.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.