K12 Scheduling - Course Section
This resource publishes the Course Sections and the students enrolled in the sections. This consists of the following parts:
Class Details like start and end times, periods, and meeting days.
Course Information includes local course number and state course number.
Section Information like room number, instructional minutes, term begin and end dates, etc.
Staff Information includes teacher IDs, assignment start and end dates, and position type.
Enrollments include student IDs, entry and exit dates, enrollment status, grade levels, grades earned, etc.
Note: Courses and Sections that have zero enrollments are also published to the state’s operational data store.
The Exclude from Reporting rules that apply are:
The school must NOT be excluded from reporting. No students will be published from a school that is excluded from reporting.
The course sections that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.
The students that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.
The staff that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.
The K12 Scheduling Resource is updated and can be scheduled to publish changes once daily.
The K12 Scheduling resource appears under the ON DEMAND Category.
Customers can publish immediately using the Run Now option.
Customers can run it daily to publish the changes by using the Schedule option.
The K12 Scheduling - Course resource is directly loaded by the state.
The following changes have been made for enhanced usability:
The individual student dashboard is updated for better usability for Course Section Enrollments. You can now view and publish the Course Section Enrollments directly from the student dashboard if the student is/was enrolled in that section during the school year.
The Course-Section resource data viewer is updated to include the enrollment count for better usability. A new Course Section Enrollment view is added to the K12 Scheduling Published category to ensure that customers can view all the Course Section Enrollments submitted to the state operational data store (ODS).
Element Name | Submission | Definition | Code Set, if applicable | Technical Name | [Table]Field Mapping | Business Rules / Comments |
Category - Class Details | ||||||
Class Beginning Time | Yes | An indication of the time of day the class begins. | None | ClassBeginningTime | Calculated based of the Section's bell schedule | Based on the start time of the period on the bell schedule. Must always be based on the Central Time zone. |
Class Ending Time | Yes | An indication of the time of day the class ends. | None | ClassEndingTime | Calculated based of the Section's bell schedule | Based on the end time of the period on the bell schedule. Must always be based on the Central Time zone. |
Class Meeting Days | Yes | The day(s) of the week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday) that the class meets or an indication that a class meets "out-of-school" or "self-paced". | None | ClassMeetingDays | [Section]Expression | Parenthesis part of Expression which does the cycle days/rotation. |
Class Period | Yes | An indication of the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject (e.g., morning, sixth period, block period, or AB schedules). | None | ClassPeriod | [S_MS_SEC_X]SectionPeriodExpression | If the override is not empty, then extract it |
Category - Course | ||||||
Course Code System | Yes | A system that is used to identify the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. | MDE Option Set State - State course code | CourseCodeSystem | When pulling from the Alt_Course_Number extract "State". | |
Course Identifier | Yes | The actual code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. | None | CourseIdentifier | [Courses]Course_Number [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | |
Category - Enrollment | ||||||
Course Section Enrollment Status Type | Yes | The status related to a student enrollment in an instance of a course. | MDE Option Set | CourseSectionEnrollmentStatusType | [CC]SectionID [CC]TermID | When the TermID and SectionID on the CC record are negative, set the status to "Dropped". |
Course Section Entry Type | Yes | The process by which a student enters a school (Course Section) during a given academic session. | NewEnrollment - New Enrollment | CourseSectionEntryType | NA | To be added later |
Course Section Exit Type | Yes | The circumstances under which the student exited from membership in a course section. | Transfer - Student transferred to another Class Section of the same course in the same educational institution. | CourseSectionExitType | NA | To be added later |
Course Section Exit Withdrawal Date | Yes | The year, month, and day of the first day after the date of a person's last enrollment in a course section. | None | CourseSectionExitWithdrawalDate | [CC]DataLeft | DataLeft |
Enrollment Entry Date | Yes | The month, day, and year on which a person enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school, institution, program, or class-section during a given session. | None | EnrollmentEntryDate | [CC]DateEnrolled | |
Grade Level When Course Taken | Yes | Student's grade level at time of course. | MDE Option Set IT - Infant/toddler | GradeLevelWhenCourseTaken | [StoredGrades]GradeLevel | The Grade level in the Stored Grades table will be available only after the grades are stored. If the grades are not stored, then we need to extract the gradelevel from the related school enrollment of the student. |
Mid Term Mark | Yes | Indicator of student performance at the mid-point of the marking period. | None | MidTermMark | NA | We don't have a mid-term mark. |
Number of Credits Attempted | Yes | The number of credits that a student can earn for enrolling in and completing a given course. | None | NumberOfCreditsAttempted | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs | Publish only when the Stored Grade is present. |
Number of Credits Earned | Yes | The number of credits an individual earns by the successful completion of a course. | None | NumberOfCreditsEarned | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | Publish only when the Stored Grade is present. |
Student Course Section Grade Earned | Yes | A final indicator of student performance in a course section as submitted by the instructor. | None | StudentCourseSectionGradeEarned | [StoredGrades]Grade | Publish only when the Stored Grade is present. |
Student Identification System | Yes | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | MDE Option Set | StudentIdentificationSystem | Default to "State" | |
Available Carnegie Unit Credit | Yes | Measured in Carnegie units, the amount of credit available to a student who successfully meets the objectives of the course. A course meeting every day for one period of the school day over the span of a school year offers one Carnegie unit. A Carnegie unit is thus a measure of "seat time" rather than a measure of attainment of the course objectives. | None | AvailableCarnegieUnitCredit | [Courses]CreditHours | When the Section Override field has a value, then publish Carnegie. |
Student Identifier | Yes | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, other agency, or entity. | None | StudentIdentifier | [Students]State_StudentNumber | |
Work-based Learning Opportunity Type | Yes | The type of work-based learning opportunity a student participated in. | Apprenticeship - Apprenticeship | WorkBasedLearningOpportunityType | NA | To be added later |
Organization Type | Yes | The type of educational organization or entity. | MDE Option Set | OrganizationType | Default to "LEA" | |
Responsible Organization Identifer | Yes | Identifies an organization responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction based on a type of responsibility specified in the Responsible Organization Type. | ResponsibleOrganizationIdentifier | Extract the first 4 characters so that it matches the LEA resource rule for Organization Identifier. If Sub-district functionality is enabled, then match it to the sub-district of the school where the course section exists. | ||
Responsible Organization Type | Yes | The type of responsibility the organization has for the student. | MDE Option Set Instruction - Instruction | ResponsibleOrganizationType | Default to "Instruction" | |
Category - Staff | ||||||
Assignment End Date | Yes | The last year, month, and day on which the assignment is valid. | None | AssignmentEndDate | [SectionTeacher]EndDate | Lead Teacher's End Date. Based on Sections.TeacherID |
Assignment Start Date | Yes | The year, month, and day from which the assignment is valid. | None | AssignmentStartDate | [SectionTeacher]StartDate | Lead Teacher's Start Date. Based on Sections.TeacherID |
Classroom Position Type | Yes | The type of position the staff member holds in the specific course section. | 03187 - Administrative staff | ClassroomPositionType | Default to "05973" which is for the Instructor of Record | |
Staff Member Identification System | Yes | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, registry, or other agencies to refer to a staff member. | MDE Option Set | StaffMemberIdentificationSystem | Default to "State" | |
Staff Member Identifier | Yes | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a staff member by a school, school system, a state, registry, other agency, or entity. | None | StaffMemberIdentifier | [Users]SSN | Section's Lead Teacher's SSN. Based on [Sections]TeacherID. |
Category - Section | ||||||
Classroom Identifier | Yes | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, other agency, or entity. | None | ClassroomIdentifier | [Sections]Room | |
Course Applicable Education Level | Yes | The education level, grade level, or primary instructional level at which a course is intended. | MDE Option Set IT - Infant/toddler | CourseApplicableEducationLevel | [S_MS_SEC_X]LowGradeLvl to HighGradeLvl | Enter all the applicable gradelevels. Check section override. If not available, then use School level fields. |
Course Description | Yes | A description of the course content and/or goals. Reference may be made to state or national content standards. | None | CourseDescription | [Courses]Course_Name | Section's Course's Description |
Course Section Assessment Reporting Method | Yes | The method that the instructor of the course uses to report the performance and achievement of all students. It may be a qualitative method such as individualized teacher comments or a quantitative method such as a letter or a numerical grade. In some cases, more than one type of reporting method may be used. | MDE Option Set | CourseSectionAssessmentReportingMethod | Default to 00144 | |
Course Funding Program | Yes | A program through which the course is funded. | MDE Option Set 0 No special funds, Regular Min Prog | CourseFundingProgram | [S_MS_SEC_X]SpecProg | Check Sections first. If blank, then use Courses. |
Course Section Identifier | Yes | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned by an institution, school, school system, state, other agency, or entity for a particular course-section. | None | CourseSectionIdentifier | [Courses]CourseNumber | Format: Course-Section |
Course Section Instructional Delivery Mode | Yes | The primary setting or medium of delivery for the course. | MDE Option Set | CourseSectionInstructionalDeliveryMode | NA | To be added later |
Grade Value Qualifier | Yes | The scale of equivalents, if applicable, for grades awarded as indicators of performance in schoolwork. For example, numerical equivalents for letter grades used in determining a student's Grade Point Average (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 in a four-point system) or letter equivalents for percentage grades (90-100%=A, 80-90%=B, etc.) | None | GradeValueQualifier | Default to "A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=0-59%" Later, provide a school-level field to collect this information and then update it. | |
Instructional Minutes | Yes | The total number of instruction minutes in a given session, as determined by time in class, time on task (e.g., engaged in a class), or as estimated by a qualified course designer. | None | InstructionalMinutes | [S_MS_SEC_X]AttendMin | Check Sections first. If blank, then use Courses. |
School Idenifier | Yes | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | None | SchoolIdentifier | [Sections]SchoolID | Format: School ID (0000-000) If Sub-district functionality is enabled, then handle Sub-districts scenario as well. |
School Identification System | Yes | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to an institution. | MDE Option Set | SchoolIdentificationSystem | Default to "SEA" | |
Session Begin Date | Yes | The year, month, and day on which a session begins. | None | SessionBeginDate | [Terms]FirstDay | Based on the Section.TermID |
Session End Date | Yes | The year, month, and day on which a session ends. | None | SessionEndDate | [Terms]LastDay | Based on the Section.TermID |
Session Sequence Number | Yes | The position of this session in a sequence of sessions. | None | SessionSequenceNumber | [S_MS_SEC_X]TermSemCode | If the TermSemCode is filled out, then use that otherwise use the built-in rule. |
Session Type | Yes | A prescribed span of time when an education institution is open, instruction is provided, and students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or education institution administration. A session may be interrupted by one or more vacations. | MDE Option Set | SessionType | [Terms]Portion | Based on the Section.TermID Mapping: |
Timetable Day Identifier | Yes | The unique identifier for the locally defined rotation cycle date code when the class meets (e.g., in a two- day schedule, valid values could be "A" and "B", or "1" and "2"). | None | TimetableDayIdentifier | [Sections]Expression | Section's Expression |
Virtual Indicator | Yes | Indicates a school, institution, program, or course section focuses primarily on instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or location and interact through the use of computers and/or telecommunications technologies. | Yes | VirtualIndicator | NA | To be added later |