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School Setup

On this page:


The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Attendance Overview

In PowerSchool, Daily (Time-to-Day) attendance must be enabled to calculate average daily attendance for Missouri. Daily attendance allows administrators to take attendance for the day. Meeting attendance may also be set up for the school, which allows teachers to take attendance by meeting/class. Daily (Time-to-Day), attendance is based on the number of minutes per day the student is present at the school. It is not required to set up separate periods in the schedule for lunch, but if used, they must be excluded from Attendance on the Course or Section.

Daily attendance requires that one period in the bell schedule is set up as the attendance “bridge” period. The bridge period translates meeting attendance taken by teachers to daily attendance. If two-way attendance is enabled, when the teacher updates attendance for the bridge period, the daily attendance record is also updated. Similarly, if the administrator updates attendance, the teacher’s attendance record for the bridge period is updated. If one-way attendance is enabled, then teacher attendance is translated to daily attendance, but daily attendance does not over-write the teacher’s attendance record.

If a student is present for the attendance “bridge” period, then they are awarded all attendance minutes for the day. If they are absent for the attendance period, then they are awarded zero attendance minutes for the day.

Late Arrivals or Early Departures

Administrative staff must enter attendance for students who arrive at school after the attendance “bridge” period, leave school early, or leave school for an appointment and return later during the same school day.

If the student arrives at school after the attendance “bridge” period, although a teacher marks the student as present or tardy for another period (if meeting attendance method is enabled), the student’s attendance minutes are not calculated. Only attendance taken by the teacher during the attendance “bridge” calculates ADA minutes, thus the attendance administrator must enter the student’s adjusted attendance via the New Daily Attendance page.

Note: Attendance calculated by PowerSchool global/system reports will not match attendance calculated by Missouri state reports due to the differences in attendance requirements.

Standard Attendance Setup

Most attendance setup can be completed at the school level (courses can also be set up at the district level and FTEs must be assigned at the student level). Use the list below to complete attendance setup for each school. The order of the setup elements is suggested; however, terms must be set up first. See the School Setup table below for details about each item.

  • Years & Terms – Set up the scheduling terms for the school year, as well as the number of periods per day and the number of cycle days in the schedule.
  • Attendance Preferences – Set up the school to record daily and meeting attendance based on present (not absent) minutes and to deduct passing time.
  • Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) – Set up FTEs to assign Daily Time-to-Day attendance to students as their default attendance calculation. Review additional information about assigning FTEs to students.
  • Attendance Conversions – Set up a time conversion to convert present attendance to the correct number of minutes.
  • Bell Schedules – Set up periods in the bell schedule with the appropriate number of minutes. Identify one of the periods as your attendance “bridge” period, which is used to assign daily attendance. Also, exclude periods used for lunch or other non-attendance minutes from attendance calculations.
  • Attendance Code Categories – Create categories to group attendance codes (not required).
  • Attendance Codes – Create present and absent attendance codes in order to assign attendance status to students.
  • Courses & Sections – If you set up a lunch course and section, exclude them both from attendance calculations.

Review guidance for troubleshooting attendance.

Note: The Store Historic Attendance Information for A+ process must be run prior to using the Student A+ page. All prior year attendance information is displayed based on prior year attendance calculated and stored during the process. The process can only be run at the District Office.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering Attendance Codes

Attendance Codes


Enter the attendance code abbreviation, such as A for Absent. Leave the code for Present blank.



Required Setup


Enter the attendance code description.



Required Setup

Presence Status

Select Present or Absent as the presence status. This option determines whether attendance minutes are awarded to the student.



Required Setup

Code Categories

Select the checkboxes for the appropriate attendance code categories.



Required Setup


Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades.



Not Required

Teacher can assign

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to determine whether the teacher can assign the attendance code.



Required Setup

Earns ADA credit

Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation. This option is usually selected.



Required Setup

Counts toward membership

Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation. This option is usually selected.



Required Setup

Defining Attendance Code Categories

Attendance Code Categories

Note: Three attendance code categories are set up by default. It is not necessary to change the default attendance code categories. Also, attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year.


Enter the attendance code category abbreviation.



Required Setup


Enter the name of the attendance code category.



Required Setup


Enter a description for the attendance code category.



Required Setup

Sort Order

Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page.



Required Setup

Configuring Attendance Conversion Settings

Defining Attendance Conversions

Attendance Conversions > [New/Edit]> Attendance Conversion


Enter a name for each attendance conversion, such as Full-Time or Part-Time. When you click Submit, the FTEs for the school will automatically be listed under the attendance conversion. To set up a Time-to-Day conversion, see below.

Note: Review additional information about Attendance Conversions.



Required Setup

Defining Time Conversions

Attendance Conversions > [None/Defined]> Time

Note: Attendance conversions have no effect on Missouri State Attendance Reporting but must be created and assigned for general application purposes. Attendance conversions for each minute of each day length are NOT required for MO State Reporting purposes.

Minutes Present

The first entry defaults to 0.

In the second entry, enter the number of minutes required to be present for a full day. This value is determined by the school or district, not by the state.





Day Attendance Value

Enter 0 for the first entry (zero minutes present equates to zero attendance).

Enter 1 in the second entry (full minutes present equals one full day of attendance).




Required Setup

Adding Full-Time Equivalencies

Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE)

FTEs are used to assign a default attendance calculation to students. The next step is to create an attendance conversion for the FTE.

Review additional information about FTEs and additional information about assigning FTEs to students.

Note: FTEs have no effect on Missouri State Attendance Reporting but must be created and assigned for general application purposes.


Enter the FTE name, such as Full Time or Part-Time.



Required Setup

Default Attendance Mode

Choose Daily from the pop-up menu.



Required Setup

Default Attendance Conversion

Choose Time to Day from the pop-up menu.



Required Setup

Setting Attendance Preferences

Attendance Preferences

Attendance Recording Methods

Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance (required). Daily attendance can be recorded by a PowerSchool Administrator.

Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance. Meeting attendance can be recorded by teachers.

Recording Daily attendance is required for MO state reporting purposes. Meeting attendance can also be selected to allow teachers to take attendance by meeting/class.





Required Setup

Default attendance page

Choose the default attendance page to display when viewing student attendance.




Required Setup

Meeting and daily attendance bridge

Choose one of the following:

  • One-way: Choose one-way if tracking individual attendance codes by class period is important. This method is often used in secondary schools where students move from class to class. If the attendance office changes attendance for the day, the attendance code entered by the teacher is not over-written.
  • Two-way: Choose two-way if tracking individual class attendance is less important. This method is often used in elementary schools. A two-way bridge allows attendance entered by the Attendance Office to overwrite what the teacher entered.




Required Setup

Calculation Accuracy

Enter 4 (MO requires precision up to 4 decimal places)



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Round or Truncate

Choose Round from the pop-up menu.



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Enable ADA Periods and Passing Time Deductions

Select the checkbox to enable Daily Time Exclusion (DTE), the process of deducting passing time between classes from the total minutes for the day.




Required Setup

Deduct Passing Time

Select Yes – All Passing Time.


[Prefs]Name=ATT_DailyDeductPassintTime = Yes_AllPassingTime


Required Setup

Creating/Editing Course Sections


Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section

Teacher – Section Lead

Choose the teacher for the section from the pop-up menu.



Required Setup

Teachers/Staff – Additional

Choose the teacher from the pop-up menu.

Note: Co-Teaching Roles must be set up in District Setup>Roles Administration>Co-Teaching for Position Code.

Defining State Section Information

Missouri State Section Information

^State Information entered at the Section level will over-ride information at the course level.

CTE Program Type ^

Select Program Type from the pop-up menu.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.



Course Assign

Course Completion

Course Grade Level^



Course Assign


Choose the portion of the year during which the section is taken from the pop-up menu.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.

Valid values:

  • 1 – 1st Semester
  • 2 – 2nd Semester
  • 3 – 3rd Semester
  • [blank]– Full Year



Required Setup

Delivery System^

Choose the course delivery system from the pop-up menu.

  • This value overrides the value set at the course level.
  • For code sets go to MO Core/Data/MOSIS
  • For students in grades K-5 if this value is V - Virtual Class or VH - Before/After School Virtual Classes, then the Virtual Provider details are included in the Student Course Completion Report.



Course Assign

Virtual Provider

Choose the applicable code to identify the entity responsible for the development of the virtual course content. This field is required if the course is reported as virtual in the October Course Assignment file.



2June Course Completion
Other Virtual ProviderChoose the applicable code to provide more details about the virtual provider. This field is required if 15-Other is selected for the Virtual Provider field.



60June Course Completion
Virtual Instruction

If the Delivery System field is V- Virtual Class, then choose the applicable Virtual Instruction code:

  • Blank (default)
  • MOCAPI - MOCAP Instruction
  • MOCAPC - MOCAP Curriculum Only



6Course Assignment

Combined Class^

Enter 00-99 to designate that the course is a combined class. All courses taught during the same time period must have the same Combined Class number.

Combined classes are situations where students of two or more different subjects or course sequence levels (or grade levels for self-contained elementary classes) are taught during the same time period by the same teacher.



Course Assign

Course Program Code^

Choose the course program code from the pop-up menu.


  • The section value overrides the value set at the course level.
  • If the code “50 – MOVIP” is selected, ED SSN is output as blank on the Course Assignment Report.

Note: For code sets go to MO Core/Data/MOSIS



Course Assign

Section Meeting Minutes per Week^

Enter the number of minutes per week for each assignment/class.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.



Course Assign

Course Total Hours^ (Summer School Only)

The total number of hours the class meets during the full duration of the summer school program, normally 60-120 hours.

Note: This element is reported for the June reporting cycle only.



June Course Assign


Enter the number of students served in the assignment/class, if this is not a regularly scheduled class.

For Delivery System Co-Teaching, the case load will go to the additional teacher and the additional teacher will have no records in the Student Assignment report.



Course Assign

Course Assignment Comment^

Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for Course 887900, (2) course titles for "Other" (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for Course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide, (5) aides assisting a teacher or (6) other nonstandard info



Course Assign

Course Completion Comment^

Enter general comments used to indicate job titles, course titles, supplemental assignments, teachers assigned by an aide, aides assisting a teacher or other non-standard information.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.



Course Completion

Online Class

Not used for MO state reporting



Not Used for MO State Reporting

Entering Student Assignment Information

Student Assignment Information

Dual Credit Site

Choose the site at which instruction of college credit (dual credit) courses is provided from the pop-up menu, if applicable.



Student Assign

Course Completion

Receiving Coll/Dist Code

Enter the 6-digit code for the site at which instruction of college credit (dual credit) courses is provided.

Note: For code sets go to MO Core/Data/MOSIS



Student Assign

Course Completion

Exclude from Student Assignment and Course Assignment Report

Select the checkbox to exclude the section from being included in the reports listed to the right.



Student Assign

Course Assignment

Tracking Virtual Course Attendance

Virtual Course Attendance Tracking

Note: Detailed instructions for Virtual Course Attendance Tracking can be found in the Virtual Attendance Setup section below.

Virtual Attendance Award^ (47% of the hours for a regular class.

Enter the number of hours to be awarded to students in virtual courses. The award is calculated by multiplying the total number of hours for a regular education class by .47.

Example: A regular ed class meets for a total of 100 hours. The Virtual Attendance Award entered would be 47.

Note: Data may be entered to the fourth decimal place.



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Reporting School^

Enter the school number to be used if the virtual course is not held in the same school where the teacher is assigned. The course will be reported from the school number in this field.



Course Assignment

Student Assignment

Student Enrollment and Attendance

Section Midpoint

Enter the date that falls in the middle of the term. This date will be used to mark the point in the term where a student is considered to have completed half of the course.



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Defining Assessment Pre-Code Section Information

Assessment Pre-Code Section Information

Assessment Type^

Choose the assessment the students enrolled in this section plan to complete from the pop-up menu.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.

Valid values:

  • EOC
  • MAP
  • ACT



Assessment Pre-Code

Examiner Email Override^

Enter the email address of the staff member who will receive a username and password for EOC assessment administration. If this field is blank, the teacher assigned to the section will be listed on the EOC report.



Assessment Pre-Code

Testing Method^

Choose the testing method to be used for EOC assessments in this section.

Note: This value overrides the value set at the course level.



Assessment Pre-Code

Exclude from Assessment Pre-Code

Select the checkbox to exclude the section from being included in the Assessment Pre-Code



Assessment Pre-Code

Virtual Attendance Setup

Virtual Course Attendance Calculation (DESE documentation)

A school district that offers a virtual course as described in Section 162.1250 RSMo. shall calculate and record attendance for such courses in the following manner:

  1. Determine the hours of attendance possible for the course or courses offered in a non-virtual program at the school district.
  2. Multiple this number by 47% for a course that was only half completed and 94% for a course that was fully completed.
  3. Keep a record of all calculations for audit purposes. Add the hours of attendance for the student to their record in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance file.

Using PowerSchool to Record and Calculate Attendance for Virtual Classes

Because virtual attendance isn’t awarded until after the student completes at least half of the course, all sections designated with the Delivery System ‘V – Virtual Class’ or ‘VH – Before/After School Virtual Classes” must be excluded from attendance. Until the virtual attendance is awarded, a student scheduled into a virtual class will normally have fewer hours of total membership than students who are not taking a virtual class.

The Student Enrollment and Attendance Report (SEA), along with the Attendance Hours Audit and Attendance Hours by School and Grade Level Reports, are capable of calculating virtual attendance. The reports have an option to run with or without the virtual attendance calculation. When the option selected is ‘No’, the report will use the standard attendance calculations without virtual attendance. When the option selected is ‘Yes’, the reports calculate a student’s regular attendance and then, in a separate calculation, add the virtual attendance award to the student’s Hours Attended. The two audit reports contain separate columns to show the contribution of virtual attendance for toward the final Total Hours calculation.

When the Virtual Attendance option is selected at report runtime, virtual attendance is calculated using the following rules for students enrolled in virtual classes:

  • If the student was enrolled on the Mid-point date as defined in the section, the student will receive the 47% Virtual Award as defined in the section.
  • If the student was enrolled on the last day of the term as defined in Years & Terms for the school where the section is created, the student will receive the 47% Virtual Award as defined in the section.
  • If the student was enrolled on both the Mid-point AND the last day of the term, the student will receive both awards, totaling 94% for the class. (47% + 47% = 94%)

Note: The student will receive the virtual attendance award at the school where the student is enrolled, not the school where the virtual class is created. Therefore, it’s possible that a student, who transfers within the district while enrolled in a virtual class, could earn virtual attendance at both schools.

  • Student virtual attendance hours are added to the student’s RegHrsAttended (Attendance Hours).
  • In keeping with state requirements, absence hours are not reduced by the award of virtual attendance.
  • The school attendance cap is enforced to prevent students from exceeding the allowable maximum for the school. The attendance cap is based on the and is sourced from [S_MO_SCH_X]CalendarHours
  • If a student’s additional virtual attendance does not cause the student’s Total Hours to exceed the school’s cap, capping is not applied. The student’s RegHrsAttended as reported on the SEA includes the full value of the virtual attendance earned by the student.
  • If the additional virtual attendance causes the student’s Total Hours to exceed the school’s cap, capping is enforced. When this occurs, the overage is deducted from the RegHrsAttended so that the resulting value for Total Hours does not exceed the cap. Refer to the Attendance Cap section that follows for additional details.

Attendance Cap

When the Virtual Attendance report runtime option is set to ‘Yes’, the Student Enrollment and Attendance Report (SEA), along with the Attendance Hours Audit and Attendance Hours by School and Grade Level Reports , will calculate the sum of the Regular Hours Attended and Regular Hours absent and compare it to the total hours of attendance entered on the School Setup page (Field: Actual Attendance Hours (from DESE Screen 10)). The Total Hours of Attendance should match the number of hours as entered on DESE Screen 10.

When the Virtual Attendance option is selected, the report will cap the student’s attendance for the year equal to the maximum Total Hours of Attendance possible for the school. If applicable, hours are deducted from the student’s Hours Attended, and are never deducted from the Absence Hours per state requirements.

This capping applies only to students with virtual attendance classes. Attendance is never capped for students who do not participate in a virtual attendance class. If a non-virtual attendance student’s Total Hours exceed the maximum possible for the school, this is an indication of potential issues with the student’s schedule, attendance or other root cause, which the district should address.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Editing School Information

District > Schools/School Info > Edit School

Actual Attendance Hours (from DESE Screen 10)

Enter the total hours of attendance possible for a full-time student as shown on DESE Screen 10.



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Creating/Editing Virtual Courses

Courses > [New/Edit]Courses

Virtual Attendance Award* (47% of the hours for a regular class.

Enter the number of hours to be awarded to students in virtual courses. The award is calculated by multiplying the total number of hours for a regular education class by .47.

Example: A regular ed class meets for a total of 100 hours. The Virtual Attendance Award entered would be 47



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Reporting School

Enter the school number to be used if the virtual course is not held in the same school where the teacher is assigned. The course will be reported from the school number in this field.



Course Assignment

Student Assignment

Course Completion

Creating/Editing Virtual Sections

Sections > [New/Edit]Sections

Virtual Attendance Award* (47% of the hours for a regular class.

Enter the number of hours to be awarded to students in virtual courses. The award is calculated by multiplying the total number of hours for a regular education class by .47.

Example: A regular ed class meets for a total of 100 hours. The Virtual Attendance Award entered would be 47



Student Enrollment and Attendance

Reporting School

Enter the school number to be used if the virtual course is not held in the same school where the teacher is assigned. The course will be reported from the school number in this field.



Course Assignment

Student Assignment

Course Completion

Section Midpoint

Enter the date that falls in the middle of the term. This date will be used to mark the point in the term where a student is considered to have completed half of the course.



Student Enrollment and Attendance

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