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Student Setup

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For Minnesota State reporting, there are a number of times when it is necessary to create a new enrollment record.  When a student starts attending school a new record is needed, but students also need a new enrollment record when going on or off an IEP, for example. Visit the Minnesota Department of Education website for details defining when it is necessary for a student to have a new enrollment record. There are four ways to create new enrollment records for students:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.
    • Re-enrolling in School  - In the left panel click on Function and then Re-Enroll in School. The Re-Enroll Student page appears.
    • Creating a New School Enrollment - In the left panel click on State/Province - MN and then Create a New School Enrollment. The New School Enrollment page appears.
    • Creating a New Previous (Historical) Enrollment - In the left panel click on State/Province - MN and then Create a New Previous (Historical) Enrollment. The New Previous Enrollment page appears.

The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in These Reports

Entering General Demographics


Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student's Legal name in the following format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName











Enter the date of birth.





Choose the student's gender.




Student Number

Enter the 10-character student ID number assigned by the local education agency.




Entering Minnesota State Information

MARSS Student Information

State/Province – MN

MARSS NumberEnter the student's MARSS ID.



Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student's Legal name in the following format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName













Enter the date of birth.





Choose the student's gender.




Minnesota Care Opt OutSelect Yes to Opt Out of Minnesota Care.[S_MN_STU_X]Opt_Out_MN_Care1MARSS

Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino?

Select Yes if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino.

Note: If yes at least one additional race must be indicated.




Race, Ancestry, Ethnic, and Origin

 See Appendix for Ancestry Ethnic Origin (AEO) Codes

 Check the options that apply:

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Hispanic or Latino (options only available if Ethnicity = Yes)

    • Decline to indicate

    • Unknown

    • Colombian

    • Ecuadorian

    • Guatemalan

    • Mexican

    • Puerto Rican

    • Salvadoran

    • Spanish

    • Other

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

    • Unknown

    • South/Central American
    • North American Indian Tribal Affiliation
      • Decline to Indicate
      • Unknown North American
      • Cherokee
      • Dakota/Lakota
      • Anishinaabe/Ojibwe
      • Other
  • Asian

    • Decline to Indicate

    • Unknown

    • Burmese

    • Chinese

    • Filipino

    • Hmong

    • Indian

    • Karen

    • Korean

    • Vietnamese

    • Other

  • Black or African American

    • Decline to Indicate

    • Unknown
    • African-American
    • Ethiopian-Oromo
    • Ethiopian-Other
    • Liberian
    • Nigerian
    • Somali
    • Other


Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Select the option that applies to this student.

  • 1 - American Indian
  • 2 - Asian or Pacific Islander
  • 3 - Black, not of Hispanic origin
  • 5 - White, not of Hispanic origin

NOTE: MARSS B - North American Indian Indicator. If 1 a 1 is reported, else 0 is reported.




NarrativeEnter the student's MARSS narrative.[S_MN_STU_X]MARSS_Narrative4000MARSS

Enrollment at a Glance

This is a quick view of specific MARSS related data in a tabular format. The top row represents the current enrollment record. Subsequent rows are previous enrollments. Each row is hyperlinked to allow the user to edit the enrollment data for the particular enrollment record.

Current Enrollment - Previous Enrollment

MARSS Information

Exclude from MARSS B Report

Check to exclude the student from the MARSS B report.

Note: The B File report will not extract this particular enrollment. If all of a student's enrollments are to be excluded, it is required to select each enrollment record for the particular year and place a check in the box Exclude from MARSS B Report. Records that have been excluded will be displayed with a strike-through font in the Enrollment at a Glance section.



MARSS Processing YearEnter the MARSS processing year.



SchoolEnter the student's resident school number.



MN Grade Level (KG Indicator)Set for specialty grade levels or leave blank to use the student's default grade above.



Entry DateStudent's entry date.[Students]EntrydateDateMARSS
Entry CodeSelect the student's MARSS B File Entry Codes.[Students]Entrycode10MARSS
Exit DateStudent's exit date.[Students]ExitdateDateMARSS
Exit CodeSelect the student's MARSS B File Exit Codes.[Students]Exitcode10MARSS
Student Resident District TypeSelect the Student Resident District Type.



Dual/Concurrent EnrollmentCheck if the student has a dual/concurrent enrollment.[S_MN_STU_X]Dual_Enrolled1MARSS
State Aid CategorySelect the student's State Aid Category.



Enrollment Information
Percent EnrolledEnter student's percent enrolled. Default 100



Attendance OverrideEnter student's Attendance hours.



Membership OverrideEnter student's Membership hours.



Post Secondary Options IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is pursuing post-secondary options.



PSEO High School Participating HoursEnter the number of PSOE High School participating hours.



PSEO Concurrent EnrollmentSelect Yes if the student is PSEO concurrent enrollment.



Home Bound Service IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is homebound.




Special Education Information

Special Ed Evaluation StatusSelect the student's Special Ed evaluation status.



Special Ed Instructional SettingSelect the student's Special Ed instructional setting.



Primary DisabilitySelect the student's primary disability.



Special Ed Service HoursEnter the student's Special Ed service hours.



Placing Local Education Agency Reference (For Ed-Fi reporting only)Special Education Placing Local Education Agency Reference.



Limited English ProficientSelect Yes if the student has limited English



LEP Begin DateEnter the date student started LEP



Language Instruction Program Services

Check the Language Instruction Program Services that the student receives.

  • Content-Based ELD Instruction
  • Developmental Bilingual
  • Dual Language
  • Heritage Language
  • Transitional Bilingual
  • Two-Way Immersion
  • Newcomer Program
  • Other

















Reason Other is specifiedIf Language Instruction Program Service is Other, the reason must be specified.

[S_MN_STU_X]LP_Other_Description OR



Transportation Information

Transportation CategorySelect the student's transportation category.



Transporting District NumberSelect the student's transporting district number.



Transporting District TypeSelect the student's transporting district type.




Additional Information

Gifted and Talented ParticipationSelect Yes if the student is participating in Gifted and Talented.



Gifted and Talented Service Participation Description

Enter the start date of the Gifted and Talented Service Participation Description.  The start and end dates for each program cannot be the same.

  • Advanced Academics
  • Enrichment In School
  • Enrichment Out of School
  • Full-time Services
  • Grade Acceleration
  • Subject Acceleration

[S_MN_STU_X]GT_AA_StartDate [S_MN_STU_X]]GT_AA_StartDate


[S_MN_STU_X]GT_EIS_StartDate [S_MN_REN_X]GT_EIS_StartDate


[S_MN_STU_X]GT_EOS_StartDate [S_MN_REN_X]GT_EOS_StartDate


[S_MN_STU_X]GT_FTS_StartDate [S_MN_REN_X]GT_FTS_StartDate


[S_MN_STU_X]GT_GA_StartDate [S_MN_REN_X]GT_GA_StartDate


[S_MN_STU_X]GT_SA_StartDate [S_MN_REN_X]GT_SA_StartDate


Home Primary LanguageSelect the student's home language.



Economic Indicator

Select the student's Economic Indicator.

To enter a new Economic Indicator: District > Economic Indicator > New



Migrant IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is a migrant.



Title I Student IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is Title I.



Homeless StudentSelect Yes if student is homeless.



Homeless Nighttime Residence

If student is homeless, Select the student's nighttime residence.

  • S = Sheltered
  • D = Doubled-up
  • U = Unsheltered
  • H = Hotel/Motel
  • TH = Transitional housing



Homeless Unaccompanied YouthSelect Yes if the student is homeless and unaccompanied.



Special Pupil for Care and TreatmentSelect Yes if the student is a special pupil for care and treatment.



Independent StudySelect Yes if the student is in an independent study program.



Supplemental Educational ServicesSelect the student's supplemental educational services.



Exclude from MCCCCheck to exclude the student from MCCC reporting.



Teen ParentSelect Yes if student is a teen parent.



State Approved Alternative Programs Credits (SAAP)Enter the amount of state-approved alternative program credits.



Displaced HomemakerSelect Yes if the student's parent is a displaced homemaker.



Active Duty Parent (ADP) IndicatorSelect Yes if the student's parent is active duty.



Immigrant IndicatorySelect Yes if the student is an immigrant.



Recently Arrived English Learner (RAEL)Select Yes if the student is a recently arrived English learner



Student with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)Select Yes if the student has limited or interrupted formal education.



21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) GrantSelect Yes if the student has a 21st CCLC grant.



21st CCLC Program Attendance in Days21st CCLC Program Attendance in Days.



21st CCLC Program Attendance in Hours21st CCLC Program Attendance in Hours.



21st CCLC Program Start Date21st CCLC Program Start Date.



21st CCLC Program End Date21st CCLC Program End Date.



Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional ServicesSelect Yes if the student has an alternative delivery of specialized instructional services.



Coordinated Early Intervening ServicesSelect Yes if the student has coordinated early intervening services.




Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Information

For students that require an additional record for a dual or concurrent enrollment situation, it is possible to use the Dual/Concurrent tab within a particular enrollment record. Since dual or concurrent enrollments are to be associated with a regular enrollment record, it is necessary to select the proper enrollment record from the Enrollment At A Glance table, and then navigate to the Dual/Concurrent tab.

To create additional Dual/Concurrent Enrollments select the New Dual/Concurrent Enrollment button located at the bottom of the Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Information section. Continue selecting the New Dual/Concurrent Enrollment button for each needed enrollment.

Dual/Concurrent Enrollment information is also displayed on the Edit Current Enrollment and Edit Previous Enrollment pages.

Concurrent/Dual Enrolled

Check if the student is dual or concurrently enrolled. When the MARSS B File Report is run, the process will look for potential dual or concurrent enrollments and create an additional record during the reporting process.

Note: This field only displays on the first Dual/Concurrent Enrollment.



School NumberEnter the student's dual-enrolled school number.



State Aid CategorySelect the student's State Aid Category.



Entry DateEnter the student's dual/concurrent enrollment date.



Entry CodeSelect the student's dual/concurrent entry code.



Exit DateEnter the student's dual/concurrent exit date.



Exit CodeSelect the student's dual/concurrent exit code.



Percent EnrolledEnter student's percent enrolled. Default 100.



Membership OverrideEnter student's Membership hours.



Attendance OverrideEnter student's Attendance hours.



Special Ed Evaluation StatusSelect the student's Special Ed evaluation status.  



Special Ed Service HoursEnter the student's Special Ed service hours.



Placing Local Education Agency Reference (For Ed-Fi reporting only)Special Education Placing Local Education Agency Reference for dual enrollment.



Independent StudySelect Yes if the student is in an independent study program.



State Approved Alternative Programs Credits (SAAP)Enter the amount of state-approved alternative program credits.



Title I Student IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is Title I.




Additional Dual/Concurrent Enrollments

Exclude from MARSS B reporting

Check to exclude the enrollment from the MARSS B report.

Note: This field only displays on the Additional Dual/Concurrent Enrollment records for the purpose of excluding the Additional Dual/Concurrent enrollment from the B File report. If all of a student's enrollments are to be excluded, it is required to select each enrollment record for the particular year and place a check in the box Exclude from MARSS B Report. Records that have been excluded will be displayed with a strike-through font in the Enrollment at a Glance section.


School NumberEnter the student's dual-enrolled school number for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Cur_School_Number6MARSS
State Aid CategorySelect the student's State Aid Category for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]State_Aid_Cat4MARSS
Entry DateEnter the student's dual/concurrent enrollment date for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Entry_DateDateMARSS
Entry CodeSelect the student's dual/concurrent entry code for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Entry_Code20MARSS
Exit DateEnter the student's dual/concurrent exit date for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Exit_DateDateMARSS
Exit CodeSelect the student's dual/concurrent exit code for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Exit_Code20MARSS
Percent EnrolledEnter student's percent enrolled for the additional enrollment. Default 100.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Pct_Enrolled11MARSS
Membership OverrideEnter student's Membership hours for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Membership_Hrs25MARSS
Attendance OverrideEnter student's Attendance hours for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Attendance_Hrs25MARSS
Special Ed Evaluation StatusSelect the student's Special Ed evaluation status for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]SPED_Status2MARSS
Special Ed Service HoursEnter the student's Special Ed service hours for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]SPED_Service_Hrs25MARSS
Placing Local Education Agency Reference (For Ed-Fi reporting only)Special Education Placing Local Education Agency Reference for dual enrollment for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Placing_LEA_Ref11MARSS
Independent StudySelect Yes if the student is in an independent study program for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Ind_Study1MARSS
State Approved Alternative Programs Credits (SAAP)Enter the amount of state-approved alternative program credits for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]SAAPCredits25MARSS
Title I Student IndicatorSelect Yes if the student is Title I for the additional enrollment.[S_MN_STU_ConCurENR_C]Title1_Indicator1MARSS

Verifying Information Across Enrollments

All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record

StudentThis displays the name of the student.

Information about the class of enrollment.




TeacherThis displays name information about the teacher or staff member.
ExpressionThis displays the period(s) the class meets.
Enroll DateThe enroll date.CC]DateEnrolled6-10
Exit DateThe exit date.[CC]DateLeft6-10
Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC)
Exclude from MCCC

Check to exclude the student from MCCC reporting.



Grade ReportedThis is an override for MCCC. If the override is set at the student level this will override the course and section settings.S_MN_CC_X]MCCC_Grade_Reported4MCCC Student

Edit Stored Grades and Direct Pay Course Information

Edit Grade and Earned Credit Hours

Historical Grades > [Edit Stored Grade]

College Credits Earned

(This will overide the course and section settings)

This is an override for Direct Pay and Non-Direct Pay College Credits Earned when the credit for the student is different than the local Earned Credit Hours, or the Courses College Course Credits.[StoredGrades]MCCC_EarnedCrhrs10MCCC Student

College Grade Earned

(This will overide the course and section settings)

This is an override for Direct Pay College Grade Earned when the grade for the student is different than the local Grade.[StoredGrades]MCCC_Grade_Reported4MCCC Student
Record IdIndicates the associated record Id.[S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]id19MCCC Student
College CodeIndicates the associated College Code.[S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]College_Code10MCCC Student
College Course TitleIndicates the associated Course Title.[S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S] College_Course_Title500MCCC Student
College Course CodeIndicates the associated College Course Code.[S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S] College_Course_Code50MCCC Student
Subject AreaIndicates the associated SCED Subject Area Code.

[Sections]MN_MCCC_SUBJ_AREA or


2MCCC Student
State Course CodeIndicates the associated state course code.



10MCCC Student

MARSS Functions

Create a New School Enrollment

The Create a New School Enrollment function is capable of creating a new enrollment record for a student that is currently active in the system – unlike the Re-enroll in School function. This function is useful when a new enrollment might be necessary for an active student that is going on or off an IEP, changing state aid categories or has just changed their district of residence. Typically, think of using the Create a New School Enrollment if the student is not physically leaving the school for any period of time or with no lapse in their membership in school.

When using the Create a New School Enrollment function, the Exit Information terminates the current enrollment. The Entry Information will begin a new enrollment record. Since there is usually no lapse in membership, the Exit Dates and Entry Dates are the same. (Remember that in PowerSchool, the Exit Date is the day after the date a student's status changes.) All data that is listed under the Entry Information heading is contained in the new current enrollment record including the MARSS information.

Create a New Previous (Historical) Enrollment

Unlike the functions above, which push current enrollment data down to become previous enrollments, the Create a New Previous (Historical) Enrollment function works directly with the previous enrollment table – Reenrollments. Since this record is not originating as a current enrollment record, it is missing a couple of data elements that will also need to be populated. These elements are School ID and Membership Share. Also, since the FTE Status is based on the SchoolID, it will be necessary to visit the enrollment record again to be sure the FTE Status is properly set after the record is created. This function is used rarely and is designed to insert an enrollment record in student's data for an event that has happened prior to the current enrollment.

To use the function, first select the proper student. Remember that this is a two-step process – first, it is necessary to create the enrollment record, then revisit it to populate the necessary MARSS fields and FTE Status.

  1. Navigate to the State/Province – MN page and choose the Create New Previous (Historical) Enrollment link.
    1. Enter the proper information like Entry Date and Code, Exit Date and Code. Pay close attention to the School. Select the appropriate school from the drop-down list. This will set the SchoolID mentioned above and help set the FTE Status.
    2. Once all of the data is entered, click Submit.
  2. Navigate back to the State/Province – MN page
    1. Select the newly created previous enrollment record. You can now complete the data entry of the MARSS specific information. Since the record was not created from a current enrollment record it will not automatically carry data forward like the other enrollment functions. Validate the Full-Time Equivalency field as well as the Membership share field.

Membership share should be a value from 0 to 1. This represents a factor of membership and can be thought of as a percentage. If a student is enrolled 100%, the value will be 1. If the student is enrolled half time, the value will be .5. In most cases, Membership share should be set to 1.

Notification of Change in Student Enrollment Form (Prior/Transfer)

This will produce the form required for the Request for Student State Identification Number and will populate the Prior or Transfer District Information and the required student information.  Districts should indicate the method of transmittal, routing information, transfer District Information (if applicable) and any additional information.  Once all of the data is entered, Click to Print this Page.

Entering Direct Certification Eligibility Information

Student > Student Profile > More > Lunch Program

Direct Certification Eligibility

Indicate the Direct Certification Eligibility for a student if applicable. Valid options are:

  • Blank - Does Not Apply

  • SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

  • MFIP - Minnesota Family Investment Program

  • FDPIR - Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation

  • FC - Foster Care

  • MF - Medicaid - Free

  • MR - Medicaid - Reduced

[S_MN_STU_X]Direct_Cert_Eligible10Direct Certification

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