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Home Primary Language

To set  up and maintain Primary Language codes in in PowerSchool, navigate to District > B File Codes Setup > Home Primary Language. Click the New button to create a new course.  Enter the appropriate Code, Description, Expiration Date and Sort Order. To edit a given Grade Level entry, simply click on the Code Id field to make any corrections. 

Data Element

Additional Information

[GEN]CAT = mn_mccc_crscd

Used in These Reports


Enter the Language Code.


MCCC extracts & SERVS


Enter the description of the language.


MCCC extracts & SERVS

Expiration DateEnter an expatriation date to prevent the code from showing on the drop down.[GEN]Date_ValueMCCC extracts & SERVS
Sort OrderEnter the sort order number. This is used to order the codes on the drop down list.[GEN]SortOrderMCCC extracts & SERVS
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