Direct Admission Upload
Selection Criteria
How Students are selected for this report:
The School has opted in for Direct Admission and has been approved by Minnesota Office of Higher Education.
The Student has an active enrollment during the specified date range.
The Student is indicated to be submitted for Direct Admission > select a Student > State/Province - MN > Direct Admission Reporting.
Additional Criteria:
Only Schools with students in grade 12 may be selected.
If running prior to the district having completed the Year End Process use the option - Run for Current Grade 11, (running before EOY process).
The GPA must be stored in the Student Academic Review for Direct Admission report or the student’s GPA override must be populated to report the DA GPA.
The Tier must be stored in the Student Academic Review for Direct Admission report or the student’s Tier override must be populated to report the Academic Tier.
Report Input
Field | Description |
Select School | Select the school to run the report. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
If you run the report for a single student or a group of students, select the students prior to running the report. |
Enrollment Entry Date | Enter the enrollment entry date for the students you wish to report. |
Enrollment Exit Date | Enter the enrollment exit date for the students you wish to report. |
Run for Current Grade 11, (running before EOY process). | Select Yes or No. |
Scheduling | Select Run Now or Schedule to determine when to run the report. |
Report Output
Item | Data Element | Description | Table[Field Name] |
A | The student’s Email Address | ||
B | First Name | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name |
C | Last Name | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name |
D | MARSS Number | The student’s MARSS number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
E | DOB | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB |
F | Gender | The student’s gender | [Students]Gender |
G | Graduation Date | The student’s graduation date | [Students]ExitDate |
H | DA GPA | The stored or override GPA. If the student has an GPA Override selected, the GPA override will report. | [S_STU_DirectAdmit_X]Stored_GPA or [S_STU_DirectAdmit_X]Override_GPA |
I | Academic Tier | The stored or override Tier. If the student has an Tier Override selected, the Tier override will report. | [S_STU_DirectAdmit_X]Stored_Tier or [S_STU_DirectAdmit_X]Override_Tier |