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SIS - K-3 Assessment Record (Type 141)



This report collects SIS (Student Information System) information and creates an extract file for submission to the state for K-3 Assessment (141) records.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the report start date.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
  • The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select District (Optional)

If this option appears, select the District for which to run the report.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report.

Report Start Date

Enter the report start date.

Report End Date

Enter the report end date.

This date should be the snapshot date:

  • If you generate the K-3 Assessment report for the October submission, enter the appropriate October snapshot date.
  • If you generate the report for the February submission, enter the February snapshot date.
  • If you generate the report for EOY, enter the last day of school for students.

Include Student Schedules?


  • No - No schedules will output in the report
  • October - October schedules will output in the report
  • March - March schedules will output in the report

Include Discipline?

Choose Yes to include discipline records; otherwise, choose No

Include Enrollments?


  • No - No enrollment records will output in the report
  • Enrollments with Attendance
  • Enrollments without Attendance.
The Truancy indicator is calculated using the Calculate Truancy report. PowerSchool recommends running the Calculate Truancy - Legacy report before running the Enrollment portion of the SIS report.

Include 504?

Choose Yes to include 504 records; otherwise, choose No.

Include K-3 Entry Assessment Data?Choose Yes to include K-3 assessment records; otherwise, choose No.

Include Address?

Choose Yes to include student addresses; otherwise, choose No. Addresses are required for LEA A02 and Type 2 charter schools.

Include Program Information?

Choose Yes to include program records; otherwise, choose No.

Include Override Class code(rarely used)?

Choose Yes to include the override class code in the student schedule records; otherwise, choose No.

This option increases processing time.

Promoted Exit Codes (ctrl-click for multiple)

If applicable, choose the Exit Code(s) used to designate a student promoted to a higher grade level and/or retained within the district.

Any enrollment record with a Promoted Exit Code will not have an Exit Date nor Exit Code reported.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element






System Indicator

Always extracted as “SIS”. Required.





LEA Code

The LEA code assigned by LDOE. Required.





Record Type

Always extracted as “141”. Required.





Student’s Local ID Number

The locally assigned student identifier. Required.





Student’s State ID Number

The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.





Partial Student Last Name

The first three letters of the student’s last name. Required.





Partial Student First Name

The first letter of the student’s last name. Required.





Day of Birth

The student’s day of birth in DD format. Required.





Sex Code

The student’s gender. Required.





Hispanic Latino Ethnic Flg

Indicates whether the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic. Required.





American Indian Or Alaskan Native Race Flg

Indicates whether the student’s race is American Indian or an Alaskan Native. Required.





Asian Race Flg

Indicates whether the student’s race is Asian. Required.





Black Or African American Race Flg

Indicates whether the student’s race is Black or African American. Required.





Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Race Flg

Indicates whether the student’s race is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Required.





White Race Flg

Indicates whether the student’s race is White. Required.





Beginning School Session Year

The first year of a school session, such as 2018. This is the school year selected at report runtime. To change this value, click Term at the top of the page, choose the correct term, and re-run the report.



Format: YYYY




School Site Code

The school site code.

The field is required.





Grade Placement

The student's grade level.

This field is required

Valid values:

  • 01 First
  • 02 – Second
  • 03 – Third
  • 25 – Kindergarten





Literacy Screener Exception Code

The reason the student did not complete a literacy screening.


Valid values:

  • [Blank/NULL] - Literacy Screening completed
  • 01 - Student was enrolled within the first 30 days of school, but was not in attendance to be assessed
  • 03 - Student assessed in another LEA
  • 05 - Assessed with alternate assessment
    • Note: If 05 is selected, an Alternate Reason Code is required.
[S_LA_STU_K3Assessment_X] LiteracyScreenerExceptCode254
20Alternate Assessment Reason Code

Required if Literacy Screener Exception Code is 05.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Hearing Disabled
  • 02 - Visually Disabled
  • 03 - Verbally Disabled

21Virtual Setting Flag

Indicates if the student was assessed virtually.

Valid values are Y or N.



Literacy Screener Test Type

The literacy screener test that the student took. Required.

Valid values:

  • 1 - Dibels Next
  • 2 - STEEP
  • 3 - STEP
  • 4 - Dibles 8


Literacy Screener Score

The score the student received on the screener test.


Valid values: 0-999.

Note: Values that are less than ten (10) will be reported with two leading blanks. Values between ten and ninety nine will have one leading blank. Example '1' extracts as ' 1'.



K Entry Assessment Exception Code

The reason the student did not take a K Entry assessment.

Valid values:

  • [Blank/NULL] – K Entry assessment completed
  • 1 - Student was enrolled within the first 30 days of school, but was not in attendance to be assessed

  • 02 - Not first time Kindergartener

  • 03 - Student assessed in another LEA

  • 04 - Student assessed with TSGOLD


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-3, this field is NULL.


ALT-REG 1: Curiosity

The evaluation of the student's curiosity.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


ALT-REG 2: Self Control

The evaluation of the student's self-control.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


ALT-REG 3: Persistence

The evaluation of the student's level of persistence.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


ALT-REG 4: Sharing

The evaluation of the student's ability to share.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


SED 1: Self-Identity

The evaluation of the student's self-identity.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


SED 2: Feelings

The evaluation of the student's feelings.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


SED 3: Interaction with Adults

The evaluation of the student's interaction with adults.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


SED 4: Interaction with Peers

The evaluation of the student's interaction with peers.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


SED 5: Sociodramatic Play

The evaluation of the student's sociodramatic play.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


LLD 1: Understanding of Language

The evaluation of the student's understanding of language.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


LLD 2: Responsiveness to Language

The evaluation of the student's responsiveness to language.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


LLD 3: use of Language

The evaluation of the student's use of language.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
37LLD 4: Conversation

The evaluation of the student's conversation ability.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


LLD 5: Interest in Literacy

The evaluation of the student's interest in literacy.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.


LLD 6: Comprehension

The evaluation of the student's literacy comprehension.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
40LLD 7: Print Concepts

The evaluation of the student's ability to understand print concepts.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
41LLD 8: Phonological Awareness

The evaluation of the student's phonological awareness.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
42LLD 9: Letter Knowledge

The evaluation of the student's understanding of letters.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
43LLD 10: Writing

The evaluation of the student's writing ability.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
44COG-Math 2: Math Operation

The evaluation of the student's understanding of math operations.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
45COG-Math 3: Number Sense of Quantity

The evaluation of the student's sense of numeric quantity.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
46COG-Math 4: Measurement

The evaluation of the student's understanding of measurement.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
47COG-Math 6: Shapes

The evaluation of the student's understanding of shapes.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
48PD 1: Perceptual Motor

The evaluation of the student's perceptual-motor skills.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
49PD 2: Gross Locomotor

The evaluation of the student's gross locomotor skills.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
50PD 3: Gross Motor Manipulative

The evaluation of the student's gross motor manipulation.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
51PD 4: Fine Motor

The evaluation of the student's fine motor skills.

See Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes for valid values.


  • If the student's Grade Level is K, this field is required.
  • If the student's Grade Level is 1-2, this field is NULL.
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