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LA EdLink K-3 Assessments

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This report collects kindergarten through third-grade assessment information and creates an extract file for submission to the EdLink warehouse. Use PowerSchool's Remote Connection Management feature to set up an SFTP connection to allow for automatic uploading of files to EdLink. Use with the report's scheduling feature to set up a recurring upload of files to EdLink.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the school year start date.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the school year end date.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report run date (Pre-registered students will not be included in the file).
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or between the Include students attending school between date range.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
  • The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • Students with entry and exit dates for the same day (e.g. NoShow students) will be excluded from the file.
  • For students who have switched between grade levels during the year, only the most recent enrollment record for that year is considered when generating records. The information from the latest school is reported.
  • Inactive students in grades less than 4 who have attended the school at some point during the year will be included in the file.

A student within a district or sub-district is reported only once in this K-3 extract.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools

  • Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

    If sub-districts are not enabled:

    • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
    • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

    If sub-districts are enabled:

    • Select Sub-district Select sub-districts to include in the report. To select a single sub-district, click that sub-district. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each sub-district to be included.
    • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
    • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.
Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report.

School YearSelect the school year for which to run the report. The options are controlled by the current Term selected.
Select K-3 Screening Cycle to reportIndicate which set of literacy testing data should be included in the EdLink extract file. Values are Beginning of the School Year, Middle of the School Year, and End of the School Year

Include students attending school between

Start Date

Indicate that students attending the school during this date range (minimum one day attended) should be included in the K-3 Assessment file.

Start date of range

End Date

End date of range

Identify as a Partial FileSelect this checkbox if the file being generated is not including all students that should be reported to EdLink. As a partial file, the file name will have '_partial' plus a unique number added to the name to ensure each file is unique when it is uploaded to EdLink.
SFTP connectionsIf the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



STUDENT_LOCAL_IDThe locally assigned student identifier. Required.


LOCAL_STUDENT_KEYThe student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.


STUDENT_LAST_NAMEThe student's legal last name. Required.


STUDENT_FIRST_NAMEThe student's legal first name. Required.


SCHOOL_YEARThe school year for which the report is being run. Required.

Derived from:


LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEYThe six digits of the school site code. Required.

[S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or

[S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or


(depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended)


The student's grade level. Required.

Valid values:

  • 25 – Kindergarten
  • 01 – First
  • 02 – Second
  • 03 – Third



The reason the student did not complete a literacy screening. Required.

Valid values:

  • Blank/Null = Literacy Screener completed
  • 01 = Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons
  • 02 = Not first time Kindergartener
  • 04 = Student assessed with TSGOLD
  • 05 = Student has a documented significant disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment






depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


Required only if Literacy_Screener_Exception_Code is not blank.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Hearing Disabled
  • 02 = Visually Disabled
  • 03 = Verbally Disabled

[S_LA_STU_K3Assessment_X] AltAssessmentReasonCode


[S_LA_STU_K3Assessment_X] AltAssessmentReasonCodeMOY


[S_LA_STU_K3Assessment_X] AltAssessmentReasonCodeEOY

depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


Indicates if the student was assessed virtually. Valid values are Y or N.






depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


The literacy screener test that the student took.

Required only if Literacy_Screener_Exception_Code is blank.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Acadience Reading (formerly DIBELS Next)
  • 2 = STEEP
  • 3 = STEP
  • 4 = Dibels 8






depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


The score the student received on the screener test.

Required only if Literacy_Screener_Exception_Code is blank.

Valid values: 0-999.






depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


The assessment determination code.

Required only if Literacy_Screener_Exception_Code is '05'.

Valid values are:

01: Alternative assessment
02: Alternate procedures of administration for standard K-3 literacy screener






depending on the K-3 screening cycle value selected when running the report.


The reason the student did not take a K Entry assessment.

Required for Kindergarten, not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values:

  • Blank/Null = K entry assessment completed
  • 01 = Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons
  • 02 = Not first time Kindergartener
  • 04 = Student assessed with TSGOLD
  • 05 = Student has a documented significant disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment



The evaluation of the student's curiosity.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes



The evaluation of the student's self-control.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes



The evaluation of the student's level of persistence.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's ability to share.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's self-identity.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's feelings.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's interaction with adults.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's interaction with peers.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's sociodramatic play.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's understanding of language.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's responsiveness to language.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's use of language.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's conversation ability.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's interest in literacy.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's literacy comprehension.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's ability to understand print concepts.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's phonological awareness.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's understanding of letters.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's writing ability.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's understanding of math operations.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's sense of numeric quantity.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's understanding of measurement.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's understanding of shapes.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes



The evaluation of the student's perceptual-motor skills.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


PD2_GROSS_LOCOMOTORThe evaluation of the student's gross locomotor skills.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's gross motor manipulation.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


The evaluation of the student's fine motor manipulation.

Required for Kindergarten if K_Entry_Assessment_Exception_Code is blank; not allowed for grades 1-3.

Valid values: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Codes


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