Student Settings Export
The Student Setting Export extract can be run at the district or school level. The report output file can be uploaded to the TIDE system. This report can be run at both the school and district levels.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students/SpEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
The student must be active on the report snapshot date.
The student must have a special program into one of the following programs:
Student Setting Export (SSE - )
Sped (SPE - )
504 (504 - )
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools and Multiple Schools options are only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Snapshot Date | Enter the report snapshot date in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. This is not a mandatory field. |
Include Audit Fields | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. The default option is No. Choosing Yes includes additional fields used for troubleshooting to identify data that may need to be modified prior to submitting the report to the state. |
High Grade | Enter the highest grade level to include in the report output. |
Low Grade | Enter the lowest grade level to include in the report ouput. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Required |
1 | State-EDUID | The student’s EDUID number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Varchar | 9 | Yes |
2 | Print Size: ELA | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
3 | Print Size: ELA-PT | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
4 | Print Size: Mathematics | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
5 | Color Contrast: ELA | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
6 | Color Contrast: ELA-PT | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
7 | Color Contrast: Mathematics | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
8 | Masking: ELA | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
9 | Masking: ELA-PT | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
10 | Masking: Mathematics | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
11 | Permissive Mode: ELA | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
12 | Permissive Mode: ELA-PT | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
13 | Permissive Mode: Mathematics | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
14 | Streamlined Mode: ELA | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
15 | Streamlined Mode: ELA-PT | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
16 | Streamlined Mode: Mathematics | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
17 | TTS: ELA | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
18 | TTS: ELA-PT | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
19 | TTS: Mathematics | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
20 | Language: ELA | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LangELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
21 | Language: ELA-PT | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LangELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
22 | Language: Mathematics | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LangMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
23 | ASL: ELA | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
24 | ASL: ELA-PT | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
25 | ASL: Mathematics | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
26 | Translation (Glossary): ELA | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TransELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
27 | Translation (Glossary): ELA-PT | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TransELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
28 | Translation (Glossary): Mathematics | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TransMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
29 | Closed Captioning: ELA | Indicates if Closed Captioning is available for ELA tests. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ClosedCapELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
30 | Non-Embedded Designated Supports: ELA | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbDesSupportsELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
31 | Non-Embedded Designated Supports: ELA-PT | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbDesSupportsELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
32 | Non-Embedded Designated Supports: Mathematics | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbDesSupportsMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
33 | Non-Embedded Accommodations: ELA | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbAccomELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
34 | Non-Embedded Accommodations: ELA-PT | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbAccomELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
35 | Non-Embedded Accommodations: Mathematics | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]NonEmbAccomMath | Varchar | N/A | No |
36 | Print on Demand: ELA | Indicates students can print a copy of test questions for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]PoDELA | Varchar | N/A | No |
37 | Print on Demand: ELA-PT | Indicates students can print a copy of test questions for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]PoDELAPT | Varchar | N/A | No |
38 | Print on Demand: Mathematics | Indicates students can print a copy of test questions for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]PoDMath | Varchar | N/A | No |