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Student Exit Code Mass Population Status Messages

Graduated Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Graduated" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.

Promoted Same School Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Promoted Same School" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.

Promoted Next School Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Promoted Next School" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.

Retained Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Retained" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.

Demoted Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Demoted" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.

Summer School Choice: (exit code value)

  • The student was processed according to the "Summer School" settings and was assigned the displayed exit code.


  • The student was not processed due to one or more of the key scheduling fields not being set correctly.
  • To address this issue, navigate to the student's "Scheduling Setup" page and make sure the following fields are set correctly:
    • Next Year Grade
    • Next School Indicator
    • Summer School Indicator

ExitCode contains (exit code value) and will not be overwritten!

  • This message means the processed student already had an exit code of the displayed exit code value and the report will not overwrite it.
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