Creating Incidents
The following data elements are required for discipline incidents. State reportable incidents must be created at the school level via Special Functions. Non-state reportable incidents may be created at the student, school, or district level.
Incident types, as well as incident codes and subcodes, must be set up at the district level prior to creating discipline incidents. See the District Setup section of this document.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
Entering Incident DetailsStart Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > Edit/Create New Incident > Incident Detail Note: Security groups must be granted access to Incident Types in order to create incidents. | |||
Incident Description | |||
Incident ID | This field is view-only and appears for existing incidents. The ID is populated automatically when the incident is first submitted. | [Incident]Incident_ID | Required Setup |
School | The current school name appears. State reportable incidents must be created at the school level. | [Incident]School_Number | Required Setup |
Incident Type | Choose the Idaho incident types from the pop-up menu: SDFS Reportable. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=incidenttypecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Incident Date | Enter the date and time that the incident occurred. | [Incident]Incident_TS | Required Setup |
Time Frame | Choose the time frame that the incident took place from the pop-up menu. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=timecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Time Frame Comment | If applicable, enter a comment regarding the time frame. | [Incident_Detail]Lookup_Code_Desc | Optional Setup |
Title | Enter a title for the incident. | [Incident]Incident_Title | Not Required |
Description | Enter a description of the incident. | [Incident]Incident_Detail_Desc | Not Required |
Location | Choose the location where the incident occurred from the pop-up menu. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=locationcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Location Subcode | Choose the location subcode from the pop-up menu. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Catetory [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code |
Location Description | If applicable, enter the description of the location of the incident. | [Incident]Location_Details | Optional Setup |
Prepared By | Not Required | N/A | Not Required |
Financial Impact | Not Required | N/A | Not Required |
Created By | The system-generated record of the person logged into PowerSchool who recorded the incident. | [Incident]Created_By | System Generated |
Created On | The system-generated date and time that the incident was recorded in PowerSchool. | [Incident]Created_TS | System Generated |
Adding Students or Staff MembersIncident Builder: Participants: Add Student or Staff Member Use the following steps to add participants to the incident.
| |||
Name | The full name, school, grade level, Gender and type (student or staff member) of the participant. | [Incident_Person_Role]StudentID [Incident_Person_Role]TeacherID | Required Setup |
Attributes | This field refers to participant attribute codes, which are not used for Idaho. | N/A | Not Required |
Role | Choose the role that best describes the participant's involvement in the incident. Each incident must be associated with at least one offender. Valid values:
Note: In order to assign more than one role, click the Plus (+) button next to Select Role(s). | [Incident_Person_Role]Role_Incident_Detail_ID | Required Setup |
Adding Other ParticipantsIncident Builder: Participants: Add Other Participant Use these steps to add a non-student/non-staff participant to the incident.
| |||
Mark Person as Unknown | Select the checkbox if the person is unknown. | [Incident_Other_Person]Is_Unknown | Not Required |
First, Middle, Last | Enter the first, middle, and last names of the participant, if available. | [Incident_Other_Person]First_Name [Incident_Other_Person]Middle_Name [Incident_Other_Person]Last_Name | Required Setup |
Position | Not Required | [Incident_Other_Person]Position | Not Required |
Age | Not Required | [Incident_Other_Person]Age | Not Required |
Gender | Enter the Gender of the participant, if available. | [Incident_Other_Person]Gender | Required Setup |
Role | Choose the role that best describes the participant's involvement in the incident. Each incident must be associated with at least one offender. Valid values:
Note: In order to assign more than one role, click the Plus (+) sign next to Select Role(s). | [Incident_Person_Role]Role_Incident_Detail_ID | Required Setup |
Adding ActionsIncident Elements: Add Action Use these steps to add a disciplinary action to the incident.
Note: After you create an action in response to a behavior, you must drag the action to the behavior to associate the two elements. After the action is associated with the behavior, it no longer appears under the Incident Elements heading. | |||
Action Code | Choose the action code from the pop-up menu: Expelled, Suspended from school or Convicted. Note: At least one action must be assigned to each violent behavior. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actioncode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Action Subcode | Choose the action subcode from the pop-up menu. Subcodes are required for Expelled and Suspended from school. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Catetory [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code | Required Setup |
Duration Code | Choose the duration of the disciplinary action from the pop-up menu. | [Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=durationcode | Required Setup |
Adding BehaviorsIncident Elements: Add Behavior Use these steps to add behavior to the incident.
Note: After you create a behavior for a participant, you must drag the behavior to the participant to associate the two elements. | |||
Behavior Code | Choose the behavior code from the pop-up menu. Note: At least one behavior must be defined for each offender. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=behaviorcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Behavior Subcode | If available, choose a behavior subcode from the pop-up menu. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Catetory [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code | Required Setup |
Behavior Code Comment | If appropriate, enter a comment regarding the behavior. | [Incident_Detail]Lookup_Code_Desc | Required Setup |
Adding AttributesIncident Elements: Add Attribute This section defines whether a violent incident involved physical injury.
| |||
Attribute Code | Select the checkbox for Violent Incident without Physical Injury or Violent Incident with Physical Injury, if applicable. Note: At least one attribute code must be associated with each incident involving a violent behavior. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=attributecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | Required Setup |
Attribute Comment | Enter a comment related to the attribute code, if applicable. | [Incident_Detail]Lookup_Code_Desc | Optional Setup |