The StudentSchoolEnrollment SIF Object is a record for each enrollment a student has in schools that are in the zone for the current year.
Add and Change events are supported for StudentSchoolEnrollment.
Element Mappings for StudentSchoolEnrollment
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | IA Field | Business Rules |
Students.DCID | @RefId | M | RefId is auto generated. Objtype = 4. | |
Students.DCID | @StudentPersonalRefId | M | RefId is auto generated. Objtype = 1. | |
Schools.DCID | @SchoolInfoRefId | M | RefId is auto generated. Objtype = 3. | |
@MembershipType | M | MTSS | Always 'Home'. | |
@TimeFrame | M | MTSS | This is calculated based on the Entry and Exit date of the student. | |
@SchoolYear | M | MTSS | This is calculated based on the Entry and Exit date of the student. | |
Students.EntryDate | EntryDate | M | D0185 | |
Students.EntryCode | EntryType/Code | M | Defaults to '9999'. See 5.10 IA-EntryType. | |
Students.EntryCode | EntryType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode[@Codeset=StateProvince] | M | D0180 | Defaults to '1'. |
Students.Grade_Level | GradeLevel/Code | O | D0030 | |
Section.Teacher | Advisor/@SIF_RefObject | M | D0055 | The Advisor element is published based on the homeroom in which a student is enrolled. This is calculated at the time of publishing and will find the student's most recent homeroom course. The lead teacher is published as the Advisor. |
Students.ExitDate | ExitDate | C | D0220 | This will be the InSession day before the student's actual exit date, or it will be the student's entry date if the last InSession day is before the start of school. |
Students.ExitCode | ExitType/Code | C | Defaults to '9999'. See 5.11 IA-ExitType. | |
Students.ExitCode | ExitType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode[@Codeset=StateProvince] | C | D0190 | |
S_IA_STU_X.FTE | FTE | M | D0495 | Defaults to '1.00'. |
SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement [@Name="IA Profile Extensions"] | ||||
S_IA_STU_X.Attending_District | SIF_ExtendedElement/AttendingDistrict | M | D0203 | |
S_IA_STU_X.CPI_Dual_Enrollment | SIF_ExtendedElement/CIPIDualEnrollment | M | D0244 | Defaults to '99'. |
Students.DistrictOfResidence | SIF_ExtendedElement/ResDistrict | M | D0200 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Resident_County | SIF_ExtendedElement/ResCounty | M | D0215 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Accountable_District | SIF_ExtendedElement/AccountableDistrict | O | D0207 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Foster_Care | SIF_ExtendedElement/FosterCare | M | D0230 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Resident_Facility | SIF_ExtendedElement/SvcProviderOrFacility | O | D0217 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Facility_Type | SIF_ExtendedElement/SvcOrFacilityType | M | D0218 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Receiving_Ed_Services | SIF_ExtendedElement/ReceivingEduServices | M | D0228 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Destination_Code | SIF_ExtendedElement/DestinationCode | M | D0224 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Destination_Location | SIF_ExtendedElement/DestinationLocation | O | D0225 | |
SIF_ExtendedElement/EnrollmentRecordSequenceNum | M | E0130 | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
S_IA_STU_X.Non_Public_School_Number S_IA_REN_X.Non_Public_School_Number | SIF_ExtendedElement/NonpublicSchoolNumber | O | K0040 | |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Attendance_Indicator S_IA_REN_EC_X.PK_Attendance_Indicator | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolAttendance | M | D0780 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.TI_Target_Assist_Reading | SIF_ExtendedElement/Title1Reading | M | D0250 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.TI_Target_Assist_Math | SIF_ExtendedElement/Title1Math | M | D0252 | Defaults to '0'. |
Students.LunchStatus ReEnrollments.LunchStatus | SIF_ExtendedElement/FreeLunch | M | D0270 | Defaults to '0'. See 5.12 IA-FreeLunchExt. |
Students.LunchStatus ReEnrollments.LunchStatus | SIF_ExtendedElement/ReducedLunch | M | D0280 | Defaults to '0'. See 5.13 IA-ReducedLunchExt. |
S_IA_STU_X.Early_Services_Indicator | SIF_ExtendedElement/CEIS | M | D0760 | Defaults to '0'. |
StudentCoreFields.Homeless_Code | SIF_ExtendedElement/HomelessType | M | D0340 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Homeless_Youth | SIF_ExtendedElement/UnaccompaniedYouth | M | D0341 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Homeless_Student_Served | SIF_ExtendedElement/HomelessMcKinneyVentoServed | M | D0800 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.ELL_Status S_IA_REN_X.ELL_Status | SIF_ExtendedElement/ELLStatus | M | D0420 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.ELL_Placement_Date | SIF_ExtendedElement/LIEPPlacementDate | O | D0460 | |
S_IA_STU_X.ELL_Exit_Date | SIF_ExtendedElement/LIEPExitDate | O | D0465 | |
S_IA_STU_X.ELL_Program | SIF_ExtendedElement/LIEPInstructionalProgram | M | D0470 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_HS | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKHeadStartFunded | M | D0821 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_CDCC | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKSharedVisionsFunded | M | D0822 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_EPWM | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKECIFunded | M | D0823 | Defaults to '0' |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_Parent | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKParentFunded | M | D0824 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_Title_I | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKTitle1Funded | M | D0825 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_SWVPP | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKSWVPPFunded | M | D0826 | Defaults to '0' |
S_IA_STU_X.PK_Funded_BY_Other | SIF_ExtendedElement/PKFundedByOther | M | D0827 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_1_Type | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolProgram1Type | M | D0834 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_1_Hours | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolProgram1Hours | M | D0836 | Defaults to '0.0'. |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_1_Session | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolProgram1Session | O | D0838 | |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_2_Type | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolProgram2Type | M | D0835 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_2_Hours | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreSchoolProgram2Hours | M | D0837 | Defaults to '0.0'. |
S_IA_STU_EC_X.PK_Program_2_Session | SIF_ExtendedElement/PreschoolProgram2Session | O | D0839 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Section_504 | SIF_ExtendedElement/Section504 | M | D0300 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Gifted | SIF_ExtendedElement/GiftedTalented | M | D0310 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.IEP_Level | SIF_ExtendedElement/IEPLevel | M | D0296 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.IEP_Placement_Date | SIF_ExtendedElement/IEPPlacementDate | O | D0292 | |
S_IA_STU_X.IEP_Staffed_Out_Date | SIF_ExtendedElement/IEPStaffedOutDate | O | D0294 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Entry_Type | SIF_ExtendedElement/CEDSEntryType | M | D0175 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Junior_Senior | SIF_ExtendedElement/JuniorSeniorRule | M | D0187 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Military_Connected_Status | SIF_ExtendedElement/MilitaryConnect | M | D0095 | Defaults to '0'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Diploma | SIF_ExtendedElement/DiplomaType | M | D0550 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Post_Grad_Location | SIF_ExtendedElement/PostGradLocation | M | D0560 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Post_Grad_Plan | SIF_ExtendedElement/PostGradPlan | M | D0570 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Xtra_Curricular | SIF_ExtendedElement/ExtracurricularActivities | M | D0555 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Paying_Job | SIF_ExtendedElement/PayingJob | M | D0557 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.Biliteracy_Lang2 | SIF_ExtendedElement/BilitLang2 | O | D0571 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Biliteracy_Lang3 | SIF_ExtendedElement/BilitLang3 | O | D0572 | |
S_IA_STU_X.Tuition_Out_Acc_School S_IA_REN_X,Tuition_Out_Acc_School | SIF_ExtendedElement/TOSchool | M | D0195 | |
S_IA_STU_X.NO_STATE_READ_REASON | SIF_ExtendedElement/RNSReadingScore | M | D0752 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.NO_STATE_MATH_REASON | SIF_ExtendedElement/RNSMathScore | M | D0754 | Defaults to '99'. |
S_IA_STU_X.NO_STATE_SCI_REASON | SIF_ExtendedElement/RNSScienceScore | M | D0756 | Defaults to '99'. |
SIF_ExtendedElement/ExcludeFromStateReporting | M | MTSS | Not published by the IA SMP. |