The StudentPersonal SIF Object is a record for each and contains the student's demographic data.
Add and Change events are supported for StudentPersonal.
Element Mappings for StudentPersonal
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | IA Field | Business Rules |
Students.DCID | @RefId | M | RefId is auto generated. Objtype = 1. | |
Students.Student_Number | LocalId | M | D0010 | |
Students.State_StudentNumber | StateProvinceId | M | K0020 | |
Students.SSN | OtherIdList/OtherID[@Type=0004] | O | D0160 | |
Students.Last_Name | Name/LastName | M | D0080 | |
Students.Middle_Name | Name/MiddleName | O | D0070 | |
Students.First_Name | Name/FirstName | M | D0060 | |
Name/Suffix | O | D0090 | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
StudentRace | Demographics /RaceList/Race/Code | M | D0043 | For each race that is checked for a student, the SIF Agent will create a Code block with the correct code. See 5.16 IA-Race. |
Demographics/RaceList/Race/OtherCodeList/OtherCode[@Codeset=StateProvince] | M | D0035 | ||
Students.FedEthnicity | Demographics/HispanicLatino | M | D0042 | |
Students.Gender | Demographics/Gender | M | D0050 | |
Students.DOB | Demographics/BirthDate | M | D0020 | |
Students.PrimaryLanguage | Demographics/LangaugeList/Language/Code | M | Defaults to 'eng'. | |
Students.PrimaryLanguage | Demographics/LangaugeList/Language/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | O | D0410 | Defaults to 'eng'. |
Students.Graduation_Year | ProjectedGraduationYear | O | MTSS | |
S_IA_STU_X.Immigrant | Immigrant | M | D0330 | See 5.9 IA-YesNo. |
Students.DateOfEntryIntoUSA | FirstUSEnrollment | O | D0490 | |
SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name="IA Profile Extensions"] | ||||
Students.State_ExcludeFromReporting | SIF_ExtendedElement/ExcludeFromStateReporting | M | MTSS | See 5.5 IA-Exclude. |
StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Last_Name | SIF_ExtendedElement/LegalLastName | M | D0085 | If Legal Name is not populated, then the standard name is published. |
StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_First_Name | SIF_ExtendedElement/LegalFirstName | M | D0065 | If Legal Name is not populated, then the standard name is published. |
StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name | SIF_ExtendedElement/LegalMiddleName | O | D0075 | If Legal Name is not populated, then the standard name is published. |
StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Suffix | SIF_ExtendedElement/LegalSuffix | O | D0092 |