The LEAInfo SIF Object is a record of the District Information.
Events are not published for the LEAInfo object.
Element Mappings for LEAInfo
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | IA Field | Business Rules |
@RefId | M | Auto Generated. | ||
Prefs.DistrictNumber | LocalId | M | MTSS | |
Prefs.DistrictNumber | StateProvinceId | M | H0070 | If the DistrictNumber is less than 4 characters, then up to 4 0's will be padded to the left of the number.Also, if the DistrictNumber is less than 8 characters, then up to 8 0's will be padded to the right of the number. |
Prefs.DistrictName | LEAName | M | MTSS | |
Prefs.Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name[@Type="04"]/FullName | O | ||
Prefs.Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PositionTitle | O | This is hardcoded to Superintendent. | |
Prefs.SuperintendentEmail | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/EmailList/Email[@Type="Primary"] | O | ||
Prefs.SuperintendentPhone | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O | ||
Prefs.SuperintendentFax | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O | ||
Prefs.DistrictPhone | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O | MTSS | |
Prefs.DistrictFax | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O | ||
Prefs.DistrictAddress | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line1 | O | MTSS | |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line2 | O | MTSS | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
Prefs.DistrictCity | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/City | O | MTSS | |
Prefs.DistrictState | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/StateProvince | O | MTSS | |
Prefs.DistrictCountry | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Country | O | This is hardcoded to US. | |
Prefs.DistrictZip | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/PostalCode | O | MTSS | |
SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name="IA Profile Extensions"] | M | |||
Prefs.LastVersionNumber | SIF_ExtendedElement/SISVersion | M | H0090 |