The AttendanceCodeInfo SIF Object is a list of each attendance code used per school. Only attendance codes that are marked as Absences will be published.
Events will be published whenever an Attendance Code is Added, Changed, or Deleted in a school.
Element Mappings for AttendanceCodeInfo
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | IA Field | Business Rules |
@RefId | M | Auto generated. | ||
@SchoolInfoRefId | M | Auto generated. | ||
Attendance_Code.Att_Code | AttendanceCode | M | MTSS | If the value is null (generally a present attendance), then the word 'Null' will be published. |
Attendance_Code.Presence_Status_CD | AttendanceType | M | MTSS | |
Attendance_Code.Presence_Status_CD Att_Code_Code_Entity | AttendanceStatus | M | MTSS | If Presnece_Status_CD = 'Present', then publish 'NA'. If Presence_Status_CD = 'Absent', then look to see if code is marked as being an Unexcused category code for ATN. If so, then 'Unexcused' is published. If not, then 'Excused' is published.Otherwise, 'Unknown' is published. |
Attendance_Code.Description | Description | O | MTSS | |
AbsenceValue | O | MTSS | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
Attendance_Code.Calculate_ADA_YN | UsedForDailyAttendance | M | MTSS | If 1, then 'Yes' is published.Otherwise, 'No' is published. |
Attendance_Code.Calculate_ADA_YN | UsedForPeriodAttendance | M | MTSS | If 1, then 'No' is published.Otherwise, 'Yes' is published. |