Descriptors (State Codes)
This category captures the descriptors defined by the state and used in subsequent publishing to the state and contains the following resources and views:
The Ed-Fi Descriptor Category is used to describe metadata about the descriptors and their structure. It is used to define enumeration vocabularies that are not fixed within the Ed-Fi schema, and whose values vary according to each state's Ed-Fi implementation.
- Descriptors provide states, districts, vendors, and other users of the Ed-Fi solution with the flexibility to use their own enumerations and code sets without modifying the Ed-Fi core schema.
- Descriptor values are defined at the state level and downloaded from the state Ed-Fi Data Hub.
- This information is downloaded and stored in PowerSchool publishing tables and is used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the Ed-Fi ODS.
- As Ed-Fi data is subsequently published to the state Ed-Fi Data Hub, any data element whose name ends in "Descriptor" or "Type" will be output using one of the valid code values specified by the state.
Downloaded Code Set Summary
This view provides a summary of the Descriptors as defined by the Department of Education, and downloaded into PowerSchool. The view includes the Code Set Name and Description, along with a count of the corresponding Code Values Defined for each descriptor and the date of the Last Update. The download includes the Descriptors used in the current Ed-Fi implementation, as well as the broader list of items defined within the Ed-Fi specification that may be used in future phases.
Code Set Name | Description |
Academic Honor Category Types | Describes academic distinctions earned by or awarded to a student |
Academic Subject Types | Describes academic subjects taught by an individual |
Academic Subjects | Describes the content or subject area (e.g., arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language) |
Accommodations | Defines variations used in how an assessment is presented or taken |
Accommodation Types | Describes variations used in how assessment is presented or taken |
Account Codes | Account codes defined for the education accounting system organized by account code type (e.g., fund, function, object) |
Achievement Categories | Defines the category of achievement attributed to the learner |
Achievement Category Types | Describes the achievement categories |
Additional Credit Types | Describes the additional credit types |
Address Types | Describes elements in an address including street address, city, state, and zip code |
Administration Environment Types | Describes the environment in which a test was administered |
Administrative Funding Control Types | Describes the type of education institution as classified by its funding source |
Administrative Funding Controls | Types of education institution as classified by its funding source (e.g., public or private) |
Assessment Categories | Categories of an assessment based on format and content |
Assessment Category Types | Describes the category of an assessment based on format and content |
Assessment Identification System Types | Describes a coding scheme used for identification purposes to refer to an assessment |
Assessment Identification Systems | The coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to an assessment |
Assessment Item Category Types | Describes a category or type of the assessment item |
Assessment Item Result Types | Describes the analyzed result of a student's response to an assessment item |
Assessment Periods | Periods of time in which an assessment is supposed to be administered (e.g., Beginning of Year, Middle of Year, End of Year) |
Assessment Reporting Method Types | Describes the method to report the performance and achievement of all students |
Attendance Event Categories | Categories of the attendance event (e.g., tardy) |
Attendance Event Category Types | Describes a code categorizing the attendance event |
Behavior Categories | Behavior categories describing a discipline incident |
Behavior Types | Describes enumerated items defining categories of behavior in describing an accident |
Calendar Event Types | Describes the type of scheduled or unscheduled event for the day |
Calendar Events | Types of scheduled or unscheduled events for a day |
Career Pathway Types | Describes the cluster or pathway representing the career path of the vocational/CTE concentrator |
Charter Approval Agency Types | Describes the type of agency that approved the establishment or continuation of a charter school |
Charter Status Types | Describes the category of charter school |
Citizenship Status Types | Describes whether or not the person is a U.S. citizen |
Classroom Position Types | Describes the type of position the staff member holds in the specific class or section |
Classroom Positions | Type of position for a staff member in a specific classroom |
Cohort Categories | Describes categories or groupings that identify a cohort |
Cohort Scope Types | Describes the scope of cohort |
Cohort Types | Describes the type of cohort |
Cohort Year Types | Describes enumeration items for the set of cohort years |
Competency Levels | Defines various levels for assessed competencies |
Content Class Types | Describes the predominate type or kind characterizing the learning resource |
Continuation of Service Reasons | Allows continuation of services after certain reasons |
Continuation Of Services Reason Types | Describes reasons why services are continued after a child is no longer considered migratory |
Cost Rate Types | Describes the rate by which a cost applies |
Countries | Names and codes of countries |
Course Attempt Result Types | Describes the result from the student's attempt to take the course |
Course Defined By Types | Describes whether the course was defined by the SEA, LEA, school, or national organization |
Course GPA Applicability Types | Describes whether the course being described is included in the computation of the student's GPA |
Course Identification System Codes | Defines a standard code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students |
Course Identification System Types | Describes the system that is used to identify the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of the students |
Course Level Characteristic Types | Describes the nature and difficulty of instruction |
Course Repeat Code Types | Describes if an academic course has been repeated and how it will be computed in the student's GPA |
Credential Fields | Defines the fields of certification that the state education agency offers to teachers |
Credential Types | Describes the category of credential an individual holds |
Credit Types | Describes the type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course |
Curriculum Used Types | Describes the type of curriculum used in an early learning classroom or group |
Delivery Method Types | Describes the way in which an intervention was implemented |
Delivery Methods | Describes the primary location where the student attends the reported program or receives services |
Delivery Schedules | Describes the weekly schedule followed by the student for the reported program or services |
Diagnoses | Defines diagnoses that interventions are intended to target |
Diagnosis Types | Describes the target purpose of the intervention |
Diploma Level Types | Describes the level of diploma or credential awarded after completing curricular requirements |
Diploma Types | Describes the type of diploma or credential awarded after completing curricular requirements |
Disabilities | Defines a student's impairment |
Disability Category Types | Describes the type of disability designation |
Disability Determination Source Types | Describes the source that provided the disability determination |
Disability Types | Describes the type of disability condition that describes a child's impairment |
Discipline Action Length Difference Reason Types | Describes the reason for the difference between the official and actual lengths of a disc assignment |
Discipline Types | Describes the category of discipline action |
Disciplines | Defines the type of action or removal from the classroom |
Education Organization Category Types | Describes the classification of the education agency within the geographic boundaries of a state |
Education Organization Identification System Types | Describes a coding scheme used for identification purposes to refer to an education organization |
Education Organization Identification Systems | Defines the origination record system and code used for record-keeping purposes |
Education Plan Types | Describes the type of Education Plan(s) the student is following |
Educational Environment Types | Describes the setting in which a child receives education and related services |
Electronic Mail Types | Describes the numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail |
Employment Status Types | Describes the type of employment or contract |
Employment Statuses | Defines the type of employment or contract |
Entry Grade Level Reason Types | Describes why a staff member determined a student should be promoted or demoted at the end of a term |
Entry Type Types | Describes the process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session |
Entry Types | Defines the process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session |
Event Circumstance Types | Describes an unusual event that occurred during the administration of the assessment |
Exit Withdraw Type Types | Describes the circumstances under which a student exited from membership in an educational institution |
Exit Withdraw Types | Defines the circumstances under which the student exited the educational institution |
Grade Level Types | Describes the enumerated collection for specifying one or more grade levels |
Grade Levels | Grade level definitions |
Grade Types | Describes the type of grade in a report card or transcript |
Gradebook Entry Types | Describes the type of the gradebook entry |
Grading Period Types | Describes the name of the period for which grades are reported |
Grading Periods | Names for the period for which grades are reported |
Graduation Plan Type Types | Describes the type of academic plan the student is following for graduation |
Graduation Plan Types | Graduation plan types |
Gun Free Schools Act Reporting Status Types | Describes whether the school or LEA submitted a Guns-Free Schools Act report to the state |
Identification Document Use Types | Describes the type of use given to an identification document |
Incident Location Types | Describes where the incident occurred and whether or not it occurred on school property |
Institution Telephone Number Types | Describes the 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the organization |
Integrated Technology Status Types | Describes the status for integrated technology |
Interactivity Style Types | Describes the predominate mode of learning supported by the learning resource |
Internet Access Types | Describes the type of Internet access that is available |
Intervention Class Types | Describes the way in which an intervention is used curriculum, supplement, or practice |
Intervention Effectiveness Rating Types | Describes if the intervention demonstrates effectiveness and caused an improvement in outcomes |
Language Types | Describes the language the individual uses to communicate |
Language Use Types | Describes the category denoting how a language is used |
Languages | Languages that are written or spoken |
Leave Event Category Types | Describes the type of leave event |
Level Of Education Types | Describes the enumeration of the difference levels of education achievable |
Levels | Grade levels certified for teaching |
Levels Of Education | Achievable levels of education |
Limited English Proficiency Indicators | Indicates the student has been identified as Limited English Proficient |
Limited English Proficiency Types | Describes if the student has been identified as Limited English Proficient or English Proficient |
Local Education Agency Category Types | Describes the category of LEA, District, Independent, or Charter |
Magnet Special Program Emphasis School Types | Describes a school designated to attract students of different racial or ethnic backgrounds |
Medium Of Instruction Types | Describes media through which teachers provide instructions to students and students to teachers |
Meeting Day Types | Describes the day(s) of the week the class meets or an indication the class meets |
Method Credit Earned Types | Describes the method the credits were earned |
Network Purpose Types | Describes the purpose(s) of the network, shared services, collective procurement, etc. |
Old Ethnicity Types | Describes previous definition of Ethnicity combining Hispanic/Latino and Race |
Operational Status Types | Describes the current operational status of the education organization |
Other Name Types | Describes other names |
Performance Base Conversion Types | Describes standard levels of competency or performance that can be used for dashboard visualizations |
Performance Levels | Levels or thresholds for performance on an assessment |
Personal Information Verification Types | Describes the evidence presented to verify one's personal identity |
Population Served Types | Describes the type of students the course was designed for |
Post Secondary Event Category Types | Describes the post-secondary event |
Post Secondary Institution Level Types | Describes a post-secondary institution's highest level of offering (in years) |
Posting Result Types | Describes whether the position was filled or retired without filling |
Program Assignment Types | Describes the education program for which a teacher is assigned to a school |
Program Assignments | Education program names assigned to teachers |
Program Characteristic Types | Describes important characteristics of the Program, such as categories or particular indications |
Program Characteristics | Important program characteristics such as categories and indications |
Program Sponsor Types | Describes providers of funds for a particular educational service program or activity |
Program Types | Describes the program of instruction, training, services, etc. available from government agencies |
Publication Status Types | Describes the publication status of the document |
Race Types | Describes the general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition |
Reason Exited Types | Describes the reason the child left the program within a school or district |
Reason Not Tested Types | Describes the primary reason the student is not tested |
Reasons Exited | Reasons a student exited a program |
Recognition Types | Describes the nature of recognition given to the student for accomplishments in an activity |
Relation Types | Describes the nature of an individual's relationship to a student |
Repeat Identifier Types | Describes whether a student has previously taken a given course |
Reporter Description Types | Describes the type of individual who reported the incident |
Reporter Descriptions | Type of individual who reported an incident |
Residency Status Indicators | Indications of location of a person's legal residence relative to this school |
Residency Status Types | Describes the location of a person's legal residence relative to the school boundaries |
Response Indicator Types | Describes the indicator of the response |
Responsibility Type Types | Describes the education organization's responsibility for a student, such as attendance |
Responsibility Types | Types of responsibility per education organization |
Restraint Event Reason Types | Describes the items of categorization of the circumstances or reasons for a restraint |
Result Datatype Types | Describes the datatype of the result |
Retest Indicator Types | Describes if a test has been retaken |
School Category Types | Describes the category of school |
School Choice Implement Status Types | Describes whether the LEA implemented the provisions for public school choice under Title 1, Part A |
School Food Services Eligibility Type Types | Describes a student's level of eligibility for breakfast, lunch, supper, and milk programs |
School Food Services Eligibility Types | Student level of eligibility for break |
School Types | Describes the type of education institution as classified by its primary focus |
School Year Types | Describes a school year |
Section Characteristic Types | Describes enumeration items for Section Characteristics |
Section Characteristics | Characteristics of a section, such as whether attendance is taken |
Separation Reason Types | Describes reason for terminating employment |
Separation Reasons | Reasons for terminating employment |
Separation Types | Describes types of employment separation |
Services | Defines services provided by an education organization to populations of students associated with a program |
Sex Types | Describes a person's gender |
Special Education Setting Types | Describes the major instructional setting for a student |
Special Education Settings | Major instrument setting (more than 50 percent of student spec ed program) |
Staff Classification Types | Describes an individual's title of employment, official status, or rank |
Staff Classifications | Describes individual title of employment, official status, or rank |
Staff Identification System Types | Describes a coding scheme for identification purposes by schools, etc. to refer to a staff member |
Staff Identification Systems | Defines the origination record system and code that is used for record-keeping purposes of the staff |
State Abbreviation Types | Describes the abbreviation for the state which an address is located |
Student Characteristic Types | Describes the important characteristics of the student's home situation |
Student Characteristics | Defines set of important characteristics of a student |
Student Identification System Types | Describes a coding scheme used for identification purposes by schools, etc. to refer to a student |
Student Identification Systems | Defines the origination record system and code that is used for record-keeping purposes of the student |
Student Participation Code Types | Describes the role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident |
Teaching Credential Basis Types | Describes pre-determined criteria for granting the teaching credential an individual possesses |
Teaching Credential Type Types | Describes the category of a legal document authorizing to perform teaching assignment services |
Teaching Credential Types | Categories of legal documents giving authorization to teach |
Telephone Number Types | The type of communication number listed for an individual |
Term Types | Describes the type of the session during the school year |
Terms | Defines the term of a session during the school year (e.g., Fall Semester) |
Title I Part A Participant Types | Describes the type of Title I program in which the student is participating and served |
Title I Part A School Designation Types | Describes the Title I Part A designation for the school |
Visa Types | Describes a non-U.S. citizen's Visa type |
Weapon Types | Describes the type of weapon used during an incident |
Weapons | Types of weapon used during an incident |
Downloaded Code Set Values
This view provides a complete list of Descriptor values by code set (state codes) as defined by the Department of Education, and downloaded into PowerSchool. Descriptors are used to categorize data for publishing to the Ed-Fi dashboards. The view provides the Code Set Name, Code Value, Description, Effective Begin Date, and Effective End Date (if applicable). For details about the specific code values, which are not included here, visit the Descriptors (state code) category on the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page.
Local district and/or school codes must be mapped to these state descriptor values for data to be successfully published. In most cases, this mapping is handled internally within the PowerSchool Ed-Fi business logic. In some cases, local codes must be mapped by the district on the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Codes Set Mappings page. District personnel can access the Ed-Fi Codes Set Mappings page on the System Administrator page. If this page does not contain data, select [Run Now] on the Ed-Fi State Reporting page to download descriptor code values from the state Ed-Fi Data Hub.