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his table stores PASI Student Responsible School data

Column Name


Data Type


ID22.7.1NUMBER(19)Primary Key
EFFECTIVEDATE22.7.1DATEIdentifies the date when the responsible school came into effect.
HASRESPONSIBLESCHOOL22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The responsible school type for the responsible school. The code value of HasResponsibleSchool in PASI Code Values.
ISDELETED22.7.1NUMBER(1)Indicates whether this record is deleted in PASI.
LASTUPDATEUTCTIME22.7.1TIMESTAMP(6)The UTC time this Responsible School was last modified.
LOCALID22.7.1NUMBER(19)The ID of the record in PowerSchool. This is the link between the PASI tables and the PowerSchool tables.
PASICOREVERSION22.7.1NUMBER(19) The PASI version of this record. This is used for updating the record.
REFID22.7.1VARCHAR2(36 CHAR) A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) used to reference the Responsible School record
The City name of the school the student will be transitioning to.
SCHOOLCODE22.7.1VARCHAR2(4 CHAR)Identifies the school associated with this record.
SCHOOLCOUNTRY22.7.1VARCHAR2(60 CHAR)The Country associated with the School address that the student is transitioning to.
SCHOOLNAME22.7.1VARCHAR2(225 CHAR)The name of the school the Student is transitioning to.
SCHOOLSTATEPROVINCE22.7.1VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)The province or state associated with the School address that the student is transitioning to. For Canadian and US addresses, this should be the accepted 2 digit province or state code.
STATEPROVINCEID22.7.1VARCHAR2(20 CHAR),The primary StateProvinceId for the student, otherwise known as the Alberta Student Number (ASN).
TRANSITIONREASON22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Identifies the reason the student transitioned to this school or out of school. The code value of TransitionReason in PASI Code Values.
WhoCreated22.7.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user.
WhenCreated22.7.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.
WhoModified22.7.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.
WhenModified22.7.1Timestamp(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date.
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