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PASI Direct Connect Tables Data Dictionary

Your provincial reporting data dictionary documentation contains provincial-specific database information and is a supplement to the PowerSchool Data Dictionary. 

Each provincial-specific table is comprised of rows and columns that correspond to the values and data elements in the table, including field name, software release version, data type, and description. Database table names are comprised of the table titles and the software release versionwhich indicates when the table was created. Column names that appear italicized are no longer used.  

Audit Columns 

Audit Columns contain information about the creation and modification of a record, and are automatically created for each recordRefer to Audit Columns for more information. 

Common Tables 

In addition to provincial-specific tables, there are tables that are common across all states and provinces. Please refer to your provincial-specific documentation to determine if common tables are used to support reporting for your province. Refer to Common Tables for detailed information on the common tables available. 

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