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This table stores PASI Student Record Document data

Column Name


Data Type





The primary key.

Created of by organization value of the document
CREATED_UTC_TIMESR_20.7.2.0TIMESTAMP(6)Created of by organization date and time of the document.
DISPOSAL_OVERRIDE_DATESR_20.7.2.0DATEDisposal override date of the document.
Document date.
Document language.
Document type.
Expiry date of the document.
Indicates whether this document is deleted in PASI.
True when this document is a digitized version of a physical (hard copy) document. False when the document was created by a system and imported directly into PASI.
IS_EXEMPT_FROM_QASR_20.7.2.0NUMBER(1)True if the document is considered exempt from quality assurance.
IS_RELEVANTSR_20.7.2.0NUMBER(1)True if this document is relevant; false if it has been replaced with another document.
IS_TEXT_SEARCHABLESR_20.7.2.0NUMBER(1)True if the document has associated text that can be searched.
LAST_UPDATE_UTC_TIME SR_20.7.2.0TIMESTAMP(6)Last update date and time of the document.
LINKED_TO_ORG SR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)A reference to the organization that the document is linked to.
LOCAL_ID  SR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The ID of the student document record in PowerSchool. This is the link between the PASI tables and the PowerSchool tables.
ORIGINAL_FILE_NAMESR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(200 CHAR) Original file name of the document.
PASI_COREVERSIONSR_20.7.2.0NUMBER(19)Core version of the document.
REFIDSR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(36 CHAR)Reference Id of the document.
SCHOOL_YEARSR_20.7.2.0NUMBER(4)A number representing which PASI school year the record belongs to, such as 2021 for 2020-2021 PASI school year.
STATE_PROVINCE_IDSR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(20)The provincial-assigned student number for the student. In most cases, this number should stay the same from school to school.
TITLESR_20.7.2.0VARCHAR2(200 CHAR) Title of the document.
WhoCreatedSR_20.7.2.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record. By default, it is the user.
WhenCreatedSR_20.7.2.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.
WhoModifiedSR_20.7.2.0Varchar2(100)The name of person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.
WhenModifiedSR_20.7.2.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was modified. By default, it is the system date.
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