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This table stores Status Messages and Core Alerts data.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

PASICoreVersion13.0.0NUMBER(19,0)Unique number allowing easy identification of when an entity has changed.
PASISystemID13.0.0Varchar2(50)RefID of the entity associated with the status message.
StatusType13.0.0Varchar2(30)Entity stype associated with the status message.
AcknowledgementStatus13.0.0Varchar2(25)Indicated whether the record has been acknowledged.
AlertCode13.0.0NUMBER(10,0)Code value for the core alert.
AlertType13.0.0Varchar2(30)Indicates the type of core alert.
Description13.0.0Varchar2(2000)Description of the core alert.
ProcessState13.0.0NUMBER(1,0)System indicator if alert is being updated.
WhenProcessed13.0.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was processed. Defaults to system date.
WhoCreated13.0.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to user.
WhenCreated13.0.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.
WhoAcknowledged13.0.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who acknowledged the record. Defaults to user.
WhenAcknowledged13.0.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was acknowledged. Defaults to system date.
WhoModified13.0.0Varchar2(100)The name of person who modified the record. Defaults to user.
WhenModified13.0.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date
PASIObject13.0.0Varchar2(30)Component of the entity associated with the core alert message (usually only for students).
SchoolID13.0.0NUMBER(10,0)The School Number in PowerSchool.
Acknowledged_ORG_Code13.0.0NUMBER(10,0)Orginization code of who acknowledged the core alert.
Acknowledged_IP_Addr13.0.0Varchar2(45)IP Address of who acknowledged the core alert.
Acknowledged_Local_ID13.0.0NUMBER(10,0)User ID of who acknowledged the core alert.
PASISchoolYear13.0.0Varchar2(4)A number representing which school year the record belongs to, such as 2017 for 2017-2018 school year.

The DCID of the corresponding record in PowerSchool. This is the link between the PASI tables and the PowerSchool tables.

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