This table is child table of AB_COURSE_PERMISSION, stores information on locally developed courses identifying which organizations can offer the course and at what credit level(s).
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 16.5.0 | NUMBER(19,0) | Primary Key |
CREDITVERSION | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(5) | Identifies the number of credits for which the course can be offered. Typically, this is 1, 3 or 5 credits but can be any number. |
EFFECTIVEENDDATE | 22.7.1 | DATE | The effective end date for the credit version on the course permission. |
EFFECTIVESTARTDATE | 16.5.0 | DATE | The effective start date for the credit version on the course permission. |
FIRSTSCHOOLYEAR | 16.5.0 | NUMBER(4) | Identifies the first school year the school authority is permitted to offer the course. |
LASTSCHOOLYEAR | 16.5.0 | NUMBER(4) | Identifies the last school year the school authority is permitted to offer the course. |
USEEFFECTIVEDATES | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(1) | Determine whether to use the FirstSchoolYear/LastSchoolYear or the EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate. If TRUE then the effective dates should be used. |
WHOCREATED | 16.5.0 | Varchar2(100) | The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user. |
WHENCREATED | 16.5.0 | TIMESTAMP(6) | The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. |
WHOMODIFIED | 16.5.0 | Varchar2(100) | The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user. |
WHENMODIFIED | 16.5.0 | TIMESTAMP(6) | The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. |