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This table stores PASI Course information.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

COURSE_CODE16.5.0VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)Unique course identifier assigned by Alberta Education.
ACCUMULATEDCREDITMAXIMUM16.5.0DATEWhen provided, identifies how many credits a student can accumulate in the course by taking the course multiple times. If not provided, identifies that the student cannot accumulate credits in the course.
Categorizes the course based on the series provided for the course.
DEVELOPEDBY16.5.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Identifies if the course is developed provincially by Alberta Education (ā€œPā€), or is a Locally Developed Course (ā€œLā€).
Used to sub-categorize the course within the identified subject.
Course full name in English.
ENGLISHSHORTNAME16.5.0VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR)Abbreviated course name in English.
EVALUATIONMETHOD22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Identifies the set of rules used to evaluate the student achievements in the course.
FIRSTPILOTSCHOOLYEAR22.7.1NUMBER(4,0)Identifies the first school year the course was offered as a pilot. While offered as a pilot, only authorized school authorities may offer the course.
FIRSTSCHOOLYEAR22.7.1NUMBER(4,0)Identifies the first school year the course is generally available to be offered.
FRENCHFULLNAME22.7.1VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR)Course full name in French.
FRENCHSHORTNAME22.7.1VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR)Abbreviated course name in French.
FUNDINGTIER22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Categorizes the course based on the level of funding provided for the course.
INSTRUCTIONALLEVEL22.7.1VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)Categorizes the course based on the level expertise being offered in the course.

Identifies grade level that the course was intended to be delivered in. Grade Level (Format: A)

LASTPILOTSCHOOLYEAR22.7.1NUMBER(4,0)Identifies the last school year the course was offered as a pilot. While offered as a pilot, only authorized school or school authorities may offer the course. If FirstPilotSchoolYear is NULL then LastPilotSchoolYear is ignored.
LASTPUBLISHEDUTCTIME22.7.1TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time that the course definition was last published/updated. Represents the UTC date/time.
LASTPUBLISHEDVERSION22.7.1NUMBER(19,0)sed to identify the order in which the course data was updated in relation to other courses.
LASTSCHOOLYEAR22.7.1NUMBER(4,0)Identifies the last school year the course is allowed to be offered.
PASI_COREVERSION16.5.0NUMBER(19,0)PASI version of the course record.
The unique code for the course subject.
WhoCreated16.5.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user.
WhenCreated16.5.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.
WhoModified16.5.0Varchar2(100)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.
WhenModified16.5.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date.

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