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Student Teacher Sections

This category captures section teachers and student section enrollments and includes the following data views and resources:

Staff Sections

This data view captures a detailed list of Staff Section successfully published to ODS. This association indicates the class sections to which a teacher is assigned and is required for all teachers. A separate Staff Section Association record is published for each course section in which the Teacher is scheduled based on the year and the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI. A teacher with classes at multiple schools will have a record for each section at each school.The layout includes the School Name, Teacher Number, Staff Name, WYSE Staff ID, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, Term, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.


This association indicates the class sections to which a teacher is assigned. This resource is required for all teachers.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student’s school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • [enter remaining selection criteria]

Resource Output

  • [enter resource output]
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.                       

Data Element


[Table]Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the related Section resource.



The school associated with the session.

Integer R


An indication of the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject  for example morning, sixth period, block period, or AB schedules.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaPeriodNameBase(P_Profileid, P.DCID, P.Abbreviation, P.Period_Number)R


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaClassroomCodeBase(P_Profileid, Sec.DCID, Sec.Room)R


The local code assigned by the LEA or Campus that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaLocalCourseCodeBase(P_profileid, Crs.DCID, Crs.Course_Number)R


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.getTermTypeFY(P_Profileid, T.Portion, T.Abbreviation)R


The identifier for the school year.Integer'P_Yearid + 1991R


A unique identifier for the Section, that is defined by the classroom, the subjects taught, and the instructors that are assigned.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaSectionCodeBase(P_Profileid, Sec.DCID, P_Orgid)R


When a Section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number if the sequence. If the course has only one part, the value of this Section attribute should be 1.Integer'1'R


  A reference to the related Staff resource.


The staff associated with the section.

StringEDFI_WY_LIB.getStaffUniqueId(P_Profileid, U.DCID)R
classroomPositionDescriptorA unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.Stringwhen [Sections]Teacher = [Sectionteacher]Teacherid: 'TR'
when [Roledef]Name = 'Lead Teacher': 'TR'
when [Roledef] Co-teacher, Job Share Teacher : 'NT'
beginDateMonth, day, and year of a teacher's assignment to the Section. If blank, defaults to the first day of the first grading period for the Section.Date



endDateMonth, day, and year of the last day of a staff member's assignment to the Section.Date



percentageContributionIndicates the percentage of the total scheduled course time, academic standards, and/or learning activities delivered in this section by this staff member. A teacher of record designation may be based solely or partially on this contribution percentage.Number O

Student Sections

This data view captures a detailed list of Student Sections successfully published to ODS. This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned. A separate Student Section Association record is published for each course section in each school in which a student is or was enrolled based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, WISER ID, Grade Level, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, Term, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.


 This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data


Selection Criteria

 Records are published if the following criteria are met:
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student’s school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • [enter remaining selection criteria]

Resource Output

  • [enter resource output]
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.                       

Data Element


[Table]Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the related Section resource.


The school for which the section is defined. 

Integer R



An indication of the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject, for example, morning, sixth period, block period, or AB schedules.

StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaPeriodNameBase(P_Profileid, P.DCID, P.Abbreviation, P.Period_Number)R


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaClassroomCodeBase(P_Profileid, Sec.DCID, Sec.Room)R


The local code assigned by the LEA or Campus that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaLocalCourseCodeBase(P_Profileid, Crs.DCID, Crs.Course_Number)R


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.getTermTypeFY(P_Profileid, T.Portion, T.Abbreviation)R


The identifier for the school year.String' p_yearid + 1991'R


A unique identifier for the Section, that is defined by the classroom, the subjects taught, and the instructors that are assigned.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.formaSectionCodeBase(P_Profileid, Sec.DCID, p_orgid)R


When a Section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number if the sequence. If the course has only one part, the value of this Section attribute should be 1.Integer'1'R


A reference to the related Student resource.


A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student.StringCST_PUBWORKFLOW_LIB.getStudentUniqueIdBase(P_Profileid, S.DCID, S.State_Studentnumber)R
beginDateMonth, day, and year of the Student's entry or assignment to the Section.Date

SELECT min [Calender_Day]Date_Value

WHERE [Calender_Day]Schoolid ='P_Schoolid'

AND [Calender_Day]Insession ='1'

AND [Calender_Day]Date_Value between [Terms]Firstday AND [Terms]Lastday

AND [Calender_Day] is greater than [Cc]Dateenrolled



Month, day, and year of the withdrawal or exit of the Student from the Section.

This element is required if applicable; otherwise it is excluded from publishing.


SELECT Max [Calender_Day]Date_Value
WHERE [Calender_Day]Schoolid = P_Schoolid

AND [Calender_Day]Insession = 1

AND [Calender_Day]Date_Value between [Terms]Firstday

AND [Terms]LastdayAND [Calender_Day]Date_Value is less than [Cc]Dateleft


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