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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-234573Ed-Fi: Code Set Mapping and Code Set Misc Do Not Map Special Characters

Code Set and Code Set Misc mapping pages are updated to accept special characters in local code and to map and store the values correctly.

PSSR-234449Ed-Fi Framework: New Run All Button on Dashboard for Publishing Section Resources

There is a new Run All button on the header of each section of the Ed-Fi dashboard. Click this button to download and publish section resources with the following options:

  • Publish Missing
  • Publish All
  • Publish Errors
  • Publish Dependencies
PSSR-233208Ed-Fi: Adjust LearningStandard Descriptions and Title for HTML

LearningStandards HTML tags for description and title values have been removed.

PSSR-234794Ed-Fi: Create Dependency on Description for LearningStandard

A new dependency is added to learningStandard publishing, which requires that a description be included in the learning standard before it can be published.

PSSR-233180Ed-Fi: Improve Performance for Publishing Transcript Resource

Ed-Fi is updated to publish Transcript resources with improved performance.

PSSR-235231Ed-Fi: Update to LearndingStandard Section of Grade Record

The learningStandard section of a grade record will now only be included in publishing when the letter grade or numeric grade for the learning standard is populated.

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